43 Amazing Medical/food value Of Cassava

Ever came across a single ingredient that can take care of your  health.

And the whole parts of your body at all time?

And what if that very ingredient is also a poison?

Perplexed, aren’t you? Well, we are talking about cassava here!

How it benefits to your  healthy is simply beyond imagination!

And coming to its seemingly poisonous nature.

There are certain foods and ingredients that are supposedly poisonous.

But when eaten right can offer a number of benefits. Cassava is one of those!

Cassava – A Brief

Cassava is a tropical root vegetable that can be used along with potatoes, carrots, radishes and other tubers.

Cassava is also used in flour, which is a kind of starch required in kitchens around the globe.

Dry cassava flour can also be bought from grocery stores.

Finding fresh roots of cassava plants is almost impossible because they tend to rot very quickly.

The leaves of this veggie can be used to prepare food as well.

Compared to other green vegetable.

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The nutritional value of cassava is a little low.

The leaves of this plant have higher protein content when compared to the nutrients found in the roots of cassava.

Cassava needs a comfortable environment to grow well.

The best part of this plant is that it can survive for very long in soil that is poor in quality.

There are two kinds of cassava plants: sweet and bitter.

Bitter cassava plants have a higher level of cyanide.

And they have to be washed and crushed well before they are cooked.

This will remove all harmful toxins.

Once that has been done, you can grind the roots of cassava plants into flour to prepare different kinds of dishes.

Sweet cassavas, on the other hand, contain lower levels of cyanide.

And you may eat them as traditional root veggies.

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Medical/food value Of CassavaMedical/food value Of CassavaMedical/food value Of Cassava

Cassava Benefits

Cassava is known for its amazing benefits. Let’s go through a few of them!

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Medical Value:

1. Smoothens And Brightens Your Complexion

The peel of cassava plants can be used as a skin exfoliate.

You can split the peels, make a fresh paste out of it and use it as a scrub.

Brush the face well for a few minutes and wash it off with cold water.

Do this thrice a week to get good results.

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2. Great Face Mask

3. Hydrates The Skin

Cassava can also hydrate your skin tone and make it smooth and soft.

You will have to prepare a mask for this one at home.

Take cassava plant roots with some honey or olive oil.

You can combine it with a fruit too. A few drops of lemon will also do.

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4. Removes Scars And Spots

Cassava starch water can help in healing wounds and scars.

If you apply gently all over the affected area around twice a day.

It is not only your health and skin that will be on the receiving end of benefits when it comes to cassava.

Using cassava roots and leaves will also help you see changes in the quality of your hair.

5. Cassava is good for low-calorie diet.

Why so? This is because cassava is a food with a lower carbohydrate content than rice and bread. With a high fiber content that makes the stomach still feels full for a long time.

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6. Cassava is good for your digestive health
Cassava is a tuber that contains a lot of Insoluble Fiber or fiber is not soluble in water.

This type of fiber works expedite the process of defecation, and able to absorb and remove toxins in the intestine, so that your digestive health.

7. Anticancer

cassava is as an antioxidant, anticancer, anti tumor, and increase appetite.

Common parts of this plant are the leaves and tubers.
Cassava tubers contain calories, protein, fat, carbohydrate, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B and C, and starch. The leaves contain vitamins A, B1 and C, calcium, calories, forfor, protein, fat, carbohydrate, and iron.While the bark, contains tannin, peroxidase enzymes, glycosides, and calcium oxalate.

Aside from being a food crop cassava has many benefits as a drug.

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Among rheumatic drugs, headache, fever, sores, diarrhea, intestinal worms, dysentery, night blindness, beri-beri, and can increase stamina.
Overcoming arthritis can be done with the use of inner and external use.
In external use, as many as five pieces of cassava leaves, 15 grams of red ginger, and whiting to taste, crushed and added to water.

After stirring, herbs smeared on the body of the sick.

On the use of the, 100 grams of cassava stems, one stem lemongrass, and 15 grams of ginger boiled with 1,000 cc of water until the remaining 400 cc.

Then filtered and drunk as much as 200 cc. Do it twice a day.

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8 . Helps Your Hair Grow Faster

If you are tired with the condition of your hair.

Especially because of its slow growth, I would definitely recommend Cassava.

Its roots and leaves can be used to make a fresh paste.

That can be applied on oiled hair an hour before you rinse it.

Doing this twice a week will help you see changes.

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9. Controls Hair Fall

Women have often complained about hair fall.

They are tired of talking about it, and we are tired of hearing about it!

A simple, quick and effective solution to this problem is cassava.

This will nourish your hair from the roots to the tips, hydrate it and control hair fall.

