How to Start Cake Making Business

How to start cake making business in Nigeria: Cake making business in Nigeria and how to start it is what i will be looking at today.  The intake of bread and other bakery products such as biscuits, chin-chin, gala, meat pie and host of others has created a massive sale for the wheat flour manufacturing companies. And it is continually spreading out by the day.

These element have come to be acknowledged as part of our nutritional need either as meal or as appetizers, which can be taken in-between meals, resourceful stakeholders can now have a broad opportunity to venture into the cake making business, as a result of the new development of the kitchen oven which has now become affordable as it cost about N45, 000.

cake making business:

cake making business

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This aspect of cake making business has made available a large number of opportunities while more are still open for as many that are business driven and industrious unlike some years ago when huge amount of fund (which is in tune of millions) is required to start and run this great and lucrative business.

Another interesting factor you need to embrace this cake making business for is the NAFDAC registration issue, if your location is in an urban center, a simple registration with bakers association in your location is enough to set you on motion for thecake making business and start making an unbelievable profit in your cake making business without you experiencing any disturbance from any agency.

The followings are the basic things you need to focus on in your decision to setting up cake making business which if you pay close attention to is enough to land you a prestigious and lucrative business empire.

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Now that the invention of a kitchen oven has silenced the noise that huge amount of money scares the intending bakers with, upcoming bread bakers in Nigeria, who have not been able to venture into baking business because of the outrageous capital can now lay their hands on the cake making business. The ovens are made in different sizes and the prices ranges between N45, 000 to N200, 000, and the smallest oven can contain about 25 loaves of while the largest size can contain 150 loaves and if your capacity is wide enough, one can bake up to five or eight each day. This newly invented oven is peculiar to the use of gas or charcoal. However, I would recommend you use charcoal as it is more safer and less expensive. With a small space in your kitchen or somewhere around your house, you can start your bakery business and begin to make cool cash.


Marketing is one major tool one needs to put the wheel of one business on the go, and this marketing part of cake making business can be easier than one has thought, how do I mean? Do you know that your first and best set of marketing focus is your immediate folks; your relatives, friends, neighbours, colleagues etc. In this marketing stage, you need to be ready to pay some sacrifice, this you do by separating some loaves of bread as samples to give to the aforementioned people to have a taste of your came that came directly from your baking factory, another people you need to focus your marketing strategy on are street shop owners, the Malam on the street that hides his head in his small cubicle can be a great marketing tool for your cake making business giving them some quantity to have a taste. Now, you own these people the responsibility of keeping them and having a long term business relationship with them and this you do simply by improving on your product and also with.

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In this marketing stage, you need to be ready to pay some sacrifice, this you do by separating some loaves of bread as samples to give to the aforementioned people to have a taste of your came that came directly from your baking factory, another people you need to focus your marketing strategy on are street shop owners, the Malam on the street that hides his head in his small cubicle can be a great marketing tool for your cake making business giving them some quantity to have a taste. Now, you own these people the responsibility of keeping them and having a long term business relationship with them and this you do simply by improving on your product and also with

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Now, you own these people the responsibility of keeping them and having a long term business relationship with them and this you do simply by improving on your product and also with an affordable prices. Also, in choosing the location for your baking business, you need to put in mind an environment where there is a good number of prospective buyers as this will constantly encourage you to always want to put in your best into the business. Note that, your home-based or kitchen oven needs to be taken care of properly so it can serve you for a long time.

Note that, your home-based or kitchen oven needs to be taken care of properly so it can serve you for a long time. Finally on this marketing aspect, it has been proven that one on one and mouth to mouth marketing is still one of the very best ways to market products and goods so pay a close attention to that and you will be surprised the outcome.

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It will interest you to know that, you can actually start your cake baking business with little or no capital, you wonder how, it is very possible, you need two major things

Source/baker for your Cake making Business:

The first step you need to do is to locate an existing baker that is functional, then you approach the main person in charge of their production and have a one on one chat with him/her, you let them know you are a business oriented person, hardworking and diligent in business but that you will need them to give you the privilege of coming to pick up loaves of bake from their baking factory every morning and you will make them know that you are very sincere person and that you will not default, tell them how many loaves you will need per time and that you will be paying them as soon as you return from your daily distribution.

