30 Tips to Start Water Tank Cleaning Business

Water Tank Cleaning Business: Most of us focus primarily on the purification of the water that we drink or use for cooking purpose.

But we rarely pay attention on the cleaning of water tank where water is stored.

Every day we use the tank water for brushing and bathing, for cleaning and moping, for washing clothes and in other household chores.

With the passage of time, sediments, scale and algae get deposited on the walls, ceiling and floor of the water tank.

This deposition contaminate the water and makes it unfit for use.

With time algae and bacteria grow and breed in this water.

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Water Tank Cleaning Business:

Infect it and could make us fall sick eventually.

It simply means that our ignorance may take a toll on the health of our family.

Tank cleaning is very necessary and should be done at least once in a year.

But it also depend on the quality of water supplied into homes.

If the water is very hard and high in TDS, then sedimentation will happen more often.

In such cases more than one annual water tank cleaning is required.

In an emergency situation, it is often necessary to quickly  provide a basic water supply for the affected population.

Water Tank Cleaning Business:

This may be because the normal systems of supply have been damaged or destroyed.

The most common, immediate solution is to hire vehicles and tanks.

That have been used for other purposes or to retrieve collapsible tanks from an emergency store.

In either case, they must be cleaned and disinfected before being used.

This technical note outlines  approach to cleaning and disinfecting water tanks and tankers.

Water Tank Cleaning Business:

Water Tank Cleaning Business
Water+Tank+Cleaning: http://blog.asepsis-kenya.com

The basic steps involved in water tank cleaning are:

1: The area surrounding the tank and top of the tank is cleaned

 2: Tools used in tank cleaning process are disinfected

 3: Water and sludge is drained out from the tank using a sludge pump

 4 : Manual scrubbing of the tank is done to remove the dirt, sediments, fungus & stains

5: Walls, ceiling and floor of the tank is washed using a high pressure jet

Water Tank Cleaning Business:

6: Vacuum cleaning is done to ensure that all the dirt is sucked out

 7: Vacuumed tank is disinfected with anti-bacterial spray or liquid bleach

8: Tank is filled with water that is made to run through the taps to disinfect the water pipes

9: Water from the tank is drained through the taps and tank is left empty for drying

 10: Tank is clean and ready to be filled with water for domestic use

This whole process probably take around 4-6 hours.

But it’s worth doing for the health of your family and loved ones.

Water Tank Cleaning Business:


As a caution it is suggested not to perform tank cleaning yourself or without the supervision of any professional.

Since it involve use of disinfectants and specialized tools.

So if it has been ages since you cleaned your water tank.

And also believe that the health of your family is your first priority, book a water tank cleaning appointment with Mr Right.

Water Tank Cleaning Business:

Procedural steps. In the case of an emergency, it is an acceptable practice to disinfect tanks that are polluted or not in use so that drinking-water can be transported and stored safely.

Note: Large quantities of clean water will be required to clean and treat tanks before they can
be used to transport or store water.

11. Select the tanks to use:Tanks should be selected based on three considerations: normal use;
ease of cleaning and water storage hygiene.

Selected tanks should only have been used for holding food-grade liquids.

For example, milk, cooking oils, fruit juices, wines and spirits or vinegar.

12. Tanks previously used for holding non food-grade liquids such as fuel and sewage should not be used.

Water Tank Cleaning Business:

13. Tanks that previously held water but have been out of use for some time must also be cleaned and disinfected

14. Tanks must be easy to clean. This means they must be accessible for cleaning and have no sharp corners that may hold dirt and so prevent the removal of food deposits.
Water will only remain clean if stored safely.

Tanks must therefore be covered and fitted with an access point with a lockable lid.

15.  Cleaning Empty the tank Open the outlet valve or tap and drain out any remaining liquid.
Collect the liquids so that they can be safely disposed of.

16. In the case of tankers, outlet valves are usually located at the back so parking it on a slope will help
to ensure that all the liquid can be discharged.

17.Permanent storage tanks are usually fitted with a washout valve that draws liquid from the base.
Use this, rather than the normal outlet valve, for emptying.

Water Tank Cleaning Business

18.Disinfect the tanks and tankers Scrub the internal surfaces of the tank.

Use a mixture of detergent and hot water (household laundry soap powder will do) to scrub and clean all internal surfaces of the tank.

This can be done with a stiff brush or a high pressure jet.

Attaching the brush to a long pole may make it possible to clean the tank without entering it

The most common way of disinfecting a water tank is by chlorination.

