BRAINSTORMING/PLAY-WAY METHOD OF TEACHING: It is one thing to teach by demonstration and quite another to teach by transformation. Teaching requires not a mastery of the material but an understanding of how the material fits together to form an understanding of a subject. The latter requires a play-way teaching methodology, which focuses on problem-solving instead of producing answers in advance.
Play-way teaching (also known as discovery teaching or act-based learning) is an instructional methodology that focuses on creating learning opportunities rather than on setting content in advance. The goal is not to produce answers in advance but rather to create a learning environment that discovers knowledge through acts such as brainstorming, playing games, testing hypotheses, and generating ideas.

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A play-way teacher works with students in a group setting. Each member has their own area where they can work with others without distraction from others or from interruptions from the teacher or other students who want help with their assignments. Students discuss an idea or topic together; then they play a game and try out various hypothesis before deciding upon the best idea for implementation at school.
This method does not focus on providing curriculum content but rather emphasizes creating learning opportunities and trusting learners’ creativity rather than on shaping them beforehand with pre-determined lessons and activities (Brammer & Agger, 2015).

The play-way teaching method is one of the most popular forms of teaching children. It involves creating learning environments that are fun and engaging, as opposed to a traditional lecture-style classroom. This article will break down the differences between these two methods of teaching, and which one is right for your classroom.



The way we learn will change in the future as wave after wave of educational researchers and innovators push us toward a “less is more” mindset. One school of thought is that if you’re not learning something new, you’re not growing. They call this the “teach-to-learn” philosophy, which focuses on ensuring that each student receives the very best education possible. The other side of this coin is the “play-based” approach, which believes in teaching students how to learn rather than what to learn. A play-based classroom is an inclusive space where students explore concepts by playing and talking rather than reading and watching. • Both approaches have their place, and it’s important for educators to understand the differences between them so they can reach students most effectively. Here are four ways that teaching methods differ between play-based and teach-to-learn classrooms: • Brainstorming: A common teaching method involves soliciting ideas from students in order to come up with a better way to do something or shape a practice into something productive. This seems like a simple idea — there’s nothing complicated or innovative about it — but without question, teachers have been brainstorming for thousands of years! In the world of education, there are many different ways to brainstorm ideas such as group work tools, openended writing tasks (like jotting down 10 things that came to mind when you read ), and even


In the teach-to-learn model, students are expected to “earn their way” to success through hard work and intelligence. The emphasis is on teaching students how to be smart rather than how to learn. While both of these approaches have their place in the educational landscape, the teach-to-learn model is more prevalent in the United States and some Western European countries.

Play-Based Learning

In the play-based learning model, students are not only encouraged to learn by playing but also to incorporate play into their regular education routines. Rather than teaching students how to read by reading books, play-based learning encourages students to learn through reading and writing. Play-based learning also emphasizes problem-solving, learning how to create and use tools, and critical thinking skills.

BraINSTORMing Method

In the BraINSTORMing method, students are encouraged to use learning for social and emotional development. This is most likely the method taught in charter and private schools, where students are expected to be emotionally resilient and have strong social skills. Fostering a sense of community and belonging are huge aspects of successful education, and learning through play can be an important part of that.

Teach-By-Doing Method

BRAINSTORMING/PLAY-WAY METHOD OF TEACHING: In this learning method, students working with different learning styles are paired off or grouped together to create lessons. Each group has a different teaching focus, such as reading, writing, math, science, history, etc. Within the group, students are expected to work together as a team to come up with lesson ideas, create lesson plans, and teach the assigned lesson. This method is flexible and open-ended, which means students can create their own learning experiences outside of the regular school curriculum.

Writing Your Way Into Understanding

BRAINSTORMING/PLAY-WAY METHOD OF TEACHING: In this teaching method, students learn by writing — not reading. The idea is that writing is a creative and analytical process that can help students think about and understand the world around them in new ways. This method is used in school settings and is based on the notion that writing is a creative process that engages the whole brain.

What’s important is that each approach has its place in the educational landscape. The main thing to remember is that no two classes of students will ever learn the same thing. Each student is an individual with unique learning preferences and needs, and the best educational approach for them will depend on their individual needs and goals.

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