The Most Common Forms of Workplace Discrimination in Las Vegas

California and United States laws protect employees from being discriminated against in the workplace on the basis of age, gender, sex, nationality, religion, etc. Even though these laws were put into place decades ago, discrimination is still very prevalent. One way to stop this is to speak up, help those in need, and not hesitate to take legal action. 

Unfortunately, big companies and businesses in Las Vegas only care about workplace discrimination when they have a price to pay for a big verdict or settlement. If you have been discriminated against, a Las Vegas employment attorney such as AceLaw Group can help protect your rights. Meanwhile, this blog contains the common forms of workplace discrimination. 

Most common forms of workplace discrimination.

  • Ethnic origin or nationality.

Given the fact that many foreign workers are even regarded with admiration by their colleagues, nationality is not in and of itself a discriminatory issue. Instead, discrimination in the workplace against some foreigners could be discussed, particularly if their ethnic background is more obvious. This prevents the organization from getting the benefits of diversity and makes it challenging to accommodate recently arrived professionals.

  • Disability.

Employers are not allowed by law to ask about a job applicant’s disability medical examination or reveal the disability. However, if a company makes the same requests of all new hires for the same position after a job offer has been made and accepted, then it is lawful for them to do so. 

After hiring, an employer may inquire about a handicap or demand a medical examination in order to support a request for reasonable accommodation made by an employee. If it is believed that a medical problem is keeping an employee from safely performing their job, a medical examination may also be requested. 

  • Race discrimination.

If your manager consistently makes remarks regarding your color, race, or physical characteristics, you may be able to identify racial discrimination in your workplace. Additionally, your boss’s remarks might still be discriminatory even if they believe they are complimenting you when they make racial remarks. 

Indirect racial discrimination may also exist in your employer’s procedures, which leads to unequal treatment based on race. For example, your employer has engaged in illegal discrimination if its attendance policy is enforced against one racial group even though employees of all groups violate it.

  • Age.

Age-based discrimination in the workplace is seen on both ends of the market. On the one hand, younger workers may be subjected to maltreatment at work, like lower pay, longer hours, etc., because of their financial instability. However, older workers may also experience discrimination as being out of touch with modern society or lack the essential abilities to meet new challenges.

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