Top 8 Yellow Corn Optimized Production Technology

Yellow Corn Optimized Production Technology: Corn is the cereal with the highest production worldwide and is used for human consumption, livestock feed, and fuel.

Various food technologies are currently used for processing industrially produced maize flours.

And corn meals in different parts of the world to obtain precooked refined maize flour.

Dehydrated nixtamalized flour, fermented maize flours, and other maize products.

These products have different intrinsic vitamin and mineral contents.

And their processing follows different pathways from raw grain to the consumer final product.

Which entail changes in nutrient composition.

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Dry maize mechanical processing creates whole or fractionated products.

Separated by anatomical features such as bran, germ, and endosperm.

Wet maize processing separates by chemical compound classification such as starch and protein.

Various industrial processes, including whole grain, dry milling fractionation, and nixtamalization, are described.

Vitamin and mineral losses during processing are identified and the nutritional impacts outlined.

Also discussed are the vitamin and mineral contents of corn.

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Maize also known as corn, it is the cereal with the highest production worldwide.

And become a staple food in many parts of the world for human consumption.

Livestock feed and fuel with total production surpassing that of wheat or rice.

Various food technologies are currently used for processing industrially produced maize flours.

And corn meals in different parts of the world to obtain precooked refined maize flour, dehydrated nixtamalized flour, fermented maize flours, and other maize products.

These products have different intrinsic vitamin and mineral contents.

Maize milling is a method of processing maize for safe consumption.

Yellow Corn Optimized Production Technology maize-flour.php

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1. Corn products:

Different products like corn starch, corn flakes and corn flour can be produced from maize seed.

This article focuses on the investment opportunity existing in the production of maize flour.

Yellow Corn Optimized Production Technology:

2. Basic operation:

Corn flour is derived from grounded and desiccated seed of the maize seeds.

It is whitish or yellowish in colour.

And It is the second most produced and consumed flour after wheat flour, competing with rice flour.

Dry corn millers process corn in one of three ways:

1. A tempering degerming process;
2. stoneground or non-degerming process; or
3. alkaline-cooked process.

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Yellow Corn Optimized Production Technology:

3. Tempering / degerming process

The main products of tempering / degerming process are

Flaking grits (large grits) 30 – 40 %
Brewers grits Small grits) 20%
Corn meal (coarse powder) 12 %
Corn flour( fine powder) 10%
Animal feed including germ 17-20 %

The most common process is the “tempering-degerming.”

The first step in this process is to dry clean the corn, separating fines and broken from the whole corn.

Occasionally wet cleaning follows to remove surface dirt, dust and other matter.

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The clean corn is tempered to 20 percent moisture.

While moist, the majority of the outer bran or pericarp, germ, and tip cap are removed, leaving the endosperm.

The bulk of the corn endosperm, known as the “tail hominy fraction,” proceeds through the DE germinator, is dried, cooled, and sifted.

A portion of this “fraction” is isolated as large flaking grits.

Further separation is accomplished using roller mills, sifters, grinding tables, and aspirators so that an infinite variety of smaller grits, meals and flours can be produced.

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Yellow Corn Optimized Production Technology:

4. Needed Equipment:

Some of the equipment required for the production of corn flour includes cleaning equipment, degermer, roller mills,sifters, grinding tables, and aspirators.

5. Cleaning process:

The process begins with cleaning the grain and is usually followed by conditioning the maize, then milling and sieving into flour .

The cleaning of maize flour production process is done by removing all the foreign material like sand, grit and dirt that may be present in the maize.

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These foreign materials and any other impurity.

That may be harmful to humans after consumption of the flour or can damage the machine during milling are removed.

This process ensures the maize for superior flour quality.

All these foreign materials are removed by a sieving process where all course particles are removed.

Different kinds of sieves are used which ensures all materials bigger or smaller than the maize itself is left behind.

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Yellow Corn Optimized Production Technology

6. Maize conditioning:

After cleaning, the second step of Maize Flour Production Process is maize conditioning.

This is the addition of moisture to it and allowing it to soak for some time.

This allows the bran to be peeled off easily.

The maize is then de-germinated and polished prior to milling.

This is the separation of the germ meal, endosperm and bran.

This process results in very high quality maize meal.

When the bran, endosperm and gem are ground together, the resulting maize meal is considered poor quality.

This is because it has a shorter shelf life, gives the porridge a yellow appearance and gives the eater a bloated feeling.

Yellow Corn Optimized Production Technology

7. Milling process:

The maize is then passed through a milling machine where it is grounded up into flour.

After the milling, the last step of the Maize Flour Production Process is sieving the flour.

Flour of the desired quality is retrieved and the residue is returned in the machine for further milling.

8. Product Fortification:

The product can be fortified with vitamin A and the packaging would be in PP bags and different sizes of 2Kg, 5Kg, l0Kg, 25Kg and 50Kg packs can be produced to meet the different needs of the market.

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Yellow Corn Optimized Production Technology:


Some of states that maize is produced in large quantity in the country includes Plataeu, Kano, Kaduna, Sokoto, Gombe, Bauchi, Zamfara, Benue , Kogi , Nassarawa and Taraba.

Maize (corn) is a significant food source for much of the world’s population and represents a vehicle for vitamin and mineral deficiency intervention.

There are several industrial processes that generate a wide variety of maize products to fulfill consumers’ habits and preferences.

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Many products of the industrial dry maize–milling processes may also be produced locally on a small scale as well as in the home.

The materials, processes, and equipment are readily available.

But it is important to consider that the number of nutrients removed or altered through home or small-scale industry processing may vary widely.

Proper assessment of population needs and understanding of industrial capability, products, and losses are needed to determine the viability of maize product fortification.

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