10 Tips to Make Money Generating Tactical Arbitrage Multireddits

Tactical arbitrage reddit: Multireddits combine any number of subreddits into one feed. Most multireddits combine subreddits with similar topics. For example, instead of following ten gaming-related subreddits, you can combine them all into one multireddit and see all their new posts at once. You can keep your multireddits private for your own use, or share them with others.

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1. Open the multireddit tab from the front page.

Visit your front page by clicking the reddit icon in the upper left. Move your cursor to the extreme left edge of the page, over the narrow vertical strip. Click this to expand the multireddit tab.

  • This tab is not accessible from anywhere besides the front page.
  • If you are using a mobile app to view reddit, these links may be in a different place. Browse the options or ask for help on the app’s forums.

2. Press the “create” button.

This is a small, grey button located underneath the example multireddits.

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3. Type in a name for the new multireddit.

A text box should appear when you click “Create.” Enter the name of your new multireddit here.

  • Names cannot have spaces.

4. Add any number of subreddits.

You should now see a blank subreddit. Look for the “add subreddit” text box on the right of your screen. Type in the name of any subreddit and press enter. Repeat this with any number of subreddit names. As you add each subreddit, you should see its posts appear on your multireddit feed. That’s what multireddits do: combine posts from multiple subreddits into one feed.

  • There’s no need to include the “/r/” at the beginning of the name.
  • Once you’ve entered one or two subreddits, the page will suggest more subreddits under the “people also added” heading. Click the + icon next to a name to add it, or click the name itself to visit the subreddit in a new tab.

Tactical arbitrage reddit

5. Add a description (optional).

Click edit description, just above the box where you’ve been typing subreddit names. Describe the multireddit however you like, then click save.

6. Visit your multireddit.

Whenever you’d like to visit your multireddit, open the multireddit tab from the front page and select its name.

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7. Set your multireddit to public.

Visit a multireddit you have created. In the right pane, underneath the multireddit name, select the bubble next to Public. This allows other people to visit your multireddit.

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8. Share the URL.

Anyone can visit a public multireddit. The URL follows this format: https://www.reddit.com/user/(username of multireddit curator)/m/(multiredditname).

  • For example, if your reddit username is durkheim and you made a multireddit named wikihow, its public URL is https://www.reddit.com/user/durkheim/m/wikihow.
  • When posting on reddit, you can use a shorter version of the URL:https://businesshab.com/

9. Share multireddits at the multihub. 

Visit /r/multihub/ to see other public multireddits and to post links to your own.

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10.. More tips

  • You can create more than one multireddit. Each one will appear on a list in the lefthand tab.

  • You can rename your multireddit once it’s created, but this will change the URL, breaking any links that lead to it.

  • When viewing someone’s user page, all their public multireddits are visible in the sidebar on the right.

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