Mobile Cassava Milling Business: A mobile service business is a business that travels to its customers.
There are many types of mobile businesses.
And many traditionally office-centered businesses venture into mobility.
In order to promote to a broader customer base.
Provide for greater customer convenience.
And cut down on the overhead involved with maintaining a stationary storefront or office space.
If you are interested in owning or operating your own mobile business.
Follow these steps to get up and running.
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1. Mobile Cassava Milling Business
Cassava is very nutritional product which is very healthy to our body in general.
This product can be converted in different product.
In the small scale cassava milling production.
To ensure that you get all these products such as cassava flour in good quality.
There are various processes which are followed to ensure that you get the best.
This will involve various systems.
Which will help the cassava roots to be transformed into cassava flour.
Ensuring that it retains all its nutrients.
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2. Get the business overview
Nigeria is the leading cassava producer globally with over 80% of the production processed into food products.
And consumed locally, while majority of Nigeria post harvest losses also happened along this line.
The major challenge confronting the sector is the large small holder women farmers engaged in both farming and processing mainly at cottage level.
Mobile Cassava Milling Business
Some have formed cooperatives with hundreds of individuals sharing one site.
And working together with cooperative farmers and other small scale women farmers in Nigeria.
Findings, technology used is basic with hygiene usually not up to standard.
Even though cooperatives and micro enterprises diversify their production.
According to market demand, their business skills can be improved.
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3. Meet the goals
To achieve these goals, it is your took step to create access to modern technologies called Mobile Cassava Processing Innovation (MOCAPI).
For cassava processing into garri with an attractive packaging.
Without the need to invest in expensive processing equipment.
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4. Know the Business Component
The Mobile Cassava Processing is a combination of Grater, Hammer mill, Presser, used for dewatering of the grated cassava tubers, packaging machine and a mobile power generator of about 2.5kg all together in a three-cycle that tows a hydraulic press mounted on a trailer which can be moved to a processing site for the entire dehydration process while milling and packing garri for customers.
The service provided with this combination of equipment.
Allows micro- and small processors to access mechanized processing as a rental service upon a pay per pack use.
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Mobile Cassava Milling Business
5. Assess your talents, interests and experience.
Starting a business in an area you are already familiar with, comfortable in and good at is ideal.
Determine the practicality of taking your business on the road.
You need to consider the cost and feasibility of transporting.
Whatever equipment you will need to make your mobile service jobs run smoothly
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Mobile Cassava Milling Business
Of course, the first major step in launching any business is the ability to meet certain capital requirements.
And cassava processing is not an exception.
You need to run a feasibility studies to determine the pros and cons of the business.
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7. Secure start-up costs.
Most businesses require capital to start.
Money is typically required to purchase supplies and equipment.
As well as keep the business operational for the period before your business becomes profitable.
The first place to look for financing is yourself.
Consider saving ahead as another option.
If you have a job, save a portion of your monthly income over time to cover your start-up costs.
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8. Identify your customers.
Maintain a one-on-one relationship with customers.
That lets them know you’re focused on their individual needs.
Address the customers by name and give them your name.
Always establish your customer’s identity and field of business.
So you can relate to this information throughout the exchange.
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9. Size up the competition.
Cancel out ideas that you don’t feel you’d be able to gain a competitive edge in and study the business practices of the apparent successes. Not only is this a good way to narrow down your options, but it is also a way to get ideas for how and how not to run your own business.
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10.Buy the equipment.
This mainly determined by your final products.
As mentioned above, cassava starch processing machine is most expensive.
And garri processing machine is relatively cheap.
You’d better choose a reliable equipment manufacturer.
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11. Get the knowledge of Crushing and Grinding
This process involves crushing of the cassava into powder form.
By ensuring that you only add very little water during this process to avoid any loss of the nutrients.
By doing so the small cassava milling business do not filter these crushed material to ensure a very high quality cassava flour.
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12. Invest in the things you will need to make your business successful.
Education. Learn as much as you can about the industry you are going into.
