How to Start Dredging Business

This is your opportunity to put money into most beneficial enterprise known as Dredging.

Dredging is indeed a very beneficial enterprise.

What is dredging?

Dredging is a mechanical way of excavating sand, gravel and specific deposit from the bottom of Creek, Lagoon, river, ocean and so forth.

The vessel equipped for such a purpose is referred to as Dredger.

Because of contemporary construction development in Nigeria in particular Lagos, Abuja, Rivers, Ogun.

And lots of others the need for sand can be very excessive as required by Construction firms.

Dredging Business

Like RCC, CCECC, JULIUS BERGER and plenty of others.

Dredging is without a doubt digging of dirt, sand, gravel, pebbles, rocks and organic deposit from the bottom of the creek, lagoon and waterways the usage of a vessel organized for such cause known as a ‘DREDGER’.

Such dug up substances depending on the sort could be used for reclamation of swampy terrain, constructing and production works.

Sand dredging is important for human dependency and survival, industrial and social

improvement, and for meeting the consumption need of our fast developing population.

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Dredging Business

Dredging Business

Opportunities in dredging commercial enterprise

1) Dredging:

  1. i) Stockpiles and profits
  2. ii) Reclamation and urban renewal

Dredging Business

iii) Channelization of river

  1. iv) Fabrication of dredger
  2. v) Safety of a dredger
  3. vi) Managing the dredge team

2) Supply of sand to numerous locations

3) Sand search

4) Environmental impact assessment

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Dredging Business

5) Hydrographic survey

6) Leasing workplace tool…

i) dredger

ii) excavator

iii) swamp buggy

iv) pay loader

v) low bed

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Dredging Business



It is generally concurred that a standout among the most fundamental needs of man is housing and in time past man has encountered with various material so as to meet with his housing needs.

In advanced history, the utilization of bond/mud alongside sand and rock as come to be acknowledged as one of the best development crude material.

Since they give strength, solidness and can withstand unforgiving climate conditions however different materials like steel and glass are likewise utilized.

The regularly expanding shortage in housing supply in Nigeria which is estimated at more than sixteen million {16,000,000}.

Units and the requirement for the development of other critical framework.

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If the nation is to get together with the vision 20:2020 venture of getting to be among the main 20 economies on the planet by 2020 keeps on driving the need to sand.

A basic development crude material and the requirement for the utilization of present day equipment in the production of sand, so as to meet with requests.

Dredging is basically burrowing of mud, sand, rock, stones, rocks and other store from the base of the spring, tidal pond sand conduits utilizing a vessel prepared for such reason called a ‘DREDGER”.

Such uncovered materials relying upon the sort could be utilized for recovery of swampy territory, building and development works.

Dredging Business

Sharps sand and rock can be mine utilizing a dredger to recover incomprehensible spread of swampy land and stock heaped for deals.

Sand dredging is key for human propensity and survival, modern and social improvement, and for meeting the utilization need of our quickly developing populace.

Sand is an actually happening granular material made out of finely isolated shake and mineral particles.

The synthesis of sand is very important, contingent upon the neighborhood shake sources and conditions.

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Dredging Business

Yet the most widely recognized constituent of sand in inland mainland settings and non-tropical seaside settings is silica (silicon dioxide, or SiO2), typically as quartz.

Despite the fact that there are no dependable figures on the yearly production in Nigeria.

It is for the most part concurred that there has been an expanded in production keeping in mind the end goal to get together with expanding requests.

Dredging Business

In Nigeria and generally in the oil and gas industry where they are utilized to make conduits more navigable, Dredgers are required in business of sand production.

Dredging exercises creates loads of sand which are required in development and other essential sectors. A dig is a gadget for scratching or sucking the seabed, utilized for dredging. A dredger is a ship or vessel furnished with a dig.

Dredging Business

There are for the most part two sorts of dredger

  1. The discontinuous
  2. The persistent

The previous on the other hand burrows and lift the heap while the last burrows constantly, raising and transporting the materials in the meantime

The water powered dredger has a place with the constant class.

It cuts and sucks up the materials from the base of the waterway by methods for a stepping stool mounted cutter head and suction pipe associated with a capable suction pump.