Chlorine is delivered in a variety of ways but the most common is high-strength calcium
hypochlorite (HSCH).

Which, when mixed with water, liberates 60 to 80% of its volume as chlorine.

19. Calculate the volume of the tank. The amount of chlorine needed to disinfect the water tank will depend on its volume.

20. Discharging liquids from tanks and tankers.

Take special care to clean corners and joints so that no small amounts  of the original liquid remain.

Even minute amounts of some liquids can give the water a bad taste and people will refuse to drink it. Leave the outlet valve open while cleaning and collect the liquid for safe disposal.

Water Tank Cleaning Business

21. Wash and flush the tank.This is most easily done with a high pressure hose pipe or water jet but if they are not available the tank can be filled with (preferably hot) water and left to stand for a few hours.

22. Drain all the water from the tank and collect for safe disposal as before.
Continue flushing the tank until there are no longer traces of detergent in the water.

23. Tank cleaning should take place in open areas away from houses to avoid possible health
problems resulting from the disposal of the wastewater.

24.Clean hoses The hoses, pumps and pipes used for filling and emptying the tank  must also be cleaned.

Water Tank Cleaning Business

25. Flush a mixture of hot water and detergent through the pipes and pump to remove deposits and other waste  material. Once cleaned, flush the system with clean water to remove the detergent.
Cleaning the inside of a tank with a brushAdd the disinfectant

26. Fill the tank a quarter full with clean water. Sprinkle 80 grams of granular HSCH into the tank for every 1000 litres total capacity of the tank.

Fill the tank completely with clean water, close the lid and leave to stand for 24 hours.

If the tank is required for use urgently, double the quantity of chlorine added to the tank.

This will reduce the time of disinfection from 24 to 8 hours.

27. Disinfecting the hoses and pump If the tank is fitted with a pump, connect the hoses so that water is drawn from and returned to the tank.

28.With the tank full of water and disinfectant, start the pump so that the mixture passes through the hoses and pump.

Run the pump for about an hour. Repeat this procedure with the tank full of clean water. If no pump is fitted, use some of the disinfectant from the tank and gently fill the hoses to full capacity. You will have to block one end of the hose and fill it from the other end.

Allow to stand for 24 hours. Empty out the disinfectant and connect the hoses to the tank outlet so that when the clean water in the tank is discharged it passes through the hoses. The hoses are now ready for use.

Water Tank Cleaning Business

29. Completely empty the tank and carefully dispose of the disinfecting water as it will contain a high
concentration of chlorine.

Fill the tank with drinking-water, allow to stand for about 30 minutes then empty the tank again. The tank is now ready for use.

30. Safely dispose of liquid waste Care must be taken when disposing of all liquids used for cleaning and disinfecting the tanks.

Sudden discharge of water will cause localized erosion or flooding.

Make sure the water follows a channel to its final disposal point.

Liquid waste should not be disposed of in rivers and ponds as the organic materials and high chlorine levels may kill fish and plant life.

Wastewater should be disposed of to a sewer network, carried in tankers to a sewage treatment plant or placed in a septic tank that overflows into an underground soakage system.

Water Tank Cleaning Business: OTHER WAYS 
– make sure the paint on your roof is lead-free. If you are repainting, make sure there is a sign on the label that says it is suitable for a water supply
– an uncoated metallic roof can react with rainwater, which tends to be slightly acidic, causing leaching so you will need have it painted
– underground pipes are difficult to clean so it can pay to keep your tank as close to the roof as possible. If you do use pipes underground, make sure it has a constant gradient so water can’t sit in one spot.
– Make sure there are no trees overhanging your roof
– Your downpipe should be easily detachable so you can divert water from your tank when you are cleaning or painting the roof
– If you live on a dirt road or in an area where sprays are often used, you might want to reconsider using the water collected off your roof for drinking.


Gaining access and working inside a water tank can be difficult and dangerous.

There is often only a small access hatch on the top of the tanker through which to climb in and out.

Cleaners should be aware that some liquid held in tanks can give off hazardous gases which
liquid has been removed.

The liquids may also pose physical hazards such as slippery surfaces.

Corrosive liquids can cause burns.

Water Tank Cleaning Business

Always blow fresh air into the tank for a period before allowing a person to enter.

The cleaner should wear protective clothing, including gloves, boots, a hat and glasses .

Make sure someone remains outside the tank, next to the access hatch all the time in case the cleaner has an accident.

The availability of gas masks and portable ventilators would be an advantage.

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