22 Tips to Build Good Organic Nail Salon Business

Organic nail salon: Once you’ve decided you want to start a small business, formulated your business plan, lined up financing, and secured a site, the time will finally come to actually open up shop. While planning a business may present challenges, the actual act of opening a business and bringing the business concept to fruition has its own set of difficulties. To have a better chance of long-term success, you need to get your business off to a good start. Here are a few tips on how to legally establish your business, hire your first employees, spreading the word, and organizing a grand opening.

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Organic nail salon

Organic nail salon: BusinessHAB.com

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1. Get the Business Background:

Because of their straightforward business model, salons are often easier to break into than other types of startups. This means you can spend more time doing nails and less time chewing your own. After you’ve applied for your operator’s license and found a suitable location, your chief concern will be getting your hands on all the equipment and supplies you’ll need to carry out business on a day-to-day basis. From there, it will just be a matter of managing your resources and polishing your image to leave your clients happy and looking fabulous.

Read on: 16 Tips to Manage your Salon as Honey Nail Salon

2. Ensure you have a business plan.

A business plan is critical to the success of a business and can be seen as a plan that describes your business, products/services, market, and describes how your business will go about expanding for the next three to five years. It is essentially a “road map” for your business to follow going forward.

Organic nail salon

3. Get some experience working in a salon.

If you’ve only ever set foot in a nail salon as a customer, consider putting your dream on hold and getting a job at an established salon. Becoming a technician yourself will give you a better understanding of the unique skills and demands of the profession. In time, this expertise will play directly into your success as an entrepreneur in the field of beauty.

  • Even a part-time job can serve as a valuable learning experience while you’re gathering your resources.
  • As you’re working your way up the ladder, pay close attention to the administrative side of the business. This is the role you’ll be stepping into once you become a full-fledged salon owner.

    See also: 16 Tips to Build your Salon as Walmart Nail Salon

4. Determine the legal structure of your business.

Before starting your business and filing the necessary papers, it is important to decide on how your business will be legally structured. Generally speaking, you will be establishing either a sole proprietorship; partnership; corporation; or limited liability company (LLC). There are important legal and tax implications for each.

5. Decide what sort of salon you want to open.

Begin by formulating a vision for your business. Do you imagine it as an urban oasis where tired clients can come to be pampered, or an in-and-out cash cow that caters to a hectic professional crowd? Once you have some idea of what you want to achieve, you’ll be better prepared to plan accordingly.

  • The goals you lay out for your salon may have an impact on your location, spatial requirements, or the number and type of services you provide.

Organic nail salon

6. Form the necessary legal structure.

A different procedure exists for forming each one of these structures, and some require more work while others are extremely simple. Details surrounding how to form each type can be located on the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) website.

7. Estimate your total startup costs.

Identify all the places your money will be going to get your salon off the ground. Along with the regular cost of operation once you’re up and running, there will be expenses associated with leasing, licensing and property inspection, taxes and basic equipment and supplies. There will also be the matter of payroll once you begin hiring employees to work under you.

  • Consult with a professional business adviser or talk to the owner of the salon you frequent to get an idea of how much it will take to open your own.
  • Starting your own business is never cheap. Fortunately, nail salons tends to be less expensive enterprises, as they don’t require any sophisticated technology.

    Read on: 21 Tip to Open the Best Nail Salon Business

Organic nail salon

8. Build up your capital.

Start setting aside as much money as you can to finance your upcoming business venture. If necessary, you can apply for a business loan to supplement the money you’ve saved up. There’s also the option of seeking contributions from your friends and loved ones.

  • Consider opening a savings account to keep your startup money separate from the rest of your finances.
  • While you’re in the planning stages of opening your nail salon, cut down on unnecessary spending as much as possible. Every cent you save will bring you closer to realizing your dream.

9. Register your business name.

Unless you are running the business under your own name, such as “John Smith Painting,” most states require you to register a “Doing Business As” (DBA) name for tax and legal purposes. Registering a DBA is done with your state government or county clerk’s office. Search the specific requirements of your state online.

Organic nail salon

10. Establish a bank account for your business.

It is very important not to mix business and personal finances, as this can lead to issues with the IRS. Having separate bank accounts for business and personal transaction simplifies accounting and makes tax requirements easier to understand.

  • To open a business account, simply contact your local bank or credit union.

11. Establish your business legally.

All that’s left to do now is to complete the paperwork needed for your salon to be recognized as a business entity. These forms should be filed with the office of the Secretary of State in your locality. When this is done, you’ll need to register for your Employee Identification Number (EIN), which will be used to identify your business and place you within the appropriate tax bracket as owner.

  • Your salon can be set up as a sole proprietorship if you’re going into business for yourself, or as a general partnership or LLC (limited liability company) if you’re bringing another person in with you. Joint ownership is a great way to split labor and expenses, but it also means your profits will be shared.
  • If you live in the U.S., you can apply for your EIN by filling out a form on the IRS website.

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Organic nail salon

12. Rent out a suitable space for your salon.

Choose a location that strikes a balance between posh privacy and commercial convenience. The key here is visibility—you want to appeal to your core clientele, but also be noticeable to curious passersby who are wandering in off the street. Being situated near clothing stores, restaurants, and other spots that are popular with your customer base can be an advantage.

  • Most successful salons are part of larger shopping centers, though some can be found in small, freestanding buildings. Go with what your instincts (and budget) dictate.
  • The closer to the heart of town you establish your salon, the more walk-in business you’re likely to get.

13. Furnish your space comfortably.

Among the non-negotiable items you’ll be needing are desks or standing stations for the technicians, manicure tables, reclining seats with foot rests, supply carts, and chairs for the waiting area. Once the big things are accounted for, you can begin thinking about how you’d like to spruce the place up. Incorporating accents like bohemian wall hangings and potted plants can help create a more relaxing atmosphere.

