How to Start Snail Farming Business in Nigeria: Snail Farming Business. Snail farming business opportunity demands discipline and specific knowledge in modern technology.
Snail farming is the process of raising land snails specifically for human consumption.
It has high rate of protein, iron, low fat and almost all the amino acids that are needed for human body.
Snails are considered as a healthy and tasty source of nutrition.
The demand is increasing day by day globally.
Why Snail Farming
The profit margin is extremely high in commercial snail farming.
The demand for snails both in the domestic and export market is higher than supplies.
Every part of the snail is useful. Apart from food, there is the usage of snails in the pharmaceuticals industry and fishing industry.
The modern upgraded technology is available for snail farming and one can generate more profit in a year.
The snail farming business is a practicable venture and still fully unexplored in our country.
Location for Snail Farming
When you are selecting location for your snail farming business, most important factor to consider is the land.
It should be plain land containing 20-40% organic matters and suitable for plants to grow.
It is advisable that soil should be friable soil with PH balance 5.8 to 7.5 and containing calcium.
You will need to have a light soil structure and should avoid clay type soil for snail farming business.
Good soil favours snail growth and provide some of their nutrition.
Your snailery must be escape proof and effective against predators and it allows easy entrée to the trend snails.
You must consider some termite resistant timber in building the snailery.
Expertise for Snail Farming
Before starting the snail farming business you will need to have sufficient knowledge and skill about the modern technology of snail farming.
There are some agriculture universities who organize workshop.
Attend those workshops or you can go to some government farm to get practical knowledge.
To make your snail farming business a successful venture.
It is important to know every financial; aspect of this business especially the start up cost, return and pay back.
Sourcing For Snail Farming
You will need to have some equipment in your farm.
Those are hutch boxes, trench pens, free range pens, mini paddock pens, movable pens, small weighing machine, thermometer etc.
Gather these supplies from reliable source. Concentrate in the species of snail that you are going to cultivate.
Most recommended snail species is Achatina Achatina.
It has high production capacity and it can lay eggs upto 500 pieces at once and also it laid eggs three times in a year.
You will need to source snail eggs from the reliable and certified suppliers.
Most snails are vegetarians and they accept many different kind of feed like green leaves, fruits, tubers and flowers. Besides these you can provide nutrition rich mixture feed to enhance the growth of the snails.
Give your farm a hygienic environment so that you can protect snails from having diseases.
Get proper insurance of your snail farming business to get compensation for any loss and damages.
Grow Your Snail Farming Project
You can sell the matured snails in local market.
You can contact local food retailers, hotels, restaurants, stores, super markets and institution and supply them.
There is very good export market for snails. Europe, France, US, Japan, Korea are the biggest export market for snails.
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