13 New Lesson Themes for Pre-primary Education

Lesson Themes for Pre-primary Education: Preschool systems observe standards for structure (administration, class size, student–teacher ratio, services), process (quality of classroom environments, teacher-child interactions, etc.) and alignment (standards, curriculum, assessments) components.

Curriculum is designed for differing ages. For example, counting to 10 is generally after the age of four.

The areas of development that preschool education covers varies.

Some studies dispute the benefits of preschool education, finding that preschool can be detrimental to cognitive and social development.

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Lesson Themes for Pre-primary Education:

There is emerging evidence that high-quality preschools are play based,” rather than attempting to provide early formal instruction in academic subjects.

Playing with other children, away from adults, is how children learn to make their own decisions, control their emotions and impulses, see from others’ perspectives, negotiate differences with others, and make friends,” according to Dr. Peter Gray, Boston College professor and an expert on the evolution of play and its vital role in child development. “In short, play is how children learn to take control of their lives.”

Lesson Themes for Pre-primary Education:

Preschool education, like all other forms of education, is intended by the society that controls it to transmit important cultural values to the participants. As a result, different cultures make different choices about preschool education. Despite the variations, there are a few common themes. Most significantly, preschool is universally expected to increase the young childs ability to perform basic self-care tasks such as dressing, feeding, and toileting.

Lesson Themes for Pre-primary Education:

However, the following main themes are typically offered.

  1. Personal, social, economic and emotional development
  2. Communication (including sign language), talking and listening
  3. World knowledge and World Understanding
  4. Creative and aesthetic development
  5. Mathematical awareness
  6. Physical development
  7. Physical health
  8. Play
  9. Teamwork
  10. Self-help skills
  11. Social skills
  12. Scientific thinking
  13. Literacy

Lesson Themes for Pre-primary Education:

The major courses taught in primary schools are mathematics, English, Bible or Qur’an, science, social sciences, and one of the three major languages: Hausa, Igbo, or Yoruba. Most courses are taught in the local language.

In some schools computer skills, art, and/or French are offered. In their sixth year, students take the National Common Entrance Examination (NCEE) for entry into federal and state government secondary schools.

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