46 Best Successful Gym Business Tools

Best Successful Gym Business Tools: How much do successful gym owners make?

This breaks down to $1,263/week or $5,474/month. ZipRecruiter also indicates yearly salaries to be as high as $224,500 and as low as $15,500.
At present, gym owners’ salaries are between $26,500 (25th percentile) and $78,000 (75th percentile).

Top workers (90th percentile) make $140,000 every year across the U.S.

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Best Successful Gym Business Tools:

Regardless of how old you are, where you live, or what your career goals are.
It’s likely your ultimate goals in life are to be happy and successful.
To be successful means more than just having money and making your mark.
It means following your passions, living purposefully, and enjoying the present moment.

1. Identify your passions.

Before you can achieve success, you will have to define what success means to you.

While it may take years to realize what you want to do with your life.

Identifying your passions, interests, and values will help you set goals and give your life a sense of meaning.

If you have trouble identifying these things, then ask a friend or family member to help you.

2. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What do you want your legacy to be?
  • How would you like to be remembered by others?
  • How do you want to make your community a better place?
  • What are some favorite subjects of interest in your life? For example, think of subjects you enjoyed studying in school. Ask why you liked them.
  • For instance, you may have loved musical theater. Think: was it because you loved the music, or was it because you loved working with a big group towards a common goal?

3. Make a list of your goals, and what you might do to achieve them.

Be sure to address both short-term and long-term goals.

Try to think beyond financial and career goals.

Such as relationship goals, personal goals for bettering yourself.

Things you would like to experience, or things you want to learn.

Draw up a timeline that says when you want to achieve each part.

  • Set SMART goals; goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.
  • Break big goals down. For instance, if your goal is to see the world.
  • You can set the goal of saving money and visiting certain countries.

Best Successful Gym Business Tools:

4. Create a Facebook page.

Facebook is, by a wide margin, the most popular social media site.

They even allow for separate business pages.

Add photos of your office and products.

Make sure you keep your page updated with new information, and updates.

  • Keep your posts short, and use pictures whenever possible.
  • People want things to look at, and you’ll need to catch their eye as they scroll through their feed.
  • Be sure to patrol your page for spam and negative comments.

5. Stick to your commitments.

Planning is not sufficient; keeping your word is also important.

If you tell someone you will do something, do it.

Similarly, don’t tell someone you will do something if you’re not sure you can.

Be honest about your limits.

  • Avoid canceling plans, and try not to cancel twice on the same person.
  • Make commitments to yourself, and stick to them.
  • Write down your commitments and hang them in places you can see.
  • Make sure that your commitments are gradually moving you towards your goals.
  • Review your goals now and then to make sure you are moving in the right direction.

6. Create an account on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is a business networking site, and is a little more professionally-oriented than Facebook.

Make an account for your company, and encourage your employees to join.

Put as much information as you can into your company’s profile.

Which will help LinkedIn market you to other users.

Best Successful Gym Business Tools:

7. Create a Google+ account.

Create a page for your business in the appropriate category and subcategory.

Google Plus has several, so choose carefully.

Encourage your employees and customers to add your page to their circles.

8. Create a Twitter account.

Post updates to what you are doing, and utilize hashtags to generate attention.

Track trending topics as well, and utilize any that are similar to your business.

To help generate followers, encourage your employees to follow and interact with your company account.

  • Make sure your handle reflects your business name or what you do.
  • Matching your company website would be best, as it can help customers remember the relationship.
  • Even something as simple as “#deal” or “#sale” (if you have one) for a hashtag can bring in new customers who may not have otherwise been looking for you.

9. Use additional social media networks.

Like the others above, these sites provide a space for you and your customers to interact publicly.

When you create the page, you can control the content.

And make sure it reflects your business in a positive light.

  • Look for sites that best demonstrate your business, and allow you to show off what makes you great, or unique. A photo-sharing site like Instagram or Pinterest is good for companies that produce items, like jewelry, clothing, or any product where a visual would be helpful.
  • Learn about your customers and the kinds of social media they would use in relation to your company. For example, Foursquare and Yelp are good sites for service industries like restaurants, letting customers “check in” (telling their friends they are there) when they visit, and post reviews.
  • Focus on a handful of platforms, rather than as many that you can find. There are many social media sites out there. Checking your various pages regularly can quickly take up too much of your time.
  • Link your social networks together whenever possible. Visitors to one site should be encouraged to go to another. Include your social network handles on all printed materials as well, encouraging people to go there.

