How to Get the Best from Medical Supply Store Durham NC

Medical Supply Store Durham NC

Medical Supply Store Durham NC: It takes a team effort to provide effective, compassionate care to those who need it, and the team is dedicated to serving those needs.

From personal attention, you deserve to deliver the service and products that fit your lifestyle.

We strive to ensure that your daily life is made easier.

Remember, you can choose your medical equipment provider – exercise that right and choose the company that sets the standard.

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Medical Supply Store Durham NC:
Medical Supply Store Durham NC

Medical Supply Store Durham NC

Medical equipment can be very expensive, particularly if patients are already paying hefty medical bills.

Many patients may then try to buy used medical equipment as a way to lessen the costs of their treatment.

Buying and selling used medical equipment can be a profitable enterprise.

Especially if you are smart about which types of equipment you buy and sell.

There are several ways you can buy used medical equipment and then sell it to the individuals who need it.

Buying their Used Medical Equipment

Search for medical equipment via online sellers.

Do not expect a speedy response if the person is dead because they won’t be able to respond.

There are many online sites that sell used medical equipment at competitive prices.

From general online selling sites like or to more specific sites that sell used medical equipment, such as,,, or

  • You should do a search on these online sellers for the specific equipment you are interested in, such as monitors, defibrillators, or imaging equipment. Searching more than one online site at once can help you to find competitive prices and the best deals on used medical equipment.

Check medical equipment liquidation sales.

Medical equipment providers often have liquidation sales where they sell old equipment or used equipment that is sold through a consignment service through the provider.

Do a search online or in the newspaper classifieds section for medical equipment providers who offer discounted used equipment.

Medical Supply Store Durham NC

Look for used medical equipment for sale at medical facilities.

If you know a medical center is moving or closing near you.
You may want to check in and see if they are having a closing or moving sale.
You can often find used medical equipment at good prices.

Through local medical facilities that are not taking their equipment with them or replacing their existing equipment.

  • Many medical facilities will advertise their used equipment online on sites that sell medical equipment. You may want to do a search on these sites for medical facilities in your area that are advertising their equipment for sale.

Talk to healthcare providers who are selling their old equipment.

Reach out to healthcare providers, such as your doctor or a family doctor, and ask them if they have any old equipment they would be willing to sell.

They may also be able to refer you to other healthcare providers who are thinking of selling their old medical equipment.

  • Try to be specific about what types of medical equipment you are looking for when you talk to healthcare providers.
  • If you are looking for a specific wheelchair model, for example, you may ask your doctor if he knows of any healthcare providers who might be willing to sell a used version of the wheelchair.

Confirm the equipment is in good condition before buying it.

When you are searching advertisements for equipment, make sure the ads contain several photographs of the equipment to ensure the equipment is in good condition.

Look closely at the equipment for any damage, marks, or scratches.

The seller should disclose any damage to the used items in their advertisement.

If the seller does not do this, you may want to think twice before buying an item from the seller.

As the seller could be suspicious or neglect to specify damage to the item in an attempt to make a quick buck.

  • You should also contact the seller directly through the contact info provided and ask for more detail on the equipment to determine its condition and if it is what you’re looking for.
  • Starting a conversation with the seller about the item can allow you to feel more comfortable about buying used medical equipment online and ensure you know exactly what you are buying from the seller.

Selling their Used Medical Equipment

Be aware of the equipment that has a high resale value.

If your medical equipment is in good condition and is still currently used by medical professionals.

You will likely be able to find a buyer for it.

However, some equipment is in higher demand than others and you should be aware of high resale value items.

The prices for these items may be competitive and you may want to factor in resale value when you are buying medical equipment as well.

Popular medical equipment items for resale include:

  • Wheelchairs
  • Anaesthesia machines
  • Surgical tables
  • Defibrillators
  • Ventilators
  • Infusion and syringe pumps
  • Patient monitors
  • Incubators
  • Infant warmers
  • Surgical microscopes
  • EKG machines

Medical Supply Store Durham NC

Clean the equipment.

Before you can sell your used medical equipment, you will need to clean it up and make it look almost as good as new.

If you are selling a used wheelchair, for example, you should use cleaner to wash and clean the chair.

You should also wash the wheels and make sure the wheels still work properly.

  • Cleaning the equipment will ensure it is in selling shape and will look appealing in advertisements.
  • It is also easier to assess how used the equipment is when it is clean and looking its best.
  • You may then factor in its level of use in your pricing of the equipment when you sell it.

Photograph the equipment.

Once you have cleaned up the equipment so it looks its best.

You should take four to five good photographs of the equipment at different angles.

You can then use these photographs in your advertisements for the equipment.

  • Use a good digital camera to get several clear shots of the equipment.
  • You may want to have someone use the equipment as you photograph it so you can show that the equipment is in good working condition.
  • Photograph the equipment against a solid white background so it is easy to see the equipment in the images. The images should only show the equipment and no other clutter or items, especially if the other items are not for sale.
  • Use good lighting to it is easy to view the equipment and use a high resolution for the images so they will look good in your online advertisements.
  • When photographing the equipment, it’s important that you also note any damages or issues with the equipment in the advertisement.
  • You should take pictures of any damages to the equipment so you can be completely honest and forthcoming in the ads for the equipment.

Medical Supply Store Durham NC

Advertise the equipment online.

There are several online sites that allow you to sell used goods for a small fee, such as, or

As well as sites that specialize in selling and buying used medical equipment for a small fee.

Such as,,, or

  • You can also search online forums that relate to a certain disability and post equipment that may be useful for individuals with that disability in the forums.
  • This way, you are advertising directly to individuals who may be the most interested in the equipment.

Sell the equipment to a resale shop.

Many medical equipment shops will offer cash or store credit for used equipment.
You may also be able to sell the equipment on consignment.
Where you get a percentage of the sale of the equipment.
Look up local medical equipment stores in your area and offer your equipment.

Most stores will take items based on need and on the condition of the equipment.

  • Some medical equipment shops can also refurbish broken equipment and turn damaged equipment into sellable equipment.
  • This may save your damaged medical equipment from the charity shop or the dump and allow you to still turn a small profit from the equipment.

Reach out to medical facilities in your area.

If there are any medical facilities in your area, contact them and offer to sell them your used medical equipment.

Medical facilities that are publicly funded may be short on equipment and be willing to purchase equipment from you for a reduced price.

  • It’s a good idea to contact the facilities before you bring any equipment to their door, as you do not want to haul large equipment there only to be told they are not interested.
  • Be sure to send the facilities photographs and descriptions of each item or piece of equipment so they have a good sense of the condition of the equipment.

Consider setting up your own medical equipment resale shop.

It may take time to become a reseller who specializes in medical equipment.

As you will need to accumulate inventory from other sellers by buying up popular medical equipment for resale.

If you happen to have a high amount of used medical equipment at your disposal.

You may want to consider setting up your own resale shop, allowing you to reap the highest profits off the sales of the equipment.

  • Keep in mind there are many resale shops for medical equipment online with a large amount of inventory and a solid customer base.
  • You may want to distinguish your medical equipment shop by specializing in several popular items or on the needs of a specific medical community.

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