How to promote aquaculture: Though aquaculture farming is most times referred to as fish farming.
It is because fishes compose a larger fraction of this kind of farming practice.
Some farmers in Nigeria may want to go beyond fishing by incorporating other aquatic lives.
Which includes both salt and fresh water organisms.
And some entrepreneurs may also want to start this kind of business but may not know how to about.
Don’t worry; these steps will help you promote your aquaculture farming business.
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1. How to promote aquaculture
If you have your own business, it’s important to promote your brand in order to attract new clients.
Focus on a few simple strategies to help you get the word out there about your company.
However, doubling aquaculture production.
Without further increasing the industry’s efficiency could lead to a doubling of environmental impacts.
And unless the aquaculture industry is able to boost productivity.
The limited availability of land, water, and feed may constrain its growth.
Education, research and development are the means to promote aquaculture.
Traditional education, besides being limited in scope, emphasizes the accumulation of knowledge.
Often by rote learning or memory. Limited attention is given to developing the ability to think.
How to promote aquaculture
2. Invest in technological innovation and transfer.
Aquaculture is a young industry—decades behind that of livestock farming.
Improvements in breeding technology, disease control, feeds and nutrition.
And low-impact production systems are interlinked areas where science can complement traditional knowledge to improve efficiency.
These sorts of innovations—whether led by farmers, research institutions, companies, or governments—have been behind productivity gains in every part of the world.
For example, in Vietnam, a breakthrough in catfish breeding around the year 2000—complemented by widespread adoption of high-quality pelleted feed—unlocked a boom in production growth and intensification.
Vietnamese catfish production grew from 50,000 tons in 2000 to more than 1 million tons in the year, even though the country’s total catfish pond area only doubled during that time.
How to promote aquaculture
3. Focus beyond the farm.
Most aquaculture regulations and certification schemes focus at the individual farm level.
But having many producers in the same area can lead to cumulative environmental impacts—such as water pollution or fish diseases—even if everyone is following the law.
Spatial planning and zoning can ensure that aquaculture operations stay within the surrounding ecosystem’s carrying capacity and can also lessen conflicts over resource use.
Norway’s zoning laws, for example, ensure that salmon producers are not overly concentrated in one area, reducing disease risk and helping mitigate environmental impacts.
How to promote aquaculture
4. Shift incentives to reward sustainability.
A variety of public and private policies can give farmers incentives to practice more sustainable aquaculture.
For example, Thailand’s government has provided shrimp farmers operating legally in aquaculture zones with access to free training, water supply, and wastewater treatment.
The government has also provided low-interest loans and tax exemptions to small-scale farmers.
Helping them adopt improved technology that increased productivity, reducing pressure to clear new land.
5. Leverage the latest information technology.
Advances in satellite and mapping technology, ecological modeling, open data, and connectivity mean that global-level monitoring and planning systems that encourage sustainable aquaculture development may now be possible.
A platform integrating these technologies could help governments improve spatial planning and monitoring.
Help the industry plan for and demonstrate sustainability.
And help civil society report success stories and hold industry and government accountable for wrongdoing.
How to promote aquaculture
6. Eat fish that are low on the food chain.
Fish farming can ease pressure on marine ecosystems if farmed fish don’t need large amounts of wild fish in their diets.
Consumers should therefore demand species that feed low on the food chain—“low-trophic” species such as tilapia, catfish, carp, and bivalve mollusks.
In emerging economies, where consumption of low-trophic species is still dominant, emphasis should continue with these species even as billions of people enter the global middle class in coming decades.
At the same time, because fish are a major source of nutrition for more than a billion poor people in the developing world.
Growing aquaculture to meet the food and nutritional needs of these consumers will be essential.
7. Get new development skills
Development may be defined simply as the introduction of technology for the improved welfare of the rural poor.
It includes a wide range of activities which are necessary for rural aquaculture to fulfill its potential.
Including improved policy, infrastructure and institutions, including those at the local level.
In the narrowest sense it may be seen as the dissemination of knowledge and research findings to farmers.
But it also implies improvement of human resource capacity, of individuals and organizations who promote rural aquaculture as well as of farmers.
How to promote aquaculture
8. Apply Human resource capacity
That people have a major role in promoting aquaculture either as implementers (farmers, agribusiness) or facilitators is often overlooked.
Rural aquaculture is carried out by small-scale farmers.
But large-scale farmers may supply seed while agro-industry supplies inorganic fertilizers and supplementary feed inputs.
Rural aquaculture is promoted in-country by government and NGOs.
Assisted in many cases by international agencies such as bilateral and multilateral funding agencies, and global, regional and developed country technical institutions.
How to promote aquaculture
9. Dictates the need for a multidisciplinary team
The complexity of factors relating to the promotion of rural aquaculture dictates the need for a multidisciplinary team of natural and social scientists.
Unfortunately, multidisciplinary teams are hard to form and even harder to manage, specifically with regard to the need to apply a farming systems approach to fish production .
Specialists from different disciplines almost invariably have different world views and use different terms and methodologies.
