14 Tips on Women Entrepreneurs Day

Women Entrepreneurs Day: Empowering women is one of the smartest investments we can make.

Financial independence gives women choices.

It enables women to spend more on their families.

Drive growth in their economies and inspire others in their communities.

Women Entrepreneurs Day

Women entrepreneurs all over the world have been persevering and persisting to keep their businesses, their families, and themselves afloat through the crisis and the resulting economic fall-out.

If we do not harness the power of women entrepreneurs now our economies will recover slower, communities will continue to struggle, and we risk bringing progress toward gender equality across the world to a standstill.

In the context of a global pandemic, which has disproportionately impacted women.

This Women’s Entrepreneurship Day is more crucial than ever.

Women Entrepreneurs Day

It is a fantastic opportunity for us to celebrate the previously untapped power and potential of the women entrepreneurs, who will be so crucial to efforts to re-build economies post-COVID 19.

And to highlight the importance of the global community working with us to close the gender gap in entrepreneurship.

To reach over 175,000 women in low and middle-income countries, supporting them to start and grow successful businesses. Over 100,000 Women Campaign, and the end-of-year appeal launching today, will enable people to reach many more women by the end of 2025.

Women Entrepreneurs Day

1. Exploring and challenging the gender stereotypes

Women’s Women Entrepreneurs Mean: exploring and challenging the gender stereotypes holding women entrepreneurs back from success and equality. Because we won’t wait 250+ years for women to have economic equality.

2. Tackle gender stereotypes

Women Entrepreneurs Mean Business seeks to galvanize urgent action to tackle gender stereotypes, with an incredible line-up of celebrated women entrepreneurs, high profile thought leaders on women’s economic empowerment, policymakers, academics, activists.

Women Entrepreneurs Day

3. Overcoming stereotypes

Women Entrepreneurs Mean building a successful business and overcoming stereotypes as a woman tech entrepreneur.

4. Eradicating the gender gap

Women Entrepreneurs Mean eradicating the gender gap in entrepreneurship and supporting women entrepreneurs, as well as identifying strong calls to action for different stakeholders at every level.

Women Entrepreneurs Day

5. Supporting 100,000 more women

Women Entrepreneurs Mean supporting 100,000 more women in low and middle-income countries to start and grow successful businesses – and many more by changing global business for the better.

6. Creating new jobs and increasing the gross domestic product (GDP)

Women Entrepreneurs Mean Female entrepreneurs represent the fastest-growing category of entrepreneurship worldwide and have received, especially in recent years, the attention of many academics. According to the emerging literature, women can make a significant contribution to entrepreneurial activity and economic development in terms of creating new jobs and increasing the gross domestic product (GDP), with positive impacts on reducing poverty and social exclusion;

 7. To Fill the Global Gender Gap

Women business owners are similar to males across some basic demographic factors, problems, and business characteristics, but they differ widely from male business owners across individual dimensions related to education, work experience, skills, approach to venture creation/acquisition, business goals, problems, and performance” This considered, it seems important to increase the percentage of women in entrepreneurship, an issue that has aroused political interest in recent years by emphasizing the possible economic benefits that could be derived from it, stating gender equality contributes to economic growth.

Women Entrepreneurs Day

8. Female entrepreneurship as a valid trend.

Women Entrepreneurs Mean Female entrepreneurship as a valid trend. In recent years there has been a change in interest in international research. From observing the financing and capitalization of women’s businesses. There has been a growing emphasis on more sensitive issues that place the need to study women’s entrepreneurship as a separate field of research, with an emphasis on factors that differentiate them from their male counterparts and that allow overcoming the male-female gap in entrepreneurship.

In fact, the relative emphasis on education, empowerment, family, social entrepreneurship, culture highlights the effort of researchers in analyzing that set of contextual and socio-psychological factors to allow the desired change.

9.  Culture and gender differences

Women Entrepreneurs Mean analyzing the complex relationship between culture and gender differences, considering female entrepreneurship a result of contextual and psychological factors that differentiate it from its male counterpart.

Culture greatly influences the way in which entrepreneurs develop their business initiatives, referring to prejudices, social roles, and a stereotyped vision of the gender (for example, women are seen as incompatible with the business because it is too emotional and less rational in making decisions) that contribute to a men-centered vision of entrepreneurship.

Women Entrepreneurs Day

10. Country’s different perceptions

Women Entrepreneurs Mean Country’s different perceptions. These factors related to a country’s different perceptions of the role of women in society, explain that the differences concern attitudes toward entrepreneurship, but also some psychological traits that influence entrepreneurial intention: higher levels of self-efficacy, self-confidence, independence, risk appetite, and autonomy in men compared to women.

11. Entrepreneurial skills and knowledge

Women Entrepreneurs Mean Entrepreneurial skills and knowledge in addition, women compared to their male counterparts, to a greater extent reject the choice of an entrepreneurial career because they consider themselves as lacking in entrepreneurial skills and knowledge and unable to respond to the challenges of a company as it is not very socialized in corporate roles. Ultimately, the studies show issue of how gender roles could influence the types of careers deemed acceptable for women, further increasing gender differences.

12. Analyzing the mediating role of self-efficacy.

Women Entrepreneurs Mean analyzing the mediating role of self-efficacy. Other empirical evidence has highlighted the importance of entrepreneurial education in analyzing the mediating role of self-efficacy. For example, studies have shown that entrepreneurial education has a greater impact on the development of entrepreneurial self-efficacy. Others have shown that high levels of entrepreneurial self-efficacy are related to a higher probability of developing a business activity analyzed the role of mediating self-efficacy on the relationship between gender and entrepreneurial intention of students and adults in adulthood. In both cases, entrepreneurial self-efficacy partially mediated this relationship.

Women Entrepreneurs Day

 13. Stereotypes and prejudices

Women Entrepreneurs Mean stereotypes and prejudices which include feminist theories that attempt to explain gender discrimination in entrepreneurship as a result of stereotypes and prejudices, which deserves a discussion of its own. The articles have revealed a shift in a focus from liberal feminism, centered on a collectivist conception of women and inspired by gender equality as a political factor, to liberal post-feminism, which uses a more individualistic and identity-focused vision, in which single women must compete in the national market and contribute to the economic growth of the country through self-employment

14. Intrinsic characteristics of social entrepreneurship

Women Entrepreneurs Mean  intrinsic characteristics of social entrepreneurship

In summary, research suggests that the intrinsic characteristics of social entrepreneurship (e.g., collaboration and mutual assistance) may be more suited to women’s needs, their way of working (high-quality relationships), and respect for women’s priorities (like reconciliation and equal opportunities).

Additionally, women entrepreneurs, compared to women who work as employees, have very low levels of conflict regarding time management and family care.


The factors and peculiarities that also influence the field of female entrepreneurship seem a challenge and a call to which the entire community is expected to answer at different levels. This could help academics and policymakers gain useful knowledge and facilitate the conditions of women in business. Parallel to what was stated beyond the different points of view, it would be desirable to consider the issue from a holistic perspective, focusing on the strengths of each one for a vision as unitary and convincing as possible in the analysis of female entrepreneurship.

Updated: August 30, 2024 — 12:45 pm

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