22 Tips to Start Home-made Ketchup Process

Home-made Ketchup Process: Ketchup is one of the most basic products that are consumed on a daily basis.

It is not only the most used, but is also loved by almost every consumer, irrespective of their age.

It has made its place in homes, restaurants, canteens and street foods etc.

Urban and semi-urban markets have now become popular users of Ketchup.

However, the fruit comes with its own advantages and disadvantages.

Tomato is a perishable product and cannot be kept in its natural form for too long.

Nevertheless, the advantage is that ketchup has a shelf life of 11-12 months.

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Home-made Ketchup Process
Home-made Ketchup Process: https://boulderlocavore.com

Home-made Ketchup Process

Starting a small business is without a doubt a large undertaking, but it is fortunately something that can be attained by anybody with a good idea, a strong work ethic, and a good set of resources. Starting a business involves thinking of a business concept, writing a business plan, understanding the financial side, and finally marketing and launching.

1. Ensure you have a business plan.

A business plan is critical to the success of a business and can be seen as a plan that describes your business, products/services, market, and describes how your business will go about expanding for the next three to five years. It is essentially a “road map” for your business to follow going forward.

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2. Define your goals.

Do you want financial independence, eventually selling your business to the highest bidder? Do you want something small and sustainable, that you love doing and from which you want to derive a steady income? These are the things that are good to know very early on.

3. Get to know the demands for the product

Tomato is a warm climatic vegetable which is rich in vitamin A & C besides lycopene & potassium. Tomatoes and tomato products are considered to be a healthy food because of its low fat content & calories. They are free of cholesterol & a good source of fibre and protein. As the demand for ketchup is increasing by the day, there is a huge demand for it in the market too.  Due to this, the local manufacturers have also made their way to enter into the business.  The standard manufacturer is no longer the sole player in the fruit pulp processing. This is the reason for the various differences in the quality of ketchup in the market today.

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4. Create a working name.

You could even do this before you have an idea for the business, and if the name is good, you may find it helps you define your business idea. As your plan grows, and things begin to take shape, the perfect name may come to you, but don’t let that hinder you in the earl

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y phases. Create a name that you can use while you plan and don’t hesitate to change it later.

5. Know the manufacturing methods

They are myriads of ways involved in the preparation of ketchup these days. Most of the ketchups are starchy and have an artificial base. Very few manufacturers are involved in the production of pure tomato puree based ketchup i.e. the one without starch. The quality of Ketchup can be determined by its texture, colour and taste. Tomato Juice is an intermediate product in processing of tomato paste.  For getting tomato juice, the tomatoes are broken and the seeds & skin are removed, followed by deaeration, homogenisation & aseptic processing.

The tomato paste is the refined tomato pulp that is concentrated at 30-32° Brix. It acts as a base material for sauces & ketchup. For the making of paste, the tomato pulp is deaerated to remove dissolved oxygen. It is then homogenised to increase its viscosity by reducing the separation of serum & heating & water evaporation of juice in an evaporator to get the final product concentration having 32 %, followed by aseptic processing and filling for long life of the product.

6. Write the marketing plan.

Your operational plan describes how you will produce your product, and your marketing plan describes how you will sell your product. When you create your marketing plan, try to answer the question of how you will make your product known to potential customers.

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7. Secure space.

Whether it’s an office, or a warehouse, if you need more space than your garage or your spare bedroom, now’s the time to get that.

8. Know the Processes involved in the production of Ketchup

Sauce is made with different vegetables, spices & vinegar. This product can be made from fresh tomatoes or from tomato paste.  The various processes that are involved in the production of ketchup are as follows:

Washing – The initial phase is to clean the tomatoes and remove the dirt before processing.

Sorting – This involves the sorting of good tomatoes from the bad ones. This is done to maintain the good quality of the tomatoes in the processing.

Blanching/Hot Breaking – In this process the tomato is heated in hot water and then cooled. This loosens the skin of tomato and makes it easy to remove and transfer the inner mass into the pulper.

Pulper – This process involves crushing the tomato to extract the pulp out of it.

Pre heating – In this stage, the starch, vinegar and sugar is added to the pulp and heated at 80 degree Celsius.

Homogenising – This helps in reducing the particle size and increases the consistency of the product.

Buffer tank – This is used in order to collect the homogenised product.

SSHE This is the acronym for Scrap Surface Heat Exchanger. It helps in the sterilisation and concentration of the product to make it thicker and give it the texture of ketchup.

