20 Current Business Moon shots

Current Business Moon shots: When I became a certified developer, I got a job that offered me ten times what I was earning. I kid you not, ten times! BusinessHAB.com
At Google, we talk about moon shot thinking, 100 times Business results.

This is really about amplifying your goals, results and aspirations in the order of magnitude of 100X.

Putting a man on the moon is a moon shot.

Creating a self-driving car involves moon shot thinking.

All around us, there are opportunities to create  business moon shots.

What is the purpose of education if not to help you 100X the quality of your life and opportunities available to you; helping you go beyond limits?

Current Business Moon shots:

1. 8 Top Research Questionnaire Development Tips 

8 Top Research Questionnaire Development Tips in NigeriaResearch Questionnaire Development : A research questionnaire, also called a survey, is a set of questions that is administered to a population sample, or group of people, in order to gather data. Survey answers are used for research purposes. So it is important that the questionnaire effectively represents the information it is intended to measure. […]

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Current Business Moon shots:

2. 20 Tips to Make Money @ Teen 

20 Tips to Make Money @ Teen in NigeriaMake Money @ Teen: Making money when you’re thirteen is difficult, but not impossible. There are quite a few ways that you can gain spare cash through odd jobs, through neighbourhood help and even through work permitted for your age group, depending on your jurisdiction. Make Money @ Teen: 1. Take surveys. You can earn […]

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Current Business Moon shots:

3. 15 Tips to Become State Police Officer 

State Police Officer: Enlisting to serve as a state police officer requires meeting certain physical, mental and educational criteria. The requirements vary from state to state. In some states, state police officers are known as highway patrol, or state troopers. In general, state police officers help local police with investigations and emergencies that extend beyond […]

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Current Business Moon shots:

4. Top 19 Project Presentation Ideas

Project Presentation Ideas:You know how things can be when it comes to project presentation. They can be a lot of fun or a lot of stress. I’m guessing that you’d prefer them to be fun,. So I’ve prepared top project presentation ideas that are sure to help you make the best possible project presentation. There […]

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Current Business Moon shots:

5. 43 Amazing Medical/food value Of Cassava to every Nigerians

Ever came across a single ingredient that can take care of your  health. And the whole parts of your body at all time? And what if that very ingredient is also a poison? Perplexed, aren’t you? Well, we are talking about cassava here! How it benefits to your  healthy is simply beyond imagination! And coming […]

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Current Business Moon shots:

6. Building Materials Business: How to Start

Building Materials Business: Today,  I shall be considering Building Material Business. I shall be considering Building Materials Business in Nigeria: How to Start.  I will be looking at the cost effectiveness of starting building materials shop in Nigeria. I will also touch on the profitability of starting building materials business in Nigeria. Also to be considerd […]

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Current Business Moon shots:

7. 24 Tips to all Self-employed Personals 

Self-employed personals:  The biggest problem founders and small business owners have is that they’re experts in their field and novices in what it really takes to effectively run a business. That’s what usually trips them up, sooner or later. Don’t let that happen to you. Admit that you don’t know what you don’t know about […]

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Current Business Moon shots:

8.Current 17 Good Building Materials for House Construction

Current 17 Good Building Materials for House Construction in NigeriaGood Building Materials  is any material which is used for a construction purpose. Many naturally occurring substances, such as clay, sand, wood and rocks, even twigs and leaves have been used to construct buildings. Apart from naturally occurring materials. Many man-made products are in use, some more and some less synthetic. The manufacture of building […]

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Current Business Moon shots:

9. Top 20 Financial Investment Guides 

Financial Investment Guides : It is no coincidence that most wealthy people invest in the stock market. While fortunes can be both made and lost, investing in stocks is one of the best ways to create financial security, independence, and generational wealth. Whether you are just beginning to save or already have a nest egg […]

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Current Business Moon shots:

10. 22 Top Finished Products Marketing Tips 

 Finished Products Marketing Tips: You want to get your product out there so everyone can see how great it is. But that’s harder than it sounds! How do you market your Finished Products? Read below for some advice, strategies, and general information on how to market a product. Finished Products Marketing Tips 1. Keep it up-to-date. […]