10. Promote yourself along with your business.

You don’t want your page to only be advertisements, that will only turn people off.

You want to humanize your audience instead of treating them only as customers.

Use the page to tell people a little about your field and your interest in it.

  • A good rule of thumb is a 5-3-2 ratio for posting. This breaks down to 5 posts for information related to your audience, 3 non-sales posts related to your audience, and 2 posts not related to your business. You may find interesting local events, or celebrate achievements among your employees.

11. Use email marketing.

Collect email addresses from customers and other patrons.

And use that list to update them regularly on new business.

A monthly newsletter, exclusive deals.

Or notices of new products can keep customers involved with what you are doing, and encourage them to return.

12. Create a multimedia platform.

Advertising doesn’t have to involve purchasing expensive airtime on television or radio, or print space in a newspaper.

Posting a promotional video on Youtube is free, and you can produce the entire video yourself with minimal equipment.

  • If you post something to a video or image site, be sure to link to it on your other social media accounts.

Best Successful Gym Business Tools:

13. Build a website.

You can use a hosted service like Google Sites, or a variety of other free platforms.

Include some basic information about your business.

Provide a place for customers to view prices on your basic products and services.

Make sure you keep the site updated so that it always reflects your current location, contact information, and product lists.

  • This is for your business’ professional online face, so you may consider spending a little money here to purchase a domain name that references your company, and that people will remember.

14. Start a blog.

Unlike your website, this is not for advertising products, but advertising yourself.

Try to generate content for a market that goes beyond your brand

Or that addresses issues of interest to your audience that don’t directly involve your company.

It can also be a platform for your employees to contribute as well.

15. Write for other blogs.

Offer to write guest posts for other companies’ or individual’s blogs.

If their readership overlaps with yours in any way.

This is a good method for raising awareness of your brand.

It shouldn’t be an advertisement or sales pitch.

But make sure to link back to your blog and website so people can learn more about you.

Best Successful Gym Business Tools:

16. Send out press releases about your business.

Every time your company does something noteworthy, send out a notice.

If you are just starting out, your local paper may have a section where you can announce your opening.

  • Your release should be short, with a headline that states clearly what you are doing, and a first sentence that repeats and expands on that idea. Since many people will not read beyond the first paragraph, put any important information there. Everything after that is additional information for the truly interested. Close with a standardized bit of “boilerplate,” basic information about your company. Find and read other press releases for good examples.
  • Send your release to local media outlets, such as newspapers (daily and weekly), magazines, radio, and television stations. Contact their editor in advance to warn them about the incoming release, and make sure they have some interest. Otherwise, it could be easy for your release to get lost in a flood of other stories they are working on.
  • Not all of your notices will get picked up and printed, so don’t be discouraged if it does not appear to be going anywhere. They require little effort on your part, and every printing is advertising you didn’t pay for.

17. Ask for referrals.

Sometimes, the best way to advertise is through simple word-of-mouth.

If your customers liked your products or service, ask them to refer others.

Depending on the business, you may even want to offer additional deals for customers who give referrals.

Such as discounts or free giveaways when they refer a certain number of new customers.

Best Successful Gym Business Tools:

18. Communicate with similar businesses.

You will compete for customers, but that does not mean that you cannot help one another as well.

Learn what kinds of things they do well, and try to understand how your business is different.

Even without revealing all their secrets.

Other businesses can teach you good practices and avoiding common mistakes.

  • If you offer some expertise that they don’t, or can’t, offer.
  • They may be willing to recommend you to their customers.
  • Especially if you are willing to reciprocate.

19. Join local business and social organizations.

Groups like the Chamber of Commerce and the Rotary Club provide opportunities to meet other business leaders, and many of them work to promote the interests of all members.

In any organization, you get out what you put in, so be involved in meetings and decisions to maximize the advantages available.

20. Find local events and shows.

The Chamber of Commerce and other organizations may help put on multi-business events that will attract potential customers.

Look for events where your business would be helpful for someone.

For example, if you are a make-up artist, you can offer to participate in a local fashion show or bridal event.

21. Offer your services to local charities.

Use your expertise to help local not-for-profits and other volunteering organizations.

Free service to charitable organizations is a good way to build goodwill.

It demonstrates your commitment to the local community.

And can make your customers feel good about doing business with you.

  • Donating prizes to fundraisers is another way to build goodwill.
  • If you make or sell goods, donate one of your products.
  • If you have a service business donate a gift certificate for your services.

