Recharge/Get Paid (RAGP): Recharge And Get Paid also known as RAGP is the trending business opportunity here in Nigeria.
I am going to share how to make money online with Recharge and get Paid, since there are numerous ways to make money on this platform.
Recharge and get paid is not a money doubling game but if you build with us.
You could start earning millions in in few months Recharge and get paid has changes peoples financial stories .
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Related: 21 Tips to Maintain Recharge & Get Paid Website in Nigeria
Recharge/Get Paid (RAGP) Business
Once you’ve decided you want to start a small business, formulated your business plan, lined up financing, and secured a site, the time will finally come to actually open up shop.
While planning a business may present challenges, the actual act of opening a business and bringing the business concept to fruition has its own set of difficulties.
To have a better chance of long-term success, you need to get your business off to a good start.
Here are a few tips on how to Start Recharge And Get Paid (RAGP) Business in Nigeria.
1. Understand the basic things about the business
Before you register and Join Recharge and get Paid.
I want you to understand that one of the key factor in succeeding in anything you do is understanding the basic things you need to do to make it work
I Always have this issue with people when it comes to joining RAGP now let me explain.
To Join Recharge and get Paid It is recommended that the person who introduced recharge and get paid to you.
You will pay into his account and from there he will fund his ewallet with the money you paid and then carry on the registration.
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2. Recharge/Get Paid (RAGP) Business
Why We Don’t Pay To Company Account
People come to my inbox every day and once I say make payment.
So as to get registered they do jump and ask me ask me “why can’t I pay to company account?”
For someone who wants to join Recharge and get paid.
Paying into the company account will be a big task to handle because of verification
3. Recharge/Get Paid (RAGP) Business
RAGP is a global business and not a Nigerian based stuff that you will just pay into the company account.
Because it will take months for your payment to be verified
A sister paid into the company account skipping the above process i mentioned and it was hard for her to get verified and things became worse for her
So like I said earlier the Ewallet method of registration is the fastest.
And most convenient way to Get registered on the platform without having to wait months for verification
4. Know how Recharge And Get Paid Works
Recharge And Get Paid or RAGP is a telecom company with a platform.
That uses Licensed VTU (Vitual Top Up) to recharge products of MTN, GLO, ETISALAT and AIRTEL Data Subscriptions as well as Cable TV Subscriptions.
Recharge and get paid is one among the best VTU business in Nigeria.
Where you earn on every recharge you do.
The business has two aspects, the VTU and the REFFERAL MARKETING aspect.
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5. Know their Distribution and Marketing aspect
Recharge and Get Paid Has two aspects Distribution and Marketing
Distribution involves selling airtime, if you are a student in the tertiary institution.
You can capitalize this opportunity to be selling recharge cards in the hostels.
And make real money from it you see how easy and cool it looks right
Meanwhile Marketing involves introducing the company/business to prospects and signing them up
To make fortune out of this business, you have to fully embrace the two aspects.
Recharge/Get Paid (RAGP) Business
6. Know how to Get Paid
When you recharge/sell airtime, you get paid (2%)
If you buy/sell data, you get paid (10%)
When you refer you friends, babes and guys to join this platform you get paid (20%) with point values
If your referrals (the people who joined the platform under you) recharge or buy airtime you get paid (0.35%)
When you buy data, you get paid (4%) just like that, isn’t that awesome?
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7. Recharge/Get Paid (RAGP) Business
If your referrals (the people who joined the platform under you) refer people to join the platform, you get paid (10%) with their point value
Once you register and become a member on RAGP you will receive a welcome bonus of (20%)
You will also receive a leadership bonus of N100,000 monthly if your PV is not less than ₦10,000
Qualification for an International tip fund of ₦500,000 when your cumulative PV is not less than ₦25,000
You will also qualify for a car fund of ₦2 million when your cumulative PV is not less than ₦60,000
Qualification for a house fund of ₦3 million when your cumulative PV is not less than ₦10,000
You will also qualify for a final house fund of ₦6 million when your cumulative PV is not less than ₦500,000
Recharge/Get Paid (RAGP) Business
8. Know how to get the cards
As we all know, technology sells card, that’s why it is called top-up.
