The two-day (16 hour) course draws on the most recent peer-reviewed evidence for the initial treatment of injuries and illnesses in remote areas.
As such, some protocols would not be appropriate in an urban setting.
Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value. You can request publication of your article for publication by sending it to us via our Email below. or call +2347034920650. Click here to start business now with
Rescue Mission Centre
Course content is based on current guidelines published by:
- UK Resuscitation Council
- American Heart Association
- Wilderness Medical Society
- currently accepted guidance and best-practice from advisory bodies and published evidence for the treatment of First Aid in a remote or wilderness context.
Designed expressly for those who work or play off far from help.
This course satisfies the criteria for First Aid training for all Outdoor NGB qualifications including MLT.
British Canoeing, Canoe Wales, NCLA, and RYA.
If you noticed a gaping hole in the roof of your house, what would you do?
A) Wait until there’s a greater than 50% chance of a storm and then call for help
B) Call to have it fixed ASAP
If you value your house and its contents you no doubt answered B.
Why? Because if you try to play the odds with the weather.
Chances are something could go horribly wrong and you’ll end up paying a much steeper price.
You most likely feel the same way about a hole in the roof of a business location.
But what about the less tangible risks to your business?
What about gaping holes in emergency preparedness or business continuity plans?
If you don’t have a plan, you’re not alone.
Large numbers of businesses don’t have them.
And many businesses that have created plans don’t bother to make sure they stay current.
But when you consider that the costs of a disaster could likely run tens-of-thousands to millions of dollars.
Putting off emergency preparation and business continuity planning is a gamble that’s not worth taking.
Because it simply may not be possible to keep people and assets safe.
And help your business recover quickly from disasters.
That are likely to happen in your area without an up-to-date plan.
Rescue Mission Centre
1. Creating a Workable Business Emergency Framework
So what does it take to establish an effective emergency preparedness or business continuity framework?
The most important thing is management support.
If top-tier management doesn’t buy into the need for planning—and champion it—it isn’t going to happen.
Clearly understanding the threats to your business.
And the potential costs of responding to them is critical to workable emergency planning.
So a risk assessment and a corresponding business impact analysis are essential.
If buy-in is a challenge for your organization.
Or you are still on the fence about the need for more careful planning.
These assessments are also a great way to create a clear picture of why planning is so important.
They will help you understand whether or not you could even recover from a disaster.
How long it would take and the potential costs of operations going down.
A risk assessment will also help you prioritize your emergency planning, based on the most prevalent threats.
The costs and time of a third-party analysis are also small compared to the valuable insights you can get about potential business exposure.
Once you have executive support and clearly understand the threats and potential costs.
It’s time to take action.
Rescue Mission Centre
2.Build a cross-functional team:
Good emergency planning takes the cooperation of people from across the company.
Put together a team that makes sense for your organization.
And clearly define the roles and responsibilities of each member.
Rescue Mission Centre
3.Create an action plan:
Once you have a team in place and understand what you’re up against.
You need to define how your organization will respond to likely disasters.
Rescue Mission Centre:
4. Train your staff:
The plan is only half the battle when it comes to preparing for emergencies.
Your staff also needs to clearly understand what to do and be comfortable carrying out its responsibilities.
And that takes live practice so that key tasks are ingrained when the lights go out.
Rescue Mission Centre
5. Maintain and fine tune:
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6.Don’t forget your supply chain:
While your initial emergency planning focus may be on immediate operations.
It’s also important to consider what would happen if a key supplier goes down?
In our interconnected world, a disaster at a supplier could spell big problems for your operations.
Rescue Mission Centre
7.Fine tune again:
We can’t stress enough the importance of taking a step back occasionally.
And seeing what adjustments need to be made to your plan.
Have you added a location? Has there been a reorganization?
Has a new product introduced a new risk in your supply chain?
Rescue Mission Centre
8. Monitor for threats:
Make sure you constantly monitor for oncoming threats.
So you can respond appropriately and quickly whenever possible.
Of course, this isn’t possible with all types of disasters.
But in many cases you can at least get a few minutes of advance warning.
