50 Yelp Best Food Near Me

Best food in town: Do you need out-of-the-box ideas that will thrive you in the world?

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How this works is that you would have to get people who are interested in food sharing, gather the money together, and then visit those neighboring towns and cities where food items are sold for cheap so that your customers can buy in bulk, and share the food items amongst themselves.

It’s cheaper to purchase food items this way than buying from retailers who also buy from the same source and would have added some extra money so that they can make profits.

Hausa Dishes:

  1. Tuwo shinkafa
  2. Tuwo Dawa
  3. Tuwo Masara
  4. Gwatendoya
  5. KurunZaki
  6. Kuka soup
  7. Tuwo acha
  8. Miya kuka
  9. Muya yakukwa
  10. Dakua
  11. Kuli-kuli
  12. Fantan wake
  13. Fantan Doya
  14. Fantan Dankafi

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Best food in town

Yoruba Dishes:

15. Amala ati Ewedu

  1. Ikokore
  2. Ajapa
  3. Gbele soup
  4. Elele

see also: Top 50 Nigerian Dishes for money-making Business

Igbo Dishes:

See also: how to make money selling food from home

  1. Ofe Onugbu
  2. Ofe Ogbono
  3. Ofe owerri
  4. Ofe oha
  5. Ofe Nsala
  6. Ede/ncha
  7. Ona/ncha
  8. Ji obibio
  9. Akpu
  10. Ukwa
  11. Ogkpa

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Best food in town

Ibibio/Efik Dishes

  1. Ekpang Nkukwo
  2. Ayanekpang
  3. Edikangikong
  4. Afang soup
  5. Iwuk Edesi
  6. Usung Udia mme Afia efere ebod
  7. Anem
  8. Otomboro
  9. Iwuk Ukom
  10. Asa iwa.

41. Aditan soup

42. Atama soup

43. Edita iwa

44. Asa akpakpa

45. Ekpan

46. Abak Afang

47. Usung Ikpong

48.Fisherman Soup

49. Okra soup

50. Fufu/garri

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Best food in town

These special dishes are mostly prepared during special occasions like traditional marriage, naming ceremonies, traditional festivals. They are special because, they involved extra cost, time, and energy during preparation but you can equally make money from any of them depending on your locality.

You may require some training before you start making money with food and you may not make a lot of money at the start. However, it is important that you don’t give up., you don’t have to limit yourself to just one way of making money with food.

You can combine two or more ways and generate an income from a number of different sources. It is always important to be mindful of food safety when handling food. And also do your research on any regulations that may apply to your food business.


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