The card is not printable. All transactions takes place on your online account.
You just need to have ewallet in your RAGP account.
That is where you will be recharging or selling from
You should also note that you don’t need a laptop in order to do this business.
Your smart phone is more than enough.
You just need to dedicate yourself to it and lastly be as smart as your smart phone.
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9. Know the Packages
Below are the packages available on RAGP and their respective benefits
Basic = ₦5,000 – You get ₦1000 bonus + 20PV. You earn up to 5th level deep.
Bronze = ₦10,000 – You get ₦2000 bonus + 40PV. You earn up to 6th level deep.
Silver = ₦20,000 – You get ₦4000 bonus + 80PV. You earn up to 7th level deep.
Gold = ₦30,000 – You get ₦6000 bonus + 120PV. You earn up to 8th level deep.
Diamond = ₦40,000 – You get ₦8000 bonus + 160PV. You earn up to 9th level deep.
Platinum = ₦50,000 – You get ₦10,000 bonus + 200PV. You earn up to 10th level deep.
Executive Platinum = ₦100,000 – You get ₦20,000 bonus + 400PV. You earn up to 10th level deep.
A higher package basically gives you an extra depth of earning commissions from your Genealogy
10. Recharge/Get Paid (RAGP) Business
In RAGP, you get paid for all transactions done in your back office.
- .You recharge for yourself or people, you get paid.
- You do data subscription, you get paid.
- .Cable subscription (DSTV, GOTV, startimes) you get paid.
- You pay NEPA bills, you get paid.
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11. Know the benefit RAGP Business
When you get a shop to start selling your wares.
You pay rent right? But I don’t think anyone will give back 20% of your rent fee to welcome you and besides you pay the rent yearly but for a space in RAGP.
It’s just a onetime payment and you keep using their site for your various transactions and you get paid for all you do.
Think about this…, if you were being paid for all your recharges 2% on airtime and data subscription 10% since you bought your first SIM…how much would you have earned
12. Recharge/Get Paid (RAGP) Business
RAGP is giving you an opportunity to get paid every time you do that.
Those who are running away from referral based business don’t know anything yet.
In the next few years, any business that will stand the heat of the business world have to adopt network marketing business model.
Because network marketing is the business of this information age.
It’s the business that is producing the highest number of self-made millionaires monthly around the world.
I love network marketing business….I’m in love with genuine referral based business.
We just got started…let’s keep the ball rolling.
13. Know how to get people into the Business
Its no doubt that getting people to join Recharge and get paid is not easy at all and that is the reason why people don’t like joining or engaging themselves into a business that requires getting referrals
But let me tell you something My friend Janet who brought me to the platform earned 20,000 last month without even referring anybody, But how did it happened?
If u refer A, and A refers B, B refers C, C refers D, D refers E, E refers F, F refers G, G refers H, H refers I, I refer J, … You earn from all their activities they perform any time anywhere .either there refer or uses the platform or they upgrade u earn… So the more you refer, the more your referrals refer, the more u earn
So in the end you could be making money even while you sleep.
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14. Get the business Breakdown
If you buy #100 airtime on the platform, you earn a bonus of #2. (2naira).
Very small right? Okay, how about if you convert it to business of selling airtime and Data, and you are able to purchase airtime for over 500 people pay day?
100 airtime = #2 (2% bonus)
2 × 500 = #1,000 bonus daily.
1,000 x 30 days = #30,000 Guaranteed!
Remember that out of these 500 customers, not everyone will buy #100 airtime from you, some will buy #200, #300, #500, #1,000 and even more.
So the higher your transaction, the higher your commissions.
A lot of people are doing business using RAGP.
Recharge/Get Paid (RAGP) Business
15. Get more Details of the business
If you purchase Data from your RAGP account, let’s say you do it as a business.
And you have 100 customers who buys data from you every day.
As low as #500 data (any network for example)…
500 data =#50 (10% bonus)
50 x 100 = #5,000 daily
5,000 x 30 days = #150,000 guaranteed. This is achievable if you are consistent.
The above statistical analysis is just for illustration, so what if you half of the sales as indicated above?
Airtime = 15,000 profit in 30days
Data = 75,000 profit in 30 days
In 30 days = #90,000 profit.