10. Provides Nourishment

Cassava plants are a powerhouse of nourishment. 

If you have hair that is dry or damaged, consider this plant and let it help repair all the damage.

The tubes and roots of the cassava plant contain calories, proteins, fat, carbohydrates, iron, Vitamin B and C and also starch.

The leaves contain calcium, iron, fats and protein too.

No wonder they have been proved to be beneficial for your health, body and mind.

With that said, let’s go through some of the major cassava health benefits.

11. Overcoming headaches

Pounded cassava leaves and then used to compress.

As drug fever, 60 grams of cassava tree trunk, 30 grams jali.

Which has been soaked until soft boiled with 800 cc of water until the remaining 400 cc.

Potions filtered and drunk as much as 200 cc. Do it twice a day.

12.Addressing diarrhea

seven pieces of cassava leaves boiled with 800 cc of water until the remaining 400 cc.

Then filtered and drunk as much as 200 cc.

Do it twice a day.

13. Deworming drugs.

60 grams of cassava bark and 30 grams ketepeng chinese boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc.

Then filtered and drunk at bedtime.

Overcoming berries, 200 grams of cassava leaves eaten as a salad.

14. Overcoming fester.

Fresh cassava stems crushed and then placed on the body of the sick. To scratch, grated cassava and then affixed on the sick and bandaged.

15. Helps You Lose Weight

Cassava is very important for all those who are trying to shed those excess pounds that have accumulated over the years.

It is found in rice and bread and is low in calories too.

The high fiber content in cassava helps you stay full for a longer period and prevents binge eating.

16. Good For Your Digestive System

Cassava contains fibers, which are not soluble in water.

It helps in the absorption of toxins that enter your intestines.

In that way, it improves your digestive health and keeps it chugging along nicely.

17. To increase stamina

100 grams of cassava, 25 grams kencur, and five grains angco (red dates, buy at the drug store / food china) which has been seeded, blended by adding enough wate.

Then add honey and drink

18. Helps In Overcoming Headaches

Most of us suffer from headaches, and for some, it can become unbearable.

But you can treat it with the help of cassava.

All you have to do for this is take 60 grams of cassava roots or leaves and soak it in water for a couple of hours.

Make fresh juice using a blender and then drink it down twice a day.

And banish those killer headaches!

19. Prevents Cancer

Here comes an amazing benefit of Cassava.

Cassava helps in preventing life-threatening diseases such as cancer.

The B17 content in these leaves helps in stimulating the content of red blood cells.

The loss of which often leads to cancer.

20. Treats Diarrhea

Cassava addresses conditions such as diarrhea too.

You may take several pieces of cassava and boil it in water.

Wait for it to come to room temperature.

Drink this liquid twice a day to feel the difference.

21. Good For The Eyes

Cassava is rich in Vitamin A and compounds.

Such as bakarotennya that improve the health of your eyes.

And in the future prevents blindness or poor eyesight.

22. Cure Fever

Cassava leaves are also effective in treating fever.

To get the best results, use the stem as well as the leaves of cassava to make a decoction.

In order to make this, you have to boil the root and the leaves instead of steeping them in warm water.

Simply take 400 grams of cassava leaves and 80 grams of the stem and boil them uncovered in a liter of water.

When the volume of water is reduced by half, take it off the heat and cool.

23. Help Treat Rheumatic Diseases

Rheumatic diseases refer to diseases pertaining to the muscles and joints.

Osteoporosis, arthritis, spondylitis and lupus are some examples.

Cassava leaves are rich in magnesium

In fact, a diet high in magnesium leads to lowered blood pressure levels.

That reduces the chances of rheumatic diseases throughout life.

Cassava supplies more than a third of your daily magnesium requirement per serving.

To make an all natural rheumatic medication.

Take 150 grams of cassava leaves, some lemongrass and salt along with 15 grams of ginger root.

Boil these ingredients in a liter of water until the volume has reduced to about 400ccs.

Drink this potion every morning to keep rheumatic diseases at bay.

24. Heal Wounds

Cassava leaves are great for healing injuries and wounds.

It has plenty of nutrients that can help in quickly healing such injuries.

Crush cassava leaves in a little amount of Aloe Vera gel and make a smooth paste.

Smear this paste on the wound.

You can also use the stem of cassava in healing wounds.

From the smooth paste made from the leaves and the gel, grate some of the cassava root.

If the wound is from a burn, squeeze the pulp out of cassava rhizomes and apply it daily to the wound.

25. Clear Up Worms

This benefit of cassava leaves is sourced from some solid research.

It has been found that cassava leaves reduce nematode infection in the GI tract.

