How to Start Beans Farming Business in Nigeria : Beans farming in Nigeria have made it big due to the nutrients it has provided for man.
Apart from cassava and rice, the next food item you can find in every household in Nigeria is beans.
However, it is quite unfortunate that most of the beans we eat in this country are imported from foreign countries,
and this food item, in most cases is sifted from Niger Republic to Nigeria.
Nevertheless, it has been the practice of Nigeria to give away it money to other countries of the world,
in the name of imported products that can be grown here in Nigeria,
And create employment to the teeming Nigerian youths, when in Nigeria,
there are massive areas of fertile land that can be used to grow beans.
Now the question however is, what stops Nigerians from cultivating beans with this natural endowment in terms of fertile land?
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How To Start Beans Farming Business In Nigeria
However, the answer to the above question is not far fetch.
Be that as it were, if you look closely,
you will discover that there is no investment in Nigeria that can offer employment.
And wealth than farming business, including beans farming.
Studies have revealed that Nigeria’s lands are fertile enough to grow beans particularly in south west and south east of Nigeria.
The problems of Nigerians is that we are fun of doing away with what God has endowed us with,
and keep pursuing what we do not have access to, and let me say here that,
we will only get to where we should be as a nation,
if we channel our efforts to what is needful and noble.
How To Start Beans Farming Business In Nigeria
Therefore, farming is that, which is noble in a time such as this in Nigeria,
and beans farming is one of those aspects of farming that Nigerians can channel their efforts into,
and beans as we all know, is one of the major sources of protein to man.
Beans is prepared in variety of ways,
and as a result served as an all-around food staple in the country.
I hope that you also know that, beans as of today is in high demand in Nigeria,
therefore, engaging in beans farming means a huge investment,
not in terms of start-up capital, but in terms of return on investment (ROI).
Let us consider this statistics for instance.

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Business in Nigeria
How To Start Beans Farming Business In Nigeria
Things Necessary For Beans Farming:
Today in Nigeria, one hundred kilograms of beans is worth about twenty seven thousand naira.
Sometimes, the price can go as high as thirty six thousand naira particularly, during harvest season.
For example, if one hundred bags of beans go for twenty seven thousand naira,
which means that you are making about two million, seven hundred thousand naira in one hundred bags.
However, starting a beans farm that you are expecting to yield you about one hundred bags of beans may not necessary require up to a million naira,
in as much as you have a suitable land that will carry these numbers of beans plantation,
provided the cost of labour is low.
Accordingly, beans farming business in Nigeria does not need large investment,
but if you desire to know what it takes to go into beans farming in Nigeria,
I am going to show you in this article.
Read on to discover those steps.
How To Start Beans Farming Business In Nigeria
1. Locate Farm Land:
The first step of engaging in beans farming in Nigeria is,
to look for suitable land in an area where you have good and favorable climate for growing of beans.
You should not source for land where you know there is too much rainfall in that area,
as beans dose not survive under such climate.
So make sure that where you get the land has a moderate rainfall,
more so, during harvest time, the weather may be dry,
lengthened dry season and heavy rainfall does not occur well for beans crops.
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Business In Nigeria
How To Start Beans Farming Business In Nigeria
2. Prepare The Land:
Once you have gotten the land that is appropriate for growing your beans farming business,
the next step will be to prepare the land and make it ready for beans farming.
How do you prepare the land? Cut the grass on the land, burn up the grass,
and then plow the land and make it ready for planting.
How To Start Beans Farming Business In Nigeria
3. Select Your Seeds:
Beans are of verities, and not all the verities can be grown in Nigerian soil,
so the task before you will be to select the best beans seeds that are suitable in Nigerian soil.
Some of the beans seeds suitable for Nigerian soil are both the white beans and the red beans.
Please determine to select the beans seeds manually.
In order to ensure that only the best verities of beans seeds are selected.
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Business in Nigeria
How To Start Beans Farming Business In Nigeria
4. Plant Your Seeds:
Having completing the selection of best verities of beans seeds,
the next step will be to plant your beans seeds.
In planting your beans seeds, you have to be technical about it.
You will either plant them in blocks or you plant them in row,
and the depth of these seeds to the ground should be about six to seven inches with the seeds eyes facing the ground.
The seeds should be covered only with soft surface earth.
In six days the beans seeds will shoot and sprout into a good develop vegetation,
within fourteen days under normal condition.
How To Start Beans Farming Business In Nigeria
5. Maintain Your Beans Farm:
At this level, you are duty bound to maintain your beans farm if you must have bountiful harvest.
Usually beans crop can fair well under normal fertile soil without the application of fertilizer.
You must also note that beans farming does not always need fertilizer,
but you can apply some quantity of fertilizer when you find out that a particular area of the farm,
is low in soil fertility, and make sure that the fertilizer you apply is high in Nitrogen.
Another thing will be weeding your beans farm regularly,
if you do not want your bean crop to compete with grass,
because it can adversely affect the productivity.
Diligence is required when weeding your farm so as not to pull up the root of your plants. Read more…
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