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Current Business Moon shots:

11. 11 Ways to Start Abrasive Sodablasting Business 

Abrasive Sodablasting Business: If you have the desire to succeed in growing a profitable business. Organizing your own time, pride in your work and have an appreciation for great customer service. Soda blast ACT is the business for you. Soda blasting was developed in the late 1970s to clean the Statue of Liberty in New […]

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Current Business Moon shots:

12. Top 27 Business Concepts for Businesspeople 

Business Concepts: What are the most important business concepts every entrepreneur must understand? You don’t need to have an MBA or attend business school to succeed in business. Almost all the knowledge and information you require to start and succeed with your small business is available for free in the real world. In this article, I will […]

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Current Business Moon shots:

13. Top 26 Fast Food Business Guides 

Top 26 Fast Food Business Guides in NigeriaFast Food Business Guides: Starting a restaurant or coffee shop can be very fulfilling. However, these types of businesses can be difficult to maintain. About 30% of independent restaurants fail within the first year. Although the longer you can stay in business, the less likely your restaurant is to collapse.  As with starting any business, you […]

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Current Business Moon shots:

14. 27 Tips to Open Table D’Hote/Tea Restaurant

27 Tips to Open Table D’Hote/Tea Restaurant in NigeriaOpen Table D’Hote/Tea Restaurant: Starting a Table D’Hote/Tea Restaurant or coffee shop can be very fulfilling. However, these types of businesses can be difficult to maintain. About 30% of independent restaurants fail within the first year. Although the longer you can stay in business. The less likely your restaurant is to collapse. As with starting […]

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Current Business Moon shots:

15. Tips to Open Worship Centre 

Open Worship Centre: A church is a spiritual community that comes together in common fellowship. If you’re dissatisfied with your local options and have a group of like-minded thinkers and believers. You may be interested in branching out on your own to worship in your own way. Where to start? You can learn to begin […]

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Current Business Moon shots:

16. 21 Tips to Start Top Business (Church) 

Top Business (Church): A church is a spiritual community that comes together in common fellowship. If you’re dissatisfied with your local options and have a group of like-minded thinkers and believers. You may be interested in branching out on your own to worship in your own way. Where to start? You can learn to begin […]

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17. Top 80 Learning Styles for Nigerian Student

Learning Styles : Everyone learns differently, that’s nothing new. However, over the years the different styles of learning have usually been cut down to visual, physical (learn-by-doing), or audible. Truth is, we could probably dissect each of these learning three styles down even further and arrive at a handful of sub-levels. Learning is a complicated concept […]

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Current Business Moon shots:

18. 11 Steps to Start Window Tinting Business

Window Tinting Business: The windows in our home and cars are there to serve many purposes. They provide a source of light, fresh air and provide shade. But sometimes the windows become such a huge burden by letting in too much light, causing heat and compromising our privacy. People have now found ways to solve these […]

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Current Business Moon shots:

19. 6 Tips to Start Industrial & Commercial Sandblasting Business

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Industrial & Commercial Sandblasting: These tips are perfect for those of you who plan on opening a industrial and commercial sandblasting business. Read these tips before you begin your venture. Wondering how to start a industrial and commercial sandblasting business? We take you step-by-step from start to success. WHAT IS SANDBLASTING? The sandblasting process involves […]

Current Business Moon shots:

20. 19 Tips to Start Aluminium Fabricating Business

Aluminum fabrication business is highly lucrative because it deals with an essential element in building construction. Any house is incomplete without properly installed windows and doors. In the past windows and doors were made out of wooden panels and glass. The windows although trendy had a few challenges. They faced Termite infestation including the ravages […]

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There’s nothing more important for our success than to educate the next generation if we are to make Africa an economic powerhouse.

However, looking at the current population and the explosive population growth expected in the next decades.

We cannot rely only on traditional formal learning to build capacity at scale.

Our youth need some key skills to thrive in today’s world.

Critical thinking, complex problem solving, and creativity.

These are crucial in being able to develop local solutions to local problems.

And sparking more homegrown entrepreneurs which are key to economic growth.

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