Best Successful Gym Business Tools:

22. Find ways to speak to local interest groups.

Certain groups may not even realize what your business has to offer them.

If you have a photography business, for example, you could speak to a local travel club and give them tips on how to take great photos on their trips.

23. Submit articles in your area of expertise to local newspapers and magazines.

Work in some info about your business, but try not to be too explicit.

You may suggest that your business is one good way to solve a problem.

Or issue you are highlighting in the article, rather than saying you are the best or only way to do so.

24. Teach classes in your area of expertise.

If your business lends itself to a lot of special knowledge, offer to teach some free classes at local venues.

You can also sign up to be a teacher for Community Education classes through a local college.

This can be a great venue for finding future customers.

Others with similar interests, and maybe even future employees.

  • Good local venues for this kind of thing include public libraries with conference rooms, or community centers.

Best Successful Gym Business Tools:

25. More tips

  • Don’t be afraid to sell yourself as an expert on what you do to the community.
  • As someone who works in the field daily, you know far more than many others.
  • And you should be confident in saying so.

26. Create a Facebook page.

Facebook is, by a wide margin, the most popular social media site.

They even allow for separate business pages. Add photos of your office and products.

Make sure you keep your page updated with new information, and updates.

  • Keep your posts short, and use pictures whenever possible.
  • People want things to look at, and you’ll need to catch their eye as they scroll through their feed.
  • Be sure to patrol your page for spam and negative comments.

27. Create an account on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is a business networking site, and is a little more professionally-oriented than Facebook.

Make an account for your company, and encourage your employees to join.

Put as much information as you can into your company’s profile.

Which will help LinkedIn market you to other users.

28. Create a Google+ account.

Create a page for your business in the appropriate category and subcategory.

Google Plus has several, so choose carefully.

Encourage your employees and customers to add your page to their circles.

Best Successful Gym Business Tools:

29. Create a Twitter account.

Post updates to what you are doing, and utilize hashtags to generate attention.

Track trending topics as well, and utilize any that are similar to your business.

To help generate followers, encourage your employees to follow and interact with your company account.

  • Make sure your handle reflects your business name or what you do.
  • Matching your company website would be best, as it can help customers remember the relationship.
  • Even something as simple as “#deal” or “#sale” (if you have one) for a hashtag can bring in new customers who may not have otherwise been looking for you.

30. Use additional social media networks.

Like the others above, these sites provide a space for you and your customers to interact publicly.

When you create the page, you can control the content.

And make sure it reflects your business in a positive light.

  • Look for sites that best demonstrate your business, and allow you to show off what makes you great, or unique. A photo-sharing site like Instagram or Pinterest is good for companies that produce items, like jewelry, clothing, or any product where a visual would be helpful.
  • Learn about your customers and the kinds of social media they would use in relation to your company. For example, Foursquare and Yelp are good sites for service industries like restaurants, letting customers “check in” (telling their friends they are there) when they visit, and post reviews.
  • Focus on a handful of platforms, rather than as many that you can find. There are many social media sites out there. Checking your various pages regularly can quickly take up too much of your time.
  • Link your social networks together whenever possible. Visitors to one site should be encouraged to go to another. Include your social network handles on all printed materials as well, encouraging people to go there.

31. Promote yourself along with your business.

You don’t want your page to only be advertisements, that will only turn people off.

You want to humanize your audience instead of treating them only as customers.

Use the page to tell people a little about your field and your interest in it.

  • A good rule of thumb is a 5-3-2 ratio for posting.
  • This breaks down to 5 posts for information related to your audience, 3 non-sales posts related to your audience, and 2 posts not related to your business.
  • You may find interesting local events, or celebrate achievements among your employees.

32. Use email marketing.

Collect email addresses from customers and other patrons.

And use that list to update them regularly on new business.

A monthly newsletter, exclusive deals, or notices of new products can keep customers involved with what you are doing, and encourage them to return.

33. Create a multimedia platform.

Advertising doesn’t have to involve purchasing expensive airtime on television or radio, or print space in a newspaper.

Posting a promotional video on Youtube is free, and you can produce the entire video yourself with minimal equipment.

  • If you post something to a video or image site, be sure to link to it on your other social media accounts.

Best Successful Gym Business Tools:

34. Build a website.

You can use a hosted service like Google Sites, or a variety of other free platforms.

Include some basic information about your business, provide a place for customers to view prices on your basic products and services.

Make sure you keep the site updated so that it always reflects your current location, contact information, and product lists