And about running a small business in general.
Check out books from the library, attend trade shows and seminars.
Sign up for some courses at your local community college or technical/vocational school and ask other, non-competing, mobile service business professionals about how they do business.
Business expense budget. You will need advertising, start-up, equipment and a way to transport your equipment.
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13. Advertise your mobile services business.
Print. Take out print ads in local newspapers, lifestyle magazines and industry-specific trade publications.
Vehicle advertising. Make sure the vehicle you use for your mobile business has a bold, clear display advertising your business.
Include your contact information, including a mobile telephone number that you can be reached at even while you’re on the road between jobs.
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14. Delegate if necessary.Part of any customer service job is knowing when a customer has a problem you can’t handle and being able to direct him or her to a representative that can provide the necessary help.
Be willing to tell a customer that you’re directing him or her to another representative that can address specific needs.
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15. Listen to the customer.
Allow a dissatisfied or concerned customer to tell you what’s wrong or why a product or service didn’t deliver as promised.
Avoid interrupting or talking over a customer.
Because this will make the customer feel that you’re not listening and don’t care.
Ask questions to be sure you understand the problem.
Nut let the customer relate it to you in his or her own words.
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16. Admit mistakes.
Admitting fault is an integral part of good customer service, because no company is perfect. Avoid becoming defensive or verbally confrontational with a customer that points out an error made by you or your company. Instead, apologize for the error and explain to the customer how it will be rectified.
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17. Maintain professionalism.
Customer service technique is about finding a balance between relating to a customer, but still being professional. Address the customer professionally, avoid using slang and never yell at a customer even if the customer is yelling at you. Remain professional, regardless of how the customer acts.
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18. Establish a marketing budget.
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19. Manage your running costs.
Mobile Cassava Milling Business
20. Purchase of cassava grater grating machine:
Cassava Flour Milling Machine apply to grind tubers of crops (mainly hydrous potatoes) to cassava paste,after grinding the paste is fine and smooth,eatable.
Cassava Flour Milling Machine is popular both in farm and food processing factory.Such as the Cassava Flour/Garri/Fufu Factory ect.
Thinking of the it is not very convient to use the electric in the farm, commercial flour mill include Electric Type,Gasoline Type,Diesel Type ect;
Cassava Flour Milling Machine will add the wheel,so that will will be very convient to move in the farm.
Mobile Cassava Milling Business
21.Get the Features of cassava grater grating machine
1.Cassava Flour Milling Machine is multifunctional,can be used for Sweet Potato,Potato,Yam, Kudzu root Flour Making.
2.Cassava Flour Milling Machine is smashing high efficiency, short processing time,easy intallation and use.
3.Cassava Flour Milling Machine with advanced equipment design and manufacturing, the flu absorption of the experience of cassava industry ,increased speed reduce the waste of the processing.
4.Cassava Flour Milling Machine run more smoothly,high efficiency and low consumption.
22. Know the basic unit operations
Know the basic unit operations in cassava flour production from fresh cassava roots are:
- Sorting and Weighing: The tubers are sorted to select the wholesome roots for production. The tubers are then weighed.
- Peeling: The weighed cassava roots are peeled manually to reduce high peeling loss associated with mechanical peelers due to irregular shape of cassava root.
- Washing: Peeled root is washed with sufficient quantity of potable water to remove sand, dirt and other contaminants.
- Grating: The root is grated to cassava mash.
- Detoxification: The cassava mash is detoxified mechanically in a mash agitator for a period of time to eliminate the toxic hydrogen cyanide present in cassava.
- Dewatering: The moisture content of the mash is reduced mechanically to about 50% to prepare for drying operation.
- Granulation: The resultant cake from dewatering process is disintegrated into fine granules using hammer mill.
- Drying: Granulation process is followed by drying operation to produce cassava flour of desired quality.
- Milling: The flour obtained is milled to desired particle size.
- Sieving and Packaging: The flour is sieved and packaged appropriately.
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