The green solution: Keeping your house clean can sometimes feel like a full-time job. It also means that you often have to find creative ways to keep things tidy and uncluttered. There are plenty of home cleaning tips and tricks out there, but not all of them are helpful. Here, we’ll take a look at the best home cleaning tips so that you no longer have to spend your free time dusting and mopping. Even better, these green cleaning hacks won’t just leave your house sparkling; they’ll also keep your home eco-friendly in the process! Whether you live in an apartment, condo or small home, these tricks will help you save time and money as well as protect the environment.
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The 7 Best Home Cleaning Tips to Keep Your House Clean and Green
Keeping your home clean is no small feat. In fact, it might be the hardest thing you need to do as a homeowner. After all, keeping up with messes and clutter can feel like an uphill battle. Cleaning your house is hard work, even for the most diligent of homeowners. But here’s the good news: Even though cleaning doesn’t necessarily get easier as time goes on and you settle into your home, there are tricks and tips that will make it a whole lot easier in the long run. If you’re struggling to keep things tidy or want to find ways to cut back on your cleaning time, these home cleaning tips will help you out in more ways than one.
Turn off the TV and stop eating take-out.
Keeping your home tidy will require a lot of attention and effort — there’s no way around that. But it’s also important to make sure you’re not overloading yourself when it comes to home chores. A good way to make sure you’re not taking on too much is to slowly wean yourself off of watching TV while you eat and drink take-out. Taking these simple steps will help you build new habits that will make you more aware of your surroundings, so you can keep an eye on the mess more easily and quickly clean up as you go. If you do these things regularly, keeping your home tidy won’t feel like such a Herculean task. When you have a clear head and are more aware of the state of your home, keeping it clean will go much more smoothly.
Declutter your home — often.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the idea of keeping your house tidy, it might help to tackle the problem from the other end: decluttering your home. This may sound a little extreme, but if you don’t get rid of clutter, you run the risk of creating a bigger mess in your home. If you don’t regularly declutter your space, it can become overrun with clutter, creating an environment that is ripe for pests and disease. If you want to clean up your act (and your house), you’ll have to declutter your space. This may sound like a huge task, but it doesn’t have to be. Start with one drawer in your kitchen or one closet. This will help you get used to the decluttering process, and you’ll be able to build up from there. If you don’t regularly declutter, you may find yourself overwhelmed by clutter and unable to get your house in order. But if you stay on top of your clutter, you’ll be able to keep your home tidy without even thinking about it.
Use eco-friendly cleaning products.
Cleaning products are a big part of keeping a house tidy, but they can also take a major toll on the environment. Harmful chemicals found in most commercial cleaners can be harmful to people — especially children and pets. And the chemicals found in many cleaners can be harmful to the environment, too. Products that are eco-friendly are a great way to cut down on household toxins and clean your home more effectively. It’s important to note that the label “green” isn’t a regulated term in cleaning products, so make sure you do some research before choosing a new eco-friendly cleaner.
Add some colour, and use scent to reinforce the clean smell.
If your house could use a fresh scent, try adding scented candles to your home. Not only will scented candles fill your home with a lovely aroma, but they’ll help cut down on odours, too. If you want to make your home smell even better, try adding a few drops of your favourite essential oil to a diffuser. You can find diffusers in a variety of shapes and sizes, so you can make sure they fit in with any room in your house. Adding a scent to your home can help you stick to a regular cleaning schedule and make your house smell great. If your home needs a chemical-free cleaning boost, you can use colour to make it smell better, too. Adding a splash of colour to your cleaning supplies can make them more noticeable, helping you remember to clean more often. You can do this by adding decorative labels to your cleaning supplies, or by choosing colourful cleaning products. Using colour in your cleaning supplies can help you stay on top of the cleaning schedule, and it can make cleaning a little bit more fun, too.
Lighten up with window cleaner, not bleach.
If your windows are looking dingy, save the bleach for cleaning your laundry. It will leave your windows streaky and foggy — and probably won’t smell very good, either. Instead, try a non-bleach window cleaner that’s specially formulated for windows. You can find great non-bleach window cleaners, including sprays and wipes, at most grocery stores or home improvement stores. Using a non-bleach window cleaner will help you clean your windows thoroughly without leaving behind a chemical smell. You can also use a non-bleach cleaner for shining up mirrors. If your windows are very dirty, you’ll want to use a different cleaning product. Avoid using harsh chemicals, like bleach, on your windows. Instead, try a natural cleaning product like vinegar or baking soda. Both of these are great for cleaning windows, and they won’t leave behind a chemical smell.
Don’t underestimate the power of bleach.
Bleach is a powerful cleaning agent that can help you tackle some stubborn stains and odours in your home. But you don’t want to use it on everything — or everything will smell like bleach. If there are certain areas of your house, like your bathrooms, where you’ve got some tough-to-clean stains, you may want to pull out the big guns and use bleach. If you want to clean your laundry and are looking for a natural bleach alternative, try vinegar. Vinegar is a great natural bleach alternative, and it’s safe for most fabrics. You can also use vinegar to clean and deodorize your bathroom, which will help keep your toilets and sinks clean and fresh.
Make your vacuum more effective by vacuuming properly.
You can’t just vacuum your house once and call it clean — you’ll have to do it regularly. However, there are some things you can do to make your vacuum more effective, reducing the amount of time you have to spend cleaning with each pass. If you have stairs in your home, make sure you vacuum the stairs every time you clean your house. You also want to make sure you’re vacuuming the right way. If you’re cleaning your whole house, start at the top and work your way down. This will make sure you don’t miss any areas while moving your vacuum around. You should also change your vacuum filters regularly, and clean your vacuum regularly, too. This will help keep your vacuum running smoothly and efficiently.
Keeping your house clean is no easy feat. In fact, it might be the hardest thing you need to do as a homeowner. After all, keeping up with messes and clutter can feel like an uphill battle. Cleaning your house is hard work, even for the most diligent of homeowners. But here’s the good news: Even though cleaning doesn’t necessarily get easier as time goes on and you settle into your home, there are tricks and tips that will make it a whole lot easier in the long run. If you’re struggling to keep things tidy or want to find ways to cut back on your cleaning time, these home cleaning tips will help you out in more ways than one.
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