Hair Dressing Business: Would you like starting a hair dressing business in Nigeria?
Are interested in learning how to setup a hair stylist salon?
Are in need of a mobile hair dressing business plan template?
If your answer is yes to the above questions, then read on.
Today, I will share with you a detailed guide on how to start a hair dressing business in Nigeria.
One of the sub sectors of the fashion industry and also the beauty care industry is a hair dressing business.
Fashion industry involves constant changes.
It is never static, it is an ever-changing industry.
Be it fashion or hair and beauty, trend is the name of the game.
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Before now, hair dressing was mainly women’s affair but these day men have successfully venturing into both the hair styling boutique and beauty care in general. This is a very lucrative business venture.
Again, hair dressing business has strong potentials in almost every country of the world. For the fact that most people are fashion conscious, it is a profitable business venture. Therefore, you can definitely do this business irrespective of your place resident. So, below is a detailed hair dressing business plan.
Sample business plan template of how to start a hair dressing business
1. Get as much knowledge of the hair dressing business
Knowledge is not just power but also a strong competitive advantage in business. You must know every necessary thing about the business, if you want to succeed as a hair stylist entrepreneur.
Also, you must know about the human or women’s hair. You have to know a little about beauty care, you have to know how to run a hair dressing business and you must also be well informed about fashion in general.
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2. Acquire the necessary skills
Running a successful hair dressing business requires the needed skills. It is even better you know how to style and dress hairs. Although, it is not too important as you can always employ capable hands to do the job.
In addition to the technical skills or hair styling and dressing, you need business skills such as accounting, marketing, management, customer service, sales, negotiation, networking skills, etc.
3. Write a Business Plan
A small business plan is crucial in starting a business. There are five main parts in business plan. There are:
a. The introduction or overview
b. The company profiles
c. Services offered
d. Target market
e. Financial plan
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4. Sample Hair Dressing Business Plan Template
The main aim of a business plan is to guide you through the process of setting up your business. In addition, many banks or financing organizations require a business plan before they lend you the funds to start your business.
No business is exempted from getting a business plan even a hair dressing irrespective of the size of the business. You can hire people to write your business plan for you. If you don’t know anybody or you are not willing to pay for a service like that, there is always a sample hair dressing business plan template available on the web that you can refer to.
A sample hair dressing business plan must be brief yet detailed. It must be easy to understand. Therefore, it is very important for the business owner to participate or contribute in the making of the business plan.
5. Your Hair Dressing Vision And Mission Statement
The business plan must contain a mission and vision statement in the introduction part. The vision and mission statement is very important because this is where you will lay out your goals and plans for your business. This does not means this does not means that you want to be successful.
However, It is important also you state how your business will not only benefit you but how your business will contribute to the community as well.
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6. Profile of Your Company
Your hair dressing business plan must contain your company profile. The ownership of the company and a little background about how your company started will be included in the company profile. Also, setting up cost must be included in your plan.
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7. Your Products and Services
It is very good in any sample hair dressing business plan you are expected to find the list of services that a certain salon will offer.
The business of a hair dressing is a service oriented. So, it is pertinent that you offer a wide range of services aside from hair treatments because people are fond of one-stop shops. You have to know the department of your personnel.
Knowing their strength can help you know the services you can advertise heavily to get the interests of your potential customers.
Not all hair dressings are the same and some salons offer more services than the others. I have even seen some hair dressings that carry hair products such as weavons, relaxers, hair creams, etc.
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8. Hair Dressing Marketing Plan
Marketing plan is a very important in any hair dressing business plan. You can use it to compare your business with other local salon businesses in your area. Also, it helps you to know the kind of customers you will be attracting with regards to your location and type of business.
Do you want to attract a more mature crowd or will you cater to the young ones? Would you like to be a salon that caters to budget friendly customers or clients that is willing to pay a few extra bucks for salon services? If yes, consider marketing analysis summary.
9. Financial Analysis and Projections
The financial aspect is the most essential detail of any business plan. It shows the estimated costs, overhead costs, expected recurring expenditure and target profits. Also, it is where you will probably find how long it will take you to recover all your capital expenditures.
Financial analysis and projections will help you to allocate the money you need to recover every month. It also helps you to decide whether you will need to get a loan. Same applies if you can finance your shop using your savings.
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Nowadays, a sample hair dressing business plan template is available in the web for your orientation. The business plans are meant as a guide and you are not supposed to copy it word for word.
Note that a business plan should be written for your business and your business alone. It should be something you can understand and explain very well.
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10. The requirements needed to get your business licensed
Before starting a hair dressing, you must visit the website of SBA (Small Business Management) or any other relevant body to know more about the requirements for your business license.
Get in touch with DOPL (Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing) or any other relevant agency to license your shop personnel, and to check if they are licensed. In addition, prepare your shop for sanitary inspections. The guidelines for inspection vary from state to state in Nigeria.
11. Seek for Good Business Location
A place with a large population is good location of your shop. Do not place your shop where many competitors exist. It prevents any possible difficulties during your business’ launch.
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12. Recruit professional and skillful personnel
If want to become a successful hair stylist and business owner, then you are going to need extra talented hands. You must hire must be licensed, skilled and experienced personnel.
Also, it is good to create a manual and contract for your future workers before you start recruiting.
13. Employ an interior designer to make your shop look clean and beautiful
You get a business permit immediately from the health inspector if you hire an interior designer. It is essential that your shop is clean and beautiful to attract customers.
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14. Advertise through the power of word of mouth
This is the most effective method when it comes to advertising and marketing. You can get more customers to know you by giving free or discounted services during the first days or week of your shop. This will raise the awareness of the people around you about your presence.
Conclusively, I believe that these guidelines on starting a hair dressing business would surely get your dream shop running in no time. Make sure you take note of the points above and implement them; and I will see you at the top.
If you need a complete business plan, please let us know. Or, you want us to help you set up this business, kindly contact us. Otherwise, Please check out these other business ideas you can do.
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