12 Best Habits You Must Develop In Order To Become a Millionaire

Habits You Must Develop In Order To Become a Millionaire

Best Habits To Develop In Becoming a Millionaire : To the average person, habits are a bad thing.

To the extraordinary person, habits are a necessity of life.

Being habitual is a must when you are performing at a high level.

Most of us are prone to developing habits quickly, but we may choose to develop the wrong ones.

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Habits You Must Develop In Order To Become a Millionaire

Everyone says they want to become a millionaire, yet very few are willing to do the research.

And the work it takes to get there. Proof of this lies in the amount of millionaires in the world.

Less than six million people in the USA are considered millionaires.

Not to overlook the fact that America has more millionaires than anywhere else on the planet.

In a country with over 300 million citizens, less than two percent bring home big money.

These five million millionaires have different habits than the other 295 million citizens.

They run their life differently. The have figured out how to habitually perform at high levels.

I know; I’m one of them and I have an addictive personality that used to do me more harm than good.

Habits You Must Develop In Order To Become a Millionaire

The same habits that got you where you are, most likely won’t get you to the next level.

The key to becoming a millionaire is to model and copy the habits of people who are millionaires.

Today, I’m going to share five habits you must develop in order to become a millionaire.

Habits You Must Develop In Order To Become a Millionaire

1. Investing Your Money –

Millionaires don’t just have all their money laying around in a savings account.

They invest their money. Money never sleeps and it needs to be put to work or it becomes worthless.

If you don’t make your money go work for you, it will only become worth less and less.

Investing your money is making it go to work

No matter how much money you earn now, you need to start being disciplined and start investing your money.

I invest 25 percent of my income and I have done so since 2005.

I get paid every two weeks. Some of my check goes to my eTrade account.

And another portion goes to my real estate fund.

Get used to investing now, and it will be that much easier to do when you earn big money.

Plus, let’s be real, investments can make you a millionaire. Image result for Habits You Must Develop In Order To Become a Millionaire

Habits You Must Develop In Order To Become a Millionaire

2. Delegating as Much as Possible –

Millionaires aren’t usually the do-it-yourself types.

When you are performing at a high level, you can’t afford to do everything yourself.

Matter of fact, one of the biggest limiting factors in people’s lives is that they believe they have to do everything themselves.

As strange as it sounds, the less you do, the more you earn, if you are delegating properly.

Habits You Must Develop In Order To Become a Millionaire

No matter where you are in life right now, you need to start delegating.

Even if it’s to a virtual assistant overseas, you need to get used to telling other people what to do and how you want it done.

The more of your tasks you can delegate out.

And the faster you get used to delegating it out.

The more time you’ll have to strategize on earning more income.

Millionaires have multiple people working for them, who do what they are told.

If you want to be a millionaire, get used to telling people what to do.

Habits You Must Develop In Order To Become a Millionaire

3. Working Hard at Getting Smarter –

We’ve all heard the phrase “work smart not hard,” and that’s what lazy-ass people say.

Truth is, you have to work hard at getting smarter. It’s one thing to reach millionaire status.

It’s another to stay there. In order to continue to reign as the seven-figure champ.

You need to improve everywhere you can. This means taking in information and putting it into action.

Habits You Must Develop In Order To Become a Millionaire

Millionaires are constantly looking to increase their intelligence.

Through reading, workshops, seminars, consultants.

And any other way to learn something that improves their overall performance.

In the beginning, you work hard gaining experience.

When you start to make it in life you turn that experience into intelligence.

When you really start to make it, you convert intelligence into income. 

4. Asking for the Business –

This may seem obvious to you, but you’d be surprised by how many people won’t ask for anything.

These are the same people who bitch that nothing is ever given to them.

Millionaires know what they want, and know who to ask for it.

We face rejection over and over again in most cases, but we ask.

You can’t get what you want in life if the people in your life don’t know what you want.

5 You gotta ask in order to receive.

Habits You Must Develop In Order To Become a Millionaire

Asking for the business is scary as hell to a lot of people.

Rejection is one of the top fears people have in America.

Like anything else in life, you have to face fears and do it anyway.

Millionaires have to ask clients, banks, investors, partners.

And contractors to do outside-the-box stuff all the time.

Get used to asking people for help because getting rich all by yourself is hard.

Habits You Must Develop In Order To Become a Millionaire

5. Sticking To a Schedule –

One thing millionaires do better than the rest of the public, is time management.

When you control time instead of letting time control you, things change.

One of the best ways to control time is to create a schedule and then stick to it.

In my life, if it ain’t on the schedule, it don’t get done.

The people in my life even add things to my schedule so I get it done.

I live and die by the schedule on my phone.

Without sticking to my schedule, I’d never be able to keep up with all the demands I need to meet.

I’m writing this article because it’s on my schedule of things to do.

Each Sunday night, my schedule says I must spend three hours writing.

It’s funny when I see someone who’s not making much money tell me they are “too busy.”

No, you’re not too busy, you just suck at managing your time.

Learn to control time or it will control you.

Habits You Must Develop In Order To Become a Millionaire

6. When you are a slave to time, you can’t create success

Here’s the thing: You’re almost done reading this and I can feel you knocking the simplicity of these five habits. Think of this, if you can’t handle the simple things, how are you going to manage the big things?