Inability to communicate is compounded by the widespread human trait of believing oneself to be ‘right’ and the other person ‘wrong’.
Both individuals usually are only partly right as the sum of their limited knowledge and experience is often less than that required to solve the problem.
For multidisciplinary teams to be effective, one or more members need to invest significant time and effort to learn at least the rudiments of the disciplines of the other team members to provide an ‘interdisciplinary bridge.’
How to promote aquaculture
10. Involves a high-level of people with adequate skills and knowledge
Team or project management also involves a high-level of people-related and self-development skills and knowledge over and above the task-related skills more closely related to solving the problem concerning rural aquaculture. Effective management involves considerable leadership skills and an ability to manage people in a more democratic and participatory way than the traditionally hierarchical view of management replete with rules and regulations.
11. Develop a personal philosophy
Individuals also need to develop a personal philosophy to guide their thoughts and actions to better promote rural aquaculture.
The central tenet of any philosophy should be balance in coexistence with nature, balance in academic affairs by following a systems approach, and balance in dealing with other individuals in a flexible and constructive way.
The ancient Chinese philosophy of Tao, illustrated by the diagram of complementary and ever-changing opposites (yin, negative and yang, positive) provides a useful mode.
Taoists believe that the perfect person identifies his or her life rhythm with that of the forces of nature.
Everything is fundamentally one or a whole and everything in the universe is constantly changing; opposites are two aspects of the same reality in a constant state of flux.
12. Create a brand image, or logo.
How to promote aquaculture
13. Network.
Network with other professionals in the following ways:
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How to promote aquaculture
14. Attend networking group meetings.
You can find networking groups and clubs on the Internet, in newspapers and in trade publications.
Introduce yourself to people at the meetings.
Explain what it is your business does.
What you offer that makes you stand out from your competition.
And what you are looking for in business relationships.
Ask relevant questions during group discussions.
14. How to promote aquaculture
In addition to promoting your business.
You can learn a lot at networking meetings.
Additionally, asking open-ended questions encourages others to participate in the conversation.
And sets you up for more introductions.
Hand out your business cards.
Set up private meetings with those who express an interest in getting to know more about your business.
How to promote aquaculture
15. Advertise.
Consider these methods for advertising your business:
- Signs. You may opt for storefront signs, billboards, marquee boards or street-side yard signs.
- Print. Place print ads in magazines, newspapers, coupon books, trade journals and industry magazines. Choose print mediums that are suited to your business. For example, if you run a technology parts recycling warehouse, then you may consider placing ads in computer classifieds and technology magazines.
How to promote aquaculture
- Commercials. Television and radio commercials are effective ways to promote your business to a broad audience, but they are relatively costly forms of advertising.
- Advertisements. You may opt to pass out promotional materials at trade shows, at store fronts, in parking lots or in any other highly–populated areas. Some businesses, like nightclubs and entertainment venues, hire street crews to hand out advertisements and attract new customers.
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How to promote aquaculture
- Direct mail. You may purchase mailing lists targeted to your segment of the consumer market, then mail out letters, brochures, catalogs or postcards. This method is effective when you want to provide potential customers with paper coupons, vouchers, business cards or promotional merchandising.
- Public relations (PR) firms. You may hire a PR firm to create publicity for you in the form of news write-ups and press releases.
How to promote aquaculture
- Internet. Promoting a business online involves setting up a business website, participating in industry/trade forum discussions, running a blog , setting up accounts on social networking sites, using pay–per-click and banner ads, listing your business information in business directories and employing search engine optimization (SEO) techniques. Every business, regardless of its size or scope, could benefit from Internet marketing, and many Internet marketing mediums are free to use.
- AR Advertising. Short for Augmented Reality Advertising. It enriches the user experience by bringing life to the prints, when it’s enhanced with extra layer called a digital layer.
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16. Build business partnerships with other organizations.
Business partnerships can be very effective advertising tools.
How to promote aquaculture
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17. Rely on the power of social networks.
What’s it going to be?
- Try harnessing the power of viral media campaigns.
- Dollar Shave Club did very good business for itself simply by making a (funny, exciting, relatable) music video. It took off on social networks and now has over a million combined subscribers and followers on Facebook and Google+.
How to promote aquaculture
18. Offer freebies.
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19. Develop relationships with your customers.
How to promote aquaculture
20. Encourage customers to talk about their experience using your business.
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21. More tips
For the first 2 years in business put your profit back for the business to grow.
It is important to build your business through word of mouth or referral.
If you have done things right and your customers are happy with the task performed than they would gladly refer you to their family members or friends.
The important thing to remember here is that even though people are happy with your product or work.
They will not make the first move of telling others unless you request them to do so.
Go ahead, be bold, and ask for more business and people will oblige.
If you order pens, make sure the staff at the reception area or front lobby (if you have one) uses those to promote the company.
With the global wild fish catch stagnant and the human population increasing, aquaculture is here to stay.
The world, therefore, needs to get its growth right—and ensure that fish farming contributes to a sustainable food future.