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Get Means of Transportation for Your Cake Making Business:

The second thing you need to do is to get a vehicle that you will use to move your product around (of course you must know how to drive or ride), with a small amount of money, you can get a fairly used vehicle or motorcycle and if you cannot afford that, you can simply approach those that give out vehicles or motorcycles on rent, with a small amount of money, you can get a means of transportation which will enhance your daily movement and once you are done with your distribution then you return the rented vehicles and pay the baker their own part of the money and you can be smiling to bank all the way. Most of the bakers you will deal with are ready to give you their product on credit while you collect the money from the retail shops to pay them the following day. Your ability to provide assorted cake like, butter cake, chocolate-filled cake, chin-chin, jam-coated cake etc. will drastically increase your sales and customers’ choice.

cake making business


The most wisest thing for you to do in your cake baking business to know that you cannot produce your products without buying some ingredient such as flour, yeast, sugar, fats, salt, egg, improvers, preservatives and lots more, it will then be an additional source of some cool cash for you to buy these ingredients in wholesales so you can sell in retail to those that wants to bake cake for weddings, graduation and the likes. Note that you are buying these ingredients oat wholesale price, these will reduce your cost of production for your own baking and will earn you some cash from those that will buy at retail price from you.

Another area of focus in your baking business is packaging, a nice and creative packaging will go a long way in standing you out among others. And attention should be paid on cleanliness and sanitation, you must keep your baking environment clean.

cake making business


There is no limit to the level you can improvise in your baking business, you don’t need to have all the needed equipment to yourself before you start, this present age has made a lot of things very easy unlike in the past, you can always walk up to baking material sellers or those that use hiring of equipment as a means of livelihood, you can ask them to rent you your needed equipment such as baking pan, spatula, scale and the likes at a very minimal amount which you will have to pay for on hourly basis and you are good to go. And before long, you too will be able to purchase your personal equipment which you will be using for your baking and also rent out and make extra cash from it. It is pertinent that you take a survey on the market i.e. your target audience, their taste, their pocket as this will help you a great deal to know how to prepare your baking adventure.

cake making business

Undergo Practical Cake Making Business Training 

It is extremely important for you to receive some training on how to bake cake so you can be a master of your business. This aspect is very easy and simple to achieve. Nowadays, you don’t need to rack your brain on how and where to get the money to enroll yourself in catering school, however, if you can afford the fee, it will help you but in case you cannot, all you need is to locate a neighbor or a friend around you who you can learn the basic skills of baking from and you are good to go, as a matter of fact, some of them may not charge you a dime, you will just need to relate as friends and humility to run errand for the person is not a bad thing, your focus is what you want to gain from him/her. Also, Google can be a great tool for you, you can search Goggle for videos on how to bake cake and you can be sure you will become an expertise of your business in no time.

cake making business

Focus your attention on the major needs

There are lots of modern day equipment that are used in baking cake but as a starter with no or low capital, you have to learn the law of ‘start with what you have’ Don’t buy expensive equipments and ingredient in large quantity, start in a little way you can afford and with your diligence and persistence, you will just be smiling to the bank.

Major ingredients/equipment

  • Oven
  • Baking pan
  • Spatula
  • Charcoal
  • Baking boards
  • Baking powder
  • Sugar
  • Butter
  • Cooking oil etc

A simple and creative business card will do the job for you perfectly, in fact, handling your business card to a prospective customer is a great way of telling them your worth, it add to your packaging sense and it gives you utmost respect and regard which differentiate you from the common street cake hawkers. Some colorful flyers will also perform the magic you desire, it doesn’t have to be too elaborate, a simple one with your details beautifully printed on them, your business will travel beyond where you expect because some of the flyers and business cards you give out will definitely leave the spot you gave them out and travel wide.

cake making business

Another brilliant thing to do is to always let your cake making business card or flyer stick to your cake packs and boxes, once the consumer opens it up, there he finds your detailed business cards or flyers.

Social media is one very great way to also advertise yourself and what you sell such as Face book, Twitter, Whatsapp. Also, some great website such as Nairaland, Olx etc are good avenues for you to meet business minded people like you who you can inform of your goods and services and you will be amazed what this will fetch you.

cake making business

Have A Catchy Cake Making Business Name

Your business name is a one stop center for people out there to catch a glimpse of the service you render, a business name is the name that serves as the identity of your business, it is what you want to be broadly identified with, some business empires like MR BIGGS, SWEET SENSATION, TANTALIZERS etc also started little but today, their business names are all over places. So, you too need an attractive name that will quickly tell the reader what your business is majorly all about.

cake making business

Know The Unique Cake Making Business Selling Proposition (USP)

This is one area in your business you need to be mindful of, what is your product known for, gala sausage roll today is an house hold snacks that reserves its taste anytime and any day, you can’t be mistaken when you taste other sausage roll even when they bear the name ‘gala’, there is always this uniqueness in the taste of gala that makes it different from other sausage roll. Therefore,  you too need to find out what aspect of your product makes your consumers hunger for more, and you must keep at it, very important!
If you can diligently pay attention to all the above mentioned steps in your quest for a baking business, you will experience a notable turn around in your source of income. Most importantly, take a step, be bold about it, don’t chicken out, don’t quit, keep at it, be persistent and outstanding success awaits you….

If you need a complete business plan, please let us know. Or, you want us to help you set up this business, kindly contact us.

Otherwise, Please check out these other business ideas 

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