Buffer tank – The final product is stored and then sent for filling with the help of the buffer tank.

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9. Come up with a pricing model.

Start by checking out your competitors. Know how much are they selling a similar product for. Can you add something to it (add value) to make yours different and hence make it a more enticing price?

10. Cover the financials 

The financial statements translate your marketing and operational plans into numbers — profits and cash flow. They identify how much money you will need and how much you might make. Since this is the most dynamic part of your plan, and perhaps the most important for long-term stability, you should update this monthly for the first year, quarterly for the second year, and then annually after that.

11. Build your product or develop your service.

Once you have the business all planned, financed, and have your basic level of staffing, get going. Whether that’s sitting down with the engineers and getting the software coded and tested, or getting materials sourced and shipped to your fabrication room (aka “garage”), or purchasing in bulk and marking up the price, the building process is the time during which you prepare for market. During this time, you may discover things such as:

  • Needing to tweak the ideas. Perhaps the product needs to be a different color, texture or size. Maybe your services need to be broader, narrower or more detailed. This is the time to attend to anything that crops up during your testing and development phases. You’ll know innately when something needs tweaking to make it better or to make it less like a competitor’s stale offerings.

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Home-made Ketchup Process

12. Secure start-up costs.

Most businesses require capital to start. Money is typically required to purchase supplies and equipment, as well as keep the business operational for the period before your business becomes profitable. The first place to look for financing is yourself.

  • Do you have investments or savings? If so, consider using a portion to fund your business. You should never invest all your savings into a business due to the risk of failure. In addition, you should never invest money put aside for emergency savings (experts recommend having three to six months of income put aside for this purpose), or money you will need over the next few years for various obligations.
  • Consider a home equity loan. If you have a home, looking to get a home equity loan can be a wise idea, since these loans are typically easily approved (since your home acts as collateral), and interest rates are typically lower.

13. Manage your running costs.

Keep a close eye on your running costs and keep them in line with your projections. Whenever you see something spent wastefully—like electricity, phone plans, stationery, packaging—look around and estimate how much you really need, and minimize or remove the cost in every way possible. Think frugally when you start up, including renting items instead of purchasing them and using pre-paid plans for services your business needs instead of locking yourself into long-term contracts.

Home-made Ketchup Process

14. Get a website.

If you’re selling online, get your ecommerce in gear and either build a website, or have one built for you. It’s your storefront, so anything and everything you can do to make people want to visit, and want to stay, do it.

  • Alternatively, if your business is more oriented toward the “in person” experience, traditional marketing may be just as important. For example, if you’re starting a landscaping business, focus on getting the word out to neighbors before starting a website
  • When making a website keep in mind that simplicity and clarity are key. A simple design that clearly states what you do, how you do it, and what you charge is most effective. When making your website, remember to emphasize why your business is the best solution to a clients problem.

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15. Hire professional designers.

If you do decide to get a website, make sure it looks professional. Designers may cost more initially, but a well presented and trustworthy site is essential. It needs to look professional and work with ease. If you are including money transactions, invest in security encryption and check that your money transfer companies are sound and reliable.

Home-made Ketchup Process

16. Launch your product or your service.

When the product is all built, packaged, coded, online, and ready to sell, or when your services are fully worked out and ready to go, hold a special event to launch your business. Send out a press release, announce it to the world. Tweet it, Facebook it, let the word resound to all corners of your market—you have a new business.

17. Consider a “soft” opening.

There is no rule that says your first day of business has to also be your Grand Opening.

Give your business a chance to work out the kinks before announcing itself to the world.

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Home-made Ketchup Process

18. Start early.

Don’t wait until opening day, or even until you know when opening day will be.

Be proactive in establishing brand awareness and generating anticipation.

A “coming soon” sign on your in-preparation storefront is a good start, but not enough on its own.

19. Establish a marketing budget.

The run-up to opening and first few months of operation may very well make or break your new small business, so make sure you give your initial marketing push a strong effort.

Home-made Ketchup Process

20. Use traditional media.

If your marketing budget allows, consider using traditional media like radio or newspaper.

If you can manage television advertising as well, it is always a good idea to diversify your ad presence.

21. Guarantee a positive customer experience

Have extra staff on hand to make sure customers don’t have to wait too long for service or attention.

22. Establish a bank account for your business.

It is very important not to mix business and personal finances, as this can lead to issues with the IRS.

Having separate bank accounts for business and personal transaction simplifies accounting and makes tax requirements easier to understand.

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