That vehicle it through a drifting pipeline to shore, where arrive pipes at long last transport the materials to the dumpsite or stockpiling ranges.

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Dredging Business

Dredgers from makers like ELLICOT and IHC are the most requested in Nigeria for its execution and sturdiness however cost more to secure, Dredgers from china are less solid and are moderately less expensive to obtain.

Dredging business is very popular in Bayelsa, Rivers and Lagos conditions of Nigeria. In Nigeria, the dredging business has been portion into three {3} classifications

Class A — Dredging Firms as it were

Class B — Dredging and sand dealer just and

Class C – Manual dredgers as it were

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Dredging Business

Class A – Dredging Firms Only

  1. Application for dredging routed to the Honorable Commissioner Ministry of Waterfront Infrastructure Development.
  2. Installment of use charge of N50,000 [fifty thousand Naira only] Provide point by point depiction of proposed dredging area.
  3. Provision of the Enviromental Impact Analsis Report.
  4. Provide Hydrographic review.
  5. Bathymetric review of the proposed area.
  6. Duplicates of current duty freedom authentication.
  7. Endorsement will be liable to the installment of the accompanying charges:

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Dredging Business

Other Requirements:

(a) Payment of the total of N1,000,000.00 (One million Naira) per annum.

(b) Proof of Ownership or Access to Portable Barges

(c) Payment of the total of N750,000.00 (Seven Hundred and fifty thousand Naira) per annum

(d) Payment of the entirety of N500,000.00 (Five Hundred Thousand Naira) per annum.

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Dredging Business

Classification B – Dredging/Sand Sellers Only

  1. Application for dredging routed to the Honorable Commissioner, Ministry of Waterfront Infrastructure Development.
  2. Installment of utilization expense of N50,000.00 [Bank Draft] Provide point by point portrayal of proposed dredging area.
  3. Provide the Enviromental Impact Analysis report.
  4. Provide hydrographic study.
  5. Bathymetric study of the proposed area.
  6. Duplicates of current expense leeway authentication.
  7. Endorsement will be liable to the installment of the aggregate of the accompanying expenses.

Dredging Business

Other Requirements:

(a) installment of the entirety of N1, 000,000.00[One million Naira].

(b) Proof of possession or access to convenient freight boats

(c) Payment of the entirety of N750,000:00 (Seven Hundred and fifty thousand Naira) per annum.

(d) Payment of the entirety of N500,000:00 (Five Hundred Thousand Naira) per annum.

Dredging Business

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Classification C – Manual dredgers as it were

Application for dredging routed to the Honorable Commissioner, Ministry of Waterfront Infrastructure Development.

Installment of utilization expense of N50,000.00 [Bank Draft]

Provide point by point portrayal of proposed dredging area.

Verification of responsibility for.

Dredging Business

4. Provide an account of dredging procedure to be embraced.

5. Endorsement will be subjected to the installment of the accompanying expenses:

(a) (i) Payment of the total of N200,000:00 (Two Hundred Thousand Naira) per annum.

(ii) Proof of access to Portable Barges.

(b) Payment of the total of N100,000:00 [One Hundred Thousand Naira) per annum.

(c) Payment of the total of N50,000:00 (Fifty Thousand Naira) per annum.

Dredging Business



Execution of the sand dredging and stockpiling of 300,000 m3 for business reason will require interest in the followings:

– Advance store installment for the contract Dredger

– Payment for pay loader

– Royalties for the host group

– Working capital

The aggregate entirety required (START-UP CAPITAL) to meet the above commitments utilizing Chinese spec; 8″ by 8″ for the venture is evaluated at N4 Million.

Dredging Business

Final Rundown

From the anticipated benefit and misfortune accounts and the income articulation.

The venture is considered fiscally gainful and monetarily suitable.

The monetary gainfulness is affirmed by the positive Net income.

Toward the finish of the 12 months’ time span.

In the wake of overhauling and reimbursement of the start-up capital.

If you need a complete business plan, please let us know.

Or, you want us to help you set up this business, kindly contact us.

Otherwise, Please check out these other business ideas 


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