The Six Best Ways to Treat Poison Ivy from Head to Toe

Poison ivy treatment cvs: If you love being outdoors as much as we do, then you know that summer is the best time to get outside and enjoy Mother Nature from her greenest side. Unfortunately, we also know that this is peak poison ivy season! Once again, if you’ve ever suffered from a bout of this pesky plant, you already know why it’s called “poison” ivy: those leaves and vines are filled with oils that can cause terrible itching and an allergic reaction in some people. While it doesn’t happen to everyone, if you have sensitive skin or an immune system weakened by another condition, then you may want to take extra precautions while exploring the great outdoors. In order to do so without fear of recurrence or fear of contracting poison ivy again in the future, we’ve compiled a list of some of our favorite tips for getting rid of poison ivy once and for all — without any scary chemicals!

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The Six Best Ways to Treat Poison Ivy from Head to Toe


If you’ve ever suffered from poison ivy, you know it can be a painful and irritating rash. The plant releases an oil called urushiol that causes an allergic reaction in most people who come into contact with it. Poison ivy is common in many areas where there are wooded areas, fields or even just an overgrown garden. If you think you may have come into contact with the plant, knowing how to treat poison ivy from head to toe can help ease your symptoms and prevent it from spreading. If you suspect that you have contracted poison ivy or if you know for certain that you were exposed to it, read on to learn about the six best ways to treat poison ivy from head to toe.

Shower with Vinegar

If you happen to get poison ivy on your scalp, try washing your hair with vinegar. Vinegar is an excellent natural remedy for a variety of different conditions, including eczema and psoriasis. It is also an effective treatment for conditions such as dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis, and psoriasis. Getting poison ivy on your scalp may cause itching and scaliness, which can be particularly uncomfortable. If you notice any irritation, try washing your hair with apple cider vinegar or white vinegar. Using vinegar to wash your hair can help ease the itching and dryness associated with poison ivy on your scalp.

Apply Calamine lotion

Calamine lotion is an over-the-counter product that can help alleviate itching from poison ivy and other types of rashes. Calamine lotion contains zinc oxide, which can be an effective treatment for poison ivy. Vinegar can be applied to the skin to help soothe the itching that is associated with poison ivy. Calamine lotion can also be applied to the skin to provide a soothing sensation that can help calm the itching. Calamine lotion can be applied to the skin as often as needed to help ease itching and inflammation.

Treat with an anti-itch cream

An anti-itch cream can be used to treat the itching and discomfort associated with poison ivy. Anti-itch creams can soothe the affected skin while also containing ingredients that help calm the itching. Anti-itch creams that contain ingredients such as calamine and colloidal oatmeal can be applied to the skin to help ease itching and swelling. Anti-itch creams can be applied as often as needed to help treat the itching of poison ivy.

Apply cornstarch

Potassium carbonate, a common ingredient in cornstarch, can be effective at decreasing the severity of the rash caused by poison ivy. If you have a blister that has been created by the urushiol oil from poison ivy, you can apply cornstarch to the area to help draw out the fluid from the blister and help reduce the severity of the breakout. You can also apply cornstarch to areas of your body that have come into contact with poison ivy to help prevent a rash from forming. Applying cornstarch to your skin can help draw out the urushiol oil, preventing a rash from forming in the affected area.

Use an antibiotic ointment

If the poison ivy rash is particularly severe, you may want to consider applying an antibiotic ointment. An antibiotic ointment can be used to treat the rash caused by poison ivy. Anti-itch creams and calamine lotion can be effective for treating the itching and dryness associated with poison ivy, but they are not as effective for treating the rash. Antibiotic ointment can help treat the rash caused by poison ivy by hastening the healing process.

Try essential oils

Some essential oils can be effective for treating poison ivy. Tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil can help ease the itching associated with poison ivy. Peppermint and lavender oils can be useful for reducing pain caused by the rash. Chamomile and ylang ylang oils can be effective for calming inflamed skin. If you have poison ivy on your skin, you can apply tea tree or eucalyptus oil directly to the affected area. You can also add tea tree or eucalyptus oil to a bath to help soothe the skin and ease the itching of poison ivy.


If you think you may have come into contact with poison ivy, it is important to take action right away. The sooner you begin treating the rash, the less likely it is that it will spread throughout your body. If you think you have come into contact with poison ivy, you should wash your hands with warm water and soap, and clean the area of skin that came into contact with the plant thoroughly. If you think you have contracted poison ivy, you can treat the rash by using any of the six methods listed above.

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