An experiment was done on young goats that were fed a steady diet of fermentative additives of rice and cassava leaves.

It was found that the supplementation drastically reduced the symptoms of nematodic infestation.

To take cassava to eliminate worms, you can buy cassava supplements found in pharmacies.

You can also make a paste of cassava leaves and eat that as a whole.

26. Develops Appetite

Cassava is full of benefits, among which appetite restoration is one.

If you are feeling averse towards food, cassava leaves will restore your appetite.

To do this, make a concoction of cassava leaves with ginger and drink it every morning right after waking up.

27. Beneficial For Pregnant Women

Pregnant women need lots of vitamin C and folate.

In fact, these two supplements are prescribed right from the beginning of the gestation period.

Now, these two are also found aplenty in cassava leaves.

A cup of cassava contains 15 percent of your daily folate requirement and 47 percent of the daily calcium requirement.

Cassava leaves have a bland taste, so chop the leaves and cook them with meat and vegetables in a stew.

This way, you will make a great meal out of the healthy leaf.

28. Help Fight Kwashiorkor

Cassava leaves are full of lysine protein .

This makes the leaves perfect for fighting against protein deficiency conditions like Kwashiorkor.

However, depending on cassava as the sole source of protein can be harmful if the leaves are not cooked properly.

There is evidence suggesting cassava containing cyanogenic glucosides.

This can lead to loss of eyesight and cyanide poisoning.

So the tuber and leaves must be washed properly, and cooked well before eating.

Medical/food value Of Cassava

29. Strengthens Immunity

Folate and vitamin C, both found in plenty in cassava leaves, are very good for the body’s immune system.

Vitamin C helps the immune system by attacking the nucleus of virus and bacteria, rendering them dead.

It also maintains bone health.

It is also a good antioxidant that eliminates free radicals in the body.

Free radicals are known to have links with cancer.

Folate helps in the production of cells in our body.

Thereby helping in making the genetic material for life and preventing DNA mutations.

30. Boosts Energy And Improves Brain Function

Since cassava flour is high in carbohydrates, it helps in boosting energy.

Not only that, your brain will begin to work more efficiently when you add cassava flour to your meals.

Every serving contains 80% of carbohydrates, which is more than enough for your daily consumption.

Medical/food value Of Cassava

31. Beneficial For Nerve Health

Some experts believe that cassava flour is essential for a balanced nervous system.

Not only does it fight stress and anxiety, but also provides support to your overall health.

32. Maintains Healthy Muscles

If you are health conscious, cassava flour will definitely help you build strong and lean muscles.

It contains protein that maintains your muscle health and nourishes the tissues.

One serving contains 2 grams of protein, which is enough to meet your daily requirements.

Medical/food value Of Cassava

33. Lowers Blood Pressure

Another amazing benefit of cassava flour is that it significantly lowers blood pressure.

This is again because it is high in dietary fiber.

Every cup of cassava flour increases your fiber intake by 4 grams.

This significantly contributes towards the ideal fiber intake recommended for women on a regular basis.

34. Makes You Less Prone To Diseases

With cassava flour, you can lower the chances of diseases such as osteoporosis.

This is because it contains essential minerals such as copper and magnesium that promote a healthy lifestyle.

One cup of cassava contains only 206 grams of copper, which covers around 24% of your daily requirement.

Medical/food value Of Cassava

Food Values:


This is made from fresh cassava tubers.

The tubers are peeled,  washed and cut into pieces.

They are then soaked for 3 to 6 days, depending on the season.

This takes less time in the dry season.

Then the fibres are removed and the chips are dried in the sun before they are stored in clean bags.


Cassava flour production is made either from dried chips or from unfermented cassava paste.

In both cases, the product is dried, ground finely and sifted before being packaged.

 From dried chips

  • Grind or crush the chips to produce the flour.
  • Sift the flour and put it in suitable packaging (i.e. cup, bag, packet).

From cassava paste

The cloth  must be put on a raised support and not directly on the ground.

  • Press the paste obtained after grating the peeled and carefully cleaned roots.
  • Dry in the sun on a clean cloth, positioned on a gentle incline.
  • Dry the paste until it is floury.
  • Then grind the dried paste in a mortar or in a mill to produce the flour.
  • Sift the flour and transfer it to suitable packaging (i.e. cup, bag, packet).

Medical/food value Of Cassava


Cassava starch is produced from unfermented cassava paste, the processes involve

  • Mix the cassava paste in a vat of water, at a ratio of 5 litres of water to 1 kg of paste.
  • Sift the mixture and collect the starch milk in a basin. Allow the starch to settle for 1 hour.
  • Collect the paste that has been deposited at the bottom and leave it to dry in the sun.
  • This extracts the starch.
  • Grind the starch and sift the powder, then package it into bags.


