17 Tips to Promote Fashion Designing Business

Promote Fashion Designing Business: Maybe you’re at the helm of a hot young startup with a new product that’s set to revolutionize your industry.

Or, perhaps you’re an up-and-comer in your company’s marketing department looking to make a name for yourself with a killer promotion plan for a product in your catalog.

Whatever your role in the business world, if you’re in charge of selling a product.

You’ll want to boost your sales and build brand recognition with an intelligent, well-balanced promotional effort.

Before you engage in this business.

You must be able to sew some simple clothes, design them, and amend torn clothes with patches on the materials.

You have to prepare well for this business because your output determines if you will be patronized.

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1. Promote your product on social media.

This is an easy, free way to get the word out about your new product.

Use your company’s social media accounts to share the information with you customers.

You could even begin grabbing their attention with a teaser post.

Such as hinting at an exciting new product or promotion.

  • Remember, most people on social media aren’t looking to be sold a product.
  • Instead of directly advertising, try posting interesting, relevant content that will build awareness about your product.

2. Get funding and spread the word using crowd-funding websites.

These websites allow you to tell lots of people about your product.

While also offering customers the opportunity to participate in its creation.

If you’re still developing your product, this can be a great way to get support.

And spread the word about your product at the same time.

  • For example, if you’re working on a new video game, you might create a Kickstarter to share a trailer or demo of gameplay.
  • You could offer to include people’s names in credits or even name a character after them for different levels of financial support.

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3. Ask influencers to try and review your product.

Influencers are well known members of an industry who people trust, such as hairstylists who have a strong social media presence and review hair products.

Identify influencers who might be able to spread the word about your product and make an impact on its reception.

Contact 2-3 influencers via email to try out your product and review it.

  • For example, if you’re developing a fitness app.
  • You might ask a popular fitness influencer to try the app and review it for you.
  • Keep in mind that you may have to pay an influencer to review a product.
  • This is part of how they make their money.

Promote Fashion Designing Business

4. Contact relevant news outlets about doing a story on your product.

Depending on the type of product you’re launching, contacting news outlets may also help to get the word out.

This can be effective whether you’re a local business hoping to attract the attention of your community for a new product launch.

Or if you’re an online business hoping to drive traffic to your website.

Send an email to any and all news outlets you think might be interested in writing about your product.

To let them know when it will be launching and what it is.

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5. Develop advertising materials and graphics to promote your product.

Modern consumers are constantly bombarded with advertisements and information relating to business’s promotional efforts.

Because of this, their attention spans are short and they’re usually somewhat cynical about advertisements.

Make all of your promotional efforts clear, quick, and informative.

Prioritize the most important information about your product, like whatever makes it a better product than its competitors.

  • Remember, a short, memorable ad is much more cost-effective than a longer one that’s equally memorable.
  • Make sure to consider the timing of your ad as well since this may affect how customers respond to it.

6. Buy advertising space (or time) in traditional outlets.

The internet has revolutionized the process of promoting a product, but “traditional” means of advertising aren’t dead.

If your business is established and profitable, you may want to use these non-digital mediums for advertisement.

Doing so costs money, so carefully consider who is likely to view or hear your advertisement before paying for advertising space or time. Some places you may want to advertise include:

  • Newspapers/magazines. Ads here are solely visual, so focus on attention-grabbing imagery.
  • The price of the ad usually based on its size, full-page being most expensive and so on.
  • Billboards. Solely visual, like newspapers and magazines, only bigger. Often, drivers can only safely look at the billboard for a second or two, so try to convey your message as simply as possible.
  • Television. Ads incorporate audio and visuals. There are many options here, but short ads are always cheaper, so try to make your ad as “lean” as possible.
  • Radio. Ads are solely audio-based, so you may need to be creative to effectively convey your message. Catchy jingles or slogans are a smart bet.

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Promote Fashion Designing Business

7. Take advantage of convenient methods of advertising online.

The internet has created an enormous new medium for advertising.

Unfortunately, one disadvantage of online advertising is that many online customers actively avoid advertising.

Using ad-blockers, spam filters, and other tricks to eliminate the majority of ads from their browsing experience. Some of the opportunities for paid online advertising include:

  • Pop-up ads. Notoriously annoying, pop-up ads (and related variants) are just what they sound like – windows that “pop up” as a user views a website and display an ad.
  • Banner ads. Like ads in a magazine, these ads sit adjacent to content on the page. Though not as annoying as pop-up ads, these are still often rendered moot by ad-blocking software.
  • Search engine ads. These ads appear at the top (or along the sides) of search engine results when a potential customer searches for key words related to your product.

8. Look for free (or very cheap) opportunities for advertisement.

Why pay for the opportunity to advertise when you can do so for free?

Not all avenues of advertising cost money.

So any business, especially young, cash-poor ones, should consider their options when it comes to free or cheap advertisement.

Some ways to advertise for free (or relatively little) include:

  • Social media. Since it’s free to sign up for an account on Facebook and most other social media sites, it’s free for your company to maintain a presence on these networks.
  • Flyers/handouts. Besides the costs associated with printing your materials, distributing flyers or brochures can be a very cheap way to get the word out about a new product.
  • Email advertising. Encourage people who visit your website or business to provide an email address and send them emails regularly to alert them of new products, sales, and other promotions.