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Recharge/Get Paid (RAGP) Business
16. Know the Business Point Value.
PV simply means Point Value. Your total or cumulative points value is the summation of the PVs of all your down lines (direct and indirect).
Now, ask yourself this question… “Since you started buying airtime and Data, have you ever gotten paid for it?” Rather, your bank charges you SMS and Account Maintenance charge because you’ve been busy buying airtime from your bank and making them richer everyday.
Why do you think Banks are busy advertising purchase of airtime, data, and bill payment, instead of doing advert for opening of account?
RAGP is the new oil well for everybody who should stop at nothing to grab this opportunity squarely.
Recharge/Get Paid (RAGP) Business
17. Know the Business Legitimacy
RAGP is duly registered with Corporate Affairs Commission CAC and licensed by the Nigerian Communications Commission NCC we have partnership with MTN, GLO, 9MOBILE, AIRTEL, DSTV, STARTIMES, GOTV and PHCN
Their mission is to create employment opportunities for youths and students
Office Address Located At Suit C16 & C17, Danziyal Plaza, Central Business District Abuja
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Recharge/Get Paid (RAGP) Business
18. Get the Top Secret about RAGP
Did you know that in every ₦100 Airtime you buy data from banks Mobile App, the bank makes ₦5
Let me quick show you a jealously guarded secret that banks have been hiding from us Nigerians
Our population is 200 million plus and do you know that 170 million phone lines are active? Out of these lines about 70 million recharge every day?
Now let’s say that the 70 million Nigerians buy ₦100 Airtime daily, multiply ₦5 by 70 million.. The answer is ₦350 million.
This is what banks make at least a day when you multiply it with 30 days (one month) it gives
₦10.5 Billion
This is the major reason why all banks in Nigeria are selling Airtime, Data, Cable Tv Subscriptions, Electricity bill payments and other VTU based Transactions.
Recharge/Get Paid (RAGP) Business
19. Get the Business Summary
When you register as a member of RECHARGE AND GET PAID LTD, you are given back 20% of your registration package.
Whenever you recharge your phone with airtime in Recharge and Get Paid, you are given back 2% of your airtime worth.
Whenever you buy DATA in Recharge and Get Paid, you are given back 10% of your DATA worth.
Whenever you Subscribe CABLE TV, you are given back #40 of your subscription worth.
Whenever you introduce your friends and families to Recharge and Get Paid business.
You are given 20% of their registration package. (This is optional)
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20. Recharge/Get Paid (RAGP) Business
Whenever your Referrals (those you introduced) introduce their own friends and families, you are given 10% to 1% of their registration packages.
Whenever your referrals or those you introduced recharge their phones (AIRTIME), you are given 0.35% of their airtime worth.
Whenever your referrals or those you introduced buy DATA, you are given 1% of their data worth.
Whenever your referrals or those you introduce subscribe CABLE TV, you are given #10 of their subscription worth.
21. Network as much as possible.
Gain the support of other local small businesses by networking with other small business owners. Join small business associations and participate in community events to raise awareness of your business. Participate in community functions so potential clients will be aware of the services you offer
22. Know your business.
Stay on top of what’s new or trendy in your business so your small business can stay competitive within the industry. Subscribe to periodicals or online newsletters to stay informed about current events in your small business’ industry. Staying at the cutting edge of your industry will help you draw customers away from competing businesses.
23.Offer references.
Compile a list of satisfied clients that are willing to serve as references to potential clients. This will give future customers the ability to verify your work and customer service.
24.Be accessible.
Make sure potential clients and customers can get in touch with you and your business whenever they may need to. The best way to grow your reputation as a respectable business is to be responsive to your customers’ needs.
25. Deliver what you promise.
Your small business will need to offer a product or service of some kind to be successful. However, if you want to grow your business by growing your customer base, you have to give people not only what they want, but what you promised them. If your product or service does not match what you advertise consistently, you will have incredible difficulty in growing your customer base
Recharge And Get Paid Successful people always take advantage of opportunities. Recharge and get paid gives average Nigerians like you and i an opportunity to share in the telecom wealth for those who choose to grab it. Join recharge and get paid today and become a giver of testimonies.
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