The fermented and baked meal, is made from the fermentation of peeled and crushed cassava.

Fermentation is carried out by enzymes known as magnan.

The semolina is obtained after spinning the paste.

It is dried, sifted, sized and steamed to give a sticky and slightly tangy product .


Garri is one of the popular foods in Africa, especially Nigeria, Garri is a dry meal that can be kept for a very long time.

It is quite technical and herculean to prepare.

The preparation for Garri goes thus;

  • Prepare the cassava paste, pack into bags and leave it to ferment for 2 to 3 days.
  • Press the paste using blocks of stone or a press, until the water stops dripping.
  • Note that the surface of the bag should remain moist.
  • Drain the dry paste using a sieve while removing some of the fibres
  • Grill or roast the semolina in a pan or on a hot plate.
  • After roasting, sieve the gari to remove the large pieces that remain and size using a bamboo sieve with different mesh sizes, which will give different qualities of gari.
  • Keep them in a clean container (bag or packet) for trading.

Medical/food value Of Cassava


This is a meal made from cassava leaves, it is common in Tanzania.

To make the leaves edible, previously chopped or ground leaves must be cooked to remove the large amount of cyanogens that it contains.

This food is prepared by rushing the leaves with a mortal and pestle to produce a produce a very fine pulp. Boil water, add the salt and the crushed leaves.

Stir continuously until the leaves are cooked.

Put aside. Fry onions andadd coconut milk or peanut butter.

When the mixture starts to boil, add the cooked cassava leaves.

Stir for a few more minutes and remove from the heat.

Serve with rice or another main cereal-based dish.

Medical/food value Of Cassava


As we have other farm produce bread, like wheat, so also exists cassava bread.

This is baked using cassava flour, it has been researched to be more nutritious than other type of breads.


Cassava paste is another by product made from fresh cassava roots or tubers and water.

This can be made in two ways, either fermented or unfermented.

To make it using the fermented method.

Medical/food value Of Cassava

The cassava tubers are peeled and washed after which they are soaked for 3 days to soften them.

Once fermented, clean them by removing the central section, then take out the cassava.

The resulting paste is pressed and crushed to make the fermented cassava paste used in the production of cassava sticks.

Unfermented cassava paste is used in the production of several products such as: pastries, couscous, semolina, starch, etc.

The cassava roots are peeled and Washed in clean water.

Then grated. Grating is either done manually.

By rubbing the cassava against a grater or mechanically through a mill.

Medical/food value Of Cassava

Nutritional Value Of Cassava

The table below will give you a clear idea on the nutritional value of cassava.

One cup of raw cassava contains:

  • Calories: 330
  • Total fat: One gram
  • Cholesterol: Zero percent
  • Sodium: 29 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 78 grams
  • Dietary fiber: 4 grams
  • Sugars: 4 grams
  • Protein: 3 grams

Medical/food value Of Cassava

Uses Of Cassava

Cassava plants can also be put to several uses.

You can prepare soups and stews by using this as the core ingredient.

This will fill up your stomach and help you stay full for a longer period.

Since it is a starchy vegetable.

It contains an element of thickness that stimulates the appetite and also lasts for a long time.

However, be careful while you are using this plant.

Excessive consumption brings you one step closer to nutritional deficiencies and diseases.

Medical/food value Of Cassava

Word Of Caution

This popular tuber also has some side effects that you should be aware of. Here are a few of them:

Cassava contains a toxin called linamarin.

When eaten raw, the human digestive system converts this toxin into cyanide, which can prove to be fatal.

The cassava root rots quickly, which leads to depletion in its nutritional value.

It can also cause fungal and bacterial infections.

The toxic substances in cassava are known to affect the pituitary gland and impact the functioning of liver and kidneys.

Now, don’t let these side effects scare you awa.

If you peel, clean, and cook cassava well, there is no reason why you cannot enjoy its goodness without worrying about toxins.

Medical/food value Of Cassava

Medical/food value Of Cassava

Cleaning and cooking flush out all the toxins from cassava and makes it completely eatable.

Nature is miraculous, isn’t it?

Something that is toxic can turn into a health boon!

Amazing! Plants like cassava are often misunderstood.

But with knowledge comes power.

Now that you know about cassava benefits and how it can help you lead a healthier, more beautiful life.

Medical/food value Of Cassava

There is no reason to shy away from it.

But like always, don’t forget to talk to a doctor.

And discuss cassava benefits and side effects to avoid complications!

Are you aware of any other benefits of eating cassava?

Please share with us in the comment box given below.

Your thoughts and opinions are always precious


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