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9. Create an effective advertisement to grab the customer’s attention.

Design your ads to be as attention-grabbing as possible.

There’s no one right way to do this – a stylish aesthetic, hilarious content.

And striking imagery are all possibilities, but they are far from the only ones.

  • One modern example of this is the ad campaign for Apple’s iPod.
  • It’s now difficult to look at a person’s black silhouette against a solid-color background without seeing the iconic earbuds.
  • Remember, you have to really understand who your customer is if you want to be able to appeal to them. Spend time identifying your consumer profile, then use data from the Census Bureau and Department of Labor and data from companies like Neilsen to figure out how o best reach your customer.

Tip: Never pay for an advertisement that can be confused with a competitor’s.

Make sure all of your materials are unique and look like something your customers will remember.

10. Associate your product with a memorable jingle or slogan.

One great way to increase your advertising campaign’s chances of success is to create a catchy, memorable tagline or jingle for it and use it in every advertisement.

Taglines and jingles act like mnemonic devices, making it easier for customers to remember a given product when they need it.

Applied intelligently, this means increased sales and brand loyalty for you!

  • Another modern example is McDonald’s “I’m lovin’ it” campaign.
  • This jingle is just a few seconds long, but it’s instantly recognizable to anyone who’s heard it before.

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Promote Fashion Designing Business

11. Give coupons or special discounts to attract customers.

Most people dislike the idea of “missing out” on a good deal, so they’re more likely to buy a product if there’s some sort of special “bonus” that’s not normally available. Some ways to provide coupons and incentives include:

  • Reducing the cost of the item. Essentially, you’re saying to the customer, “If you buy this product today, you’ll get it for less than you would tomorrow.”
  • Providing a buy one get one deal. Offer the customer a free reward (this can be more of your product or a different product entirely) if they buy a certain amount of your product.
  • Including a warranty. A limited-time offer of a special (or extended) warranty for cheap or free is a great promotion.
  • Offering rebates. By putting the responsibility to claim a discount on the customer after the purchase has been made, you can save money relative to other promotional deals because many will forget or neglect to send in their rebates.

12. Host a giveaway and offer extra entries for sharing on social media.

Giveaways are great for spreading the word about your product.

Select a prize that will motivate customers to share information about your product with their friends and family on social media.

Encourage people to share across multiple social media platforms by offering extra entries if they do so.

  • For example, you could offer 1 entry for sharing on Facebook, 1 for sharing on Twitter, and 1 for sharing on Instagram.

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13. Display the product’s value on its packaging.

In some situations, like in grocery stores, many customers will decide which products to buy as they’re standing in an aisle full of competing products.

In these cases, smart packaging can make a big difference.

Clearly and succinctly state your product’s value (especially compared to its competitors) on the packaging without compromising the overall aesthetic of the packaging.

  • To elaborate on the grocery store example, many food products demonstrate their value by proudly displaying on their packaging that they offer more product for the same price as a competitor.

14. Cross-promote your products.

Why sell one product when you can sell two? While single-product ads and promotions can be highly effective.

You should also be open to the possibility of featuring two or more of your company’s products in the same ad or promotion.

When doing so, emphasize the usefulness and/or convenience of using the multiple products in conjunction with each other.

If done successfully, cross-promotion can allow you to build the concept of a “product family” for your company, increasing your number of repeat customers.

  • For example, you could promote a wireless mouse along with a wireless keyboard and emphasize the convenience of the two items when paired.

Promote Fashion Designing Business

15. Offer a free sample to customers to get them to try your product.

Nothing shows confidence in your product like letting your customer sample it for free before buying.

Additionally, a customer is more likely to buy something if they have just experienced its benefits.

If it’s not overly-expensive to do so, seriously consider letting your customers try your product before buying.

Tip: A sample doesn’t just refer to food products.

The same principle applies to other products and services.

For instance, if you’re selling cars, test drives or a free trial subscription to an online service are the rough equivalent of a free sample.

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Promote Fashion Designing Business

16. Reward loyal customers to keep them coming back.

Offering discounts, deals, and special privileges to loyal customers is a great way.

To encourage repeat customers for your business and to keep the repeat customers you’ve already got.

Just as you’ll want to demonstrate your product’s value to your customerou’ll also want to demonstrate your customer’s value to your company.

  • For instance, if your business is a restaurant or cafe, you may want to consider offering “reward” cards to give repeat customers special opportunities – e.g., every ten coffees, the customer gets a free one, and so on.

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17. Promote Fashion Designing Business

  • Having a professional looking website will help boost sales, and will promote your products nicely.

  • YouTube is a great tool for product promotion.
  • Subscribe to other YouTuber’s channels, and they will often do the same in return.

  • Before you start promoting a product, make sure the product is compliant and legal.
  • You don’t want to run into trouble down the line because you didn’t dot all of your I’s and cross your T’s.

  • If you want to start promoting your product in a different geographic location, make sure you research that geographic market first.
  • Just because your product does well in one location doesn’t necessarily mean it will do as well somewhere new.

  • Carefully time the release of your product.
  • For example, releasing a product before the holidays when everyone is shopping may increase your sales.

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