Start with these five habits. Develop and cultivate them into stronger habits. Work on these five habits and go from there. You must start somewhere, and this is the place.

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new, Albert Einstein famously remarked.

Einstein’s words ring true for all of us, but nobody understands this better than entrepreneurs. The process of creating your own business is an arduous one, and even the most successful entrepreneurs will face some missteps along the way.

That’s why I sought out the advice of 3 accomplished self-made CEOs — all of whom are slated to present in New York at LeadsCon, from August 22 to 24 — to divulge the most common business blunders that they’ve observed, both with their clients and with themselves.

Habits You Must Develop In Order To Become a Millionaire

7.  Not enough planning.

Greg Gragg, CEO of Gragg Advertising, cites lack of planning as the top business mistake that he sees again and again. “[Entrepreneurs] tend to outline goals without knowing how to get there mathematically,” he says — which can bear devastating consequences for the future of their business.

The fix: Gragg acknowledges that entrepreneurs have to be able to think about big-picture ideas, but stresses the importance of not getting lost in la-la land. “Be meticulous and calculated,” he says, “and identify each step along the way to achieving your goals.” Doing so will ensure that your goals are realistic and scalable, and won’t get stuck permanently in the realm of abstract ideas.

8. An arrogant attitude.

To Gragg, an arrogant attitude is as problematic as lack of planning — and it’s a quality that he sees all too often in the world of business and entrepreneurship. Too many entrepreneurs think they’re the answer to everything, and don’t listen to their team,” Gragg explains. Failure to innovate and collect value from others is a sure-fire way to ensure your business is doomed.

The fix: It’s important to make sure your voice isn’t the only one thats being heard. Collaborate with your team: even larger companies should help their employees feel valued. To that end, Gragg hosts quarterly “town hall” meetings within his agency, where all employees are free to openly discuss their thoughts and ideas.

Habits You Must Develop In Order To Become a Millionaire

9. Focusing on the end result instead of the process.

To Chris Goward, CEO of WiderFunneland author of You Should Test That, its not about the destination, but rather the journey. In today’s rapidly evolving marketing landscape, it’s outdated to view marketing efforts as a single campaign or project with one end goal: doing so can blind you to valuable insights that you can pick up along the way.

The fix: Opt for a dynamic, rather than static, approach to marketing. “It’s more effective to view marketing as an ongoing stream of optimization cycles,” he says. That way, you can constantly tweak your marketing efforts, creating an ongoing dialogue with customers — instead of locking yourself into a single idea.

Habits You Must Develop In Order To Become a Millionaire

10. Siloing different disciplines.

Silos have their place, but it’s on a farm — not in your marketing strategy. There are a plethora of specialists in today’s marketing world (e.g., brand marketers, analytical marketers, content marketers, paid search marketers, etc.), but that doesn’t mean they can’t collaborate. In fact, Goward has seen that compromised communication between different marketing disciplines can slow marketing efforts to a standstill.

The fix: In Goward’s experience, when it comes to marketing, the whole is more powerful than the sum of its parts. “The best marketers are able to bridge the divide between different disciplines,” he says. Therefore, entrepreneurs and business owners should make it a priority to facilitate communication between departments, to ensure that your marketing strategy features input from a diverse range of perspectives.

Habits You Must Develop In Order To Become a Millionaire

11. Unwillingness to invest in technology

As the Managing Partner of Higher Ed Growth, which provides marketing and lead generation for educational institutions, Joe Laskowski has invested plenty of time and money in marketing technology. Rather than investing in powerful, cutting-edge technology, Laskowski sees many companies looking for band-aid solutions that create more problems than they solve. “Without the appropriate technology in place, we’re doing a disservice to the industry as a whole,” he remarks.

The fix: Marketing technology is expensive — but it’s time to get over the sticker shock, because marketing technology is not a place to cut corners budget-wise. Thoroughly research which options are available to you, and accept that taking full advantage of advanced marketing technology will mean a substantial investment in both time and money. The companies that excel in technology are doing really well,” Joe notes, “whereas those that don’t are finding themselves in a very awkward position.

Habits You Must Develop In Order To Become a Millionaire

12. Viewing relationships as transactions.

Though Laskowski is a big believer in the power of technology, he views personal relationships — both internally and externally — as the most important component of his business. However, he finds that many organizations don’t share this value, treating their clients and employees as numbers rather than humans. Doing so results in turned-off clients and unmotivated employees.

The fix: When it comes to interacting with clients, not even the best software can replicate the human touch. The best technology and processes will only take you so far. Positive working relationships have been instrumental in the growth of this business, and those relationships are mutually beneficial far more often than those that are transactional in nature,” Laskowski says. As such, he urges entrepreneurs and business owners to be intentional about how they communicate with their clients and their staff, ensuring that they’re not treating their relationships as transactions.

As these CEOs demonstrate — and as any entrepreneur has experienced — there are plenty of places where business owners can go wrong.

But the important thing is to view your errors as learning experiences instead of roadblocks. Gragg, Goward, and Laskowski surely faced many obstacles on their path to success, but they didn’t let that stop them from forging onwards. After all, even Albert Einstein screws up every now and then.

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