And every minute counts in an emergency.
Rescue Mission Centre
9. Think safety first
It’s important to listen to the advice of your local authority if you need to evacuate.
Be aware that you may not have access to services.
Such as electricity and water after receiving an evacuation order.
For emergency warnings in your area, find resources in your state or territory.
Rescue Mission Centre
10. Know your emergency risks
To help you prepare for any immediate emergency risks.
Keep in touch with the government by using social media channels and related websites, such as:
- the DisasterWatch app
- the Department of Home Affairs’ Emergency Management information.
Rescue Mission Centre
11. Fire and flood proof your storage
If your business location is prone to natural disasters.
It may be worth investing in a weather proof safe for all your important documents.
If possible, scan your documents digitally and store them on a handy USB drive for convenience.
You could also consider hiring a space in a safer location to store your important documents.
Rescue Mission Centre
12. Assess the impact on your business
If a natural disaster impacts your business, the Business recovery checklist can help you to:
- assess the full impact on your business
- prioritise your efforts in your business recovery
- understand what you need to consider before you can return to business as usual.
Rescue Mission Centre
13. Stay, pause or exit?
Once you have assessed the impact on your business.
You’ll have to consider what it will take to recover your business.
If you’re not sure your business can recover, it’s a good idea to seek advice and support:
- Speak to your accountant or business adviser.
- Use Advisory Services to find a business adviser near you.
- Contact your nearest Business Enterprise Centre or Australian Small Business Advisory Services program provider.
If there is no option but to close your business.
Our information on closing and selling your business can help you understand what you need to do.
Rescue Mission Centre
14. Re-establish your business
It’s a good idea to start a database of customers when you first begin your business.
Make sure you comply with privacy regulations by keeping their data secure.
And letting them know what you’ll use it for.
You can use the database to let your customers know when you have recovered from emergencies.
Rescue Mission Centre
15. Help your employees
If a natural disaster affects your business, it is likely to impact on your employees too.
Do you need to pay your employees when they’re not working due to severe weather?
For useful advice, read the Fair Work Ombudsman’s Pay during stand down & severe weather.
You and your employees can get help from personal counselling services.
And may be eligible for the Nigerian Government’s Disaster Recovery Allowance (NRA).
The NRA provides short-term income support to people.
With a demonstrated loss of income as a direct result of a major disaster.
Rescue Mission Centre
16. Seek advice to boost your recovery
A range of small business services can advise you on business recovery:
- Find your nearest business adviser by using our Advisory Services search tool.
- Find your nearest Business Enterprise Centre or Australian Small Business Advisory Services program provider.
- Get tips on how to recover from disasters, as well as current information on disaster recovery assistance by visiting the Disaster Assist website.
- Contact your industry association for specific information, or your local council to see if there are seminars, workshops or networking events for local businesses.
Rescue Mission Centre
17. Celebrate your recovery
Once your business recovers from an emergency, it is important to re-connect with your customers.
This could be a perfect opportunity promote your small business to your community.
Download the free marketing plan template and guide to create your marketing plan.
Rescue Mission Centre
18. Engage with your community
If your business is able to assist your local community following an emergency.
Consider helping your local schools, charities and community centres.
This is a great way to engage with your community while creating exposure for your small business.
Emergency planning can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be.
It’s just a matter of making it a priority and then taking it a step at a time.
If you have questions about preparedness best practices, let us know.
Rescue Mission Centre
- Scene Management
- ABCDEFG – Incident Protocol
- Airway Opening & Safe Airway Position
- Choking
- Heart Attack & Angina
- CPR – remote protocols
- Defibrillation in remote environments
- Serious Bleeding
- Hypovolaemic shock
- Management of Head Injuries
- Management of Spinal Injuries
- Management of Bone & Joint Injuries
- Monitoring Vital Signs
- Hypothermia & dehydration – remote protocols
- Hyperthermia – remote protocols
- Asthma – remote protocols
- Anaphylaxis – remote protocols
- Diabetes
- Epilepsy
- Drowning
- Triage
- Communication Help
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