5 Tips to Start Eggs Distribution Business

How To Start Eggs Distribution Business  : Might be you are a young school leaver, graduate or a Wace certificate holder.

And you are still folding your arms waiting for white collar job for some while now.

But noting tangible has come out of it.

Today I will advise that you dump the files in your cupboard.

And lock it up and keep reading this articles.

As am about to expose to you how to create wealth for yourself and be a blessing to you family with ” Egg Distribution Business”.

Eggs are highly portentous to the body and it’s for all classes of people.

Both the poor and the rich, young and old, learned or illiterate.

But before i move further let checkout the uses of eggs to the human body.

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How To Start Eggs Distribution Business : BusinessHAB.com
How To Start Eggs Distribution Business

How To Start Eggs Distribution Business


1) Since eggs are high in cholesterol and protein its use for the growing of children

2) It is good for the eyes due to the presence of vitamin A

3) The molecules found in the human brains is as a result of chlorine found in eggs. It therefore helps in molecules formation in the brain.

4) Its mixed with flour for the production of eggrolls, meat-pie, bread etc.

5) Its acts as immune boosters in the body as it reduces diseases in the body.

6) Used also for the manufacturing of some cosmetics and soaps, hence fighting against infection in the body.

How To Start Eggs Distribution Business


Egg distribution business is one of the easy, simple and straightforward business that even a 12yr old can venture into doing it and come out successful but before that you must know how it works and follow it accordingly as listed below:

  1. You find a ranch that offers egg
  2. Gather Eggs at a lower rate
  3. At that point find a retailer that will purchase your eggs
  4. Offer at a higher rate to the retailer
  5. keep the profits to yourself.

How To Start Eggs Distribution Business


Everybody can go out selling this particular eggs that you are doing in the distribution aspects but not everyone will know how to become successful in it, as some will be richer than the other while others will keep struggling with it

I will show you what you need to do so as to become more successful in it and have given guidelines below on how to go about it.

1) Own your van (car)

2) Have a start-up capital

3) Market Targeting

4) Labour or Workforce

How To Start Eggs Distribution Business

1) Own your van (car):

Owning your van is one if the best things you must have to make this business successful, consider hiring a vehicle to help transport your eggs for you from the poultry farm where it is located to you delivery spot.

The cost will be too much compared to owning your own van and may make 40% profits instead of 80% if you had owned a van yourself and besides there are places vans you hire may not penetrate even if you pay them, might be due to economic or environmental problem. Am aware of such cases and some of those places have come to order but based on the previous condition people will still be afraid to go with you that you may regret and see the need to have your van.

Even if at night you can wake up with your van to any place without worries. It will help you to distribute your eggs conveniently domestically to home users and on the market, shops etc. and making it easier for shops owners by rescuing them from transportation fee and time wasting and energy at work.

2) Have a start-up capital:

Capital here will be used in the purchase of eggs, egg creates, a used car if you can afford if not you transport it manually. Startup capital could be at most N100,000 as at now but it can be subject to change due to economic conditions.

 See also; How to Start A Dump Truck Business

3) Market Targeting: Market

Targeting here means that you must know where to sell it, whom to sell it to, places mostly needed, some of those places are schools-hostels/dormitories, baking factories etc. Once you have those target places you will then sell it to them directly without wasting much time. Though you may not see sells that much because every business takes some little time to boom but with time you will be highly connected to people, which. Is one of the big advantage in this business.

4) Workforce:

You cannot be the one driving the car, the one picking up eggs, the one uploading, the one offloading, the one going to solicit for available market and so on. You will need to employ some staff to work for you while you do your overall checks to ensure work is carried out as it supposed to be. With this there will definitely be efficiency in work, fast speed and quick delivery on time.

  Read also: Establishing a business in Nigeria, Everything you need to Know


In this business of egg distribution, you are your own boss as a sole proprietorship you control the affairs of your business and knows what comes in and how it goes out. You eventually decide on what you want to earn weekly and work as hard as enough to ensure it materialized to the expected profits.

You will pick up benefit of N100 on a box of egg if you offer in bulk or wholesalebut in the event, that you offer as a retailer you can have benefit of N300 on a case of crate. In the event that you confine yourself to offering just 100 cases create of eggs   every week, that implies you will be running on a benefit of N10,000 week by week and this is just #40,000 monthly. This is the manner by which you decide your benefit. Setting a focus to offer 1,000 cases of egg every week will mean you will be getting 100 x 1,000 = N100,000 weekly, increase this every month, that is a

whooping aggregate of N400,000 benefit on a monthly basis. Also, to note that when you deduct your month to month costs from this sum am certain you will in any case have a sensible profit left behind.

Please before and while waiting for the white-collar job, preferably the oil and gas job endeavor to use that time to do something tangible and move on. Because might eventually not come at the end of the day. Though distribution create business looks odd in a way to people as far as it fetches you money enough to feed yourself, family and your drams keep doing it. And if you have not yet joined this business please do so today.

If you need a complete business plan, please let us know. Or, you want us to help you set up this business, kindly contact us. Otherwise, Please check out these other business ideas you can do

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  1. Eggs Distribution Business: A Hidden Gold Mine In Nigeria. ☎️ 09069268112

    Eggs distribution is a hidden gold mine but unfortunately, only a very few people knows that this business can make you a millionaire in a very short time. The current retail price for a crate of egg is between N900 – N1,100. Now, if you buy from us at farm gate price of N650 per crate and you sell for N1,100 per crate, that is a whooping #450 naira gain on top of each crate, calculate that times 1,000 crates and you will see the profit potential of this business. The first thing to do if you want to invest in egg distribution Business is look for a reliable and trustworthy farm like our farm that is capable of supplying you steadily and without transportation cost.


    LARGE: ——————– N650 Per Crate
    MEDIUM: —————– N550 Per Crate
    SMALL: ——————– N450 Per Crate

    We make sure you get your products as specified and in time. We guarantee you of “zero risk purchase” experience in our farm. We do our best to ensure every customer is very satisfied by our products. We ensure you get exactly what you order for and also make sure you get your items in time.

    WE HAVE: Quality Poultry Feeds, Day Old Chics, Broilers, Layers, pullets, Cockerels, Day Old Turkey and poultry farming equipments available for sale at a very competitive price.

    FARM ADDRESS: Along Atan Road, Ijebu Ode, Ogun State.

    • Good to here from you, and i was looking for a good supplier, i hope we can start up something. Thanks. Pls your contacts.

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