  • You may have to have some contract work done to install important fixtures like restrooms, sinks, and overhead ventilation if your property doesn’t already have them.

Organic nail salon

14. Stock up on essential supplies.

Put together an itemized list of everything you’ll need to conduct business on a given day. This will include things like nail clippers, scissors, buffers, files, moisturizers, towels, and finger and toe separators. Be prepared to place repeat orders for these materials every couple of weeks, as they’ll be your bread and butter once you’re operational.

  • Don’t forget about other related supplies, such as paper towels, hand soap, acetone, and reading material for the lobby.
  • Contract with one or more wholesale suppliers to buy your supplies in bulk for a discounted rate.

    See also: 8 Tips to Get the Best Nail Care Treatment

15. Sell products to supplement your income.

Few nail salons make 100% of their profit by giving manicures. There’s also a big market for specialty beauty goods, meaning you can pull double duty to maximize your revenue. By making things like nail polishes, lotions, and exfoliating tools available, you’ll give your clients the chance to take home the same products they enjoy in the salon.

  • Get in touch with prominent health and beauty companies to find out how to arrange a wholesale distribution opportunity or a possible partnership.
  • Set aside a boutique area separate from your main service stations where customers can browse your selection and make purchases.

Organic nail salon

16. Market your salon to attract business.

Design some eye-catching flyers for your business and post them up in your area. Distribute these ads in places that your target demographic is likely to visit, like beauty shops, spas and cafés. Make sure you include all the important details in your ads, including the name, address, and phone number of your salon, the types of services you offer, and your hours of operation.

  • If you’re coming from another salon, you could also ask your former boss to put in a good word for you to help stir up interest while you’re first getting on your feet.
  • When it comes to a business like a salon, the best advertisement is word of mouth—as long as you do great work, your clients will tell their friends and continue to come back again and again.

    Read also: 9 Tips to Promote your Salon Business with Bohemian knotless Braids

17. Create a presence on social media.

Don’t underestimate the promotional power of social media. Facebook and Instagram make a perfect platform for showing off your work and sharing testimonials from satisfied customers. Each of your accounts should be neatly laid out and simply titled so they’ll be easy to find. Don’t forget to update them regularly with new content, like info on the services you provide and special introductory deals.

  • If you’ve never moderated a business social media account before, follow other popular salons and take note of how they’ve structured their profiles.
  • Get your followers involved by encourage them to send in photos of their nails after they visit.

Organic nail salon

18. Specialize in a handful of services.

Generally, it’s better to offer two or three services that you’re exceptionally skilled at than a dozen that are mediocre. That way, your clientele will know exactly what to expect coming in, and you can focus on providing the best service possible. Trying to wear too many hats can cause you to lose your identity—and business in the process.

  • A salon that advertises nail art, facials, chemical exfoliation, and hot stone massage all under the same roof is enough to make a potential customer’s head spin.
  • Limiting the number of services you provide will also keep you and your staff from getting overwhelmed. You can always expand your offerings over time if demand is high enough.

19. Price your services competitively.

Determine how much to charge for the various treatments you’ll be providing. Applying a basic set of acrylic nails, for instance, might cost $25-40 USD, while more involved procedures like a mani/pedi package might run upwards of $100 USD. Break down the price point of each service individually to make sure you’re coming up with a number that’s fair.

  • If you find yourself stumped about how high you should set your prices, think about the maximum amount you would be willing to pay as a consumer, then compare that figure against your specific operating budget and expenses.
  • When you’re first starting out, it may be a good idea to keep your prices low in order to be able to compete with the better-known salons in your area. Once you’ve made a reputation for yourself, you can begin raising your prices gradually.

Organic nail salon

20. Hire a team of qualified technicians.

No matter how industrious you are, you’ll eventually reach a point where you’ll need to have a few extra sets of hands around. In addition to the regular duties of a nail technician, your employees will also be responsible for scheduling appointments, making sales, and cleaning and maintaining the salon.

  • Interview your applicants one-on-one so that you can get a sense of their personality as well as review their credentials on paper.
  • Be sure to check the references of everyone applies, and try to hire employees who value customer service and really have a passion for what they’re doing.
  • If you’re operating a simple salon that provides standard services only, pay your staff an hourly rate. For boutiques that also push specialty beauty products, reward them with commission for each sale they make.

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21. Network with other business leaders.

Get out of your office and get to know other business leaders in your community. Speaking with other business managers can help you generate ideas for your own business. You can also build up goodwill with both consumers and suppliers. By meeting community leaders you can spread the name of your business and generate informal publicity. Such meetings often can lead to an increase of referrals for your business.

Organic nail salon

22. Start early.

Don’t wait until opening day, or even until you know when opening day will be. Be proactive in establishing brand awareness and generating anticipation. A “coming soon” sign on your in-preparation storefront is a good start, but not enough on its own.

  • Preserve the bulk of your initial marketing budget for the Grand Opening, but before that time utilize budget-friendly options like flyers, targeted direct mail, and a social media presence.
  • Try to build your brand even before your location is ready. If you’re going to be selling handcrafted necklaces or handmade pierogies, seek out a local craft or food festival where you can set up a table and sell your wares. (Be sure to advertise your forthcoming retail presence.) If you’re an accountant, maybe you can volunteer to offer tax advice at the local community center or library (and hand out business cards).
  • Take advantage of of the plethora of free consumer data provided by the Census Bureau and Department of Labor to learn more about customers.
  • After you’ve identified your consumer profile (who’s actually buying the product), use the federal data to find even more consumers and reach the masses. Couple this data with insights from free reports provided by research firms (such as Nielsen) to determine how best to market your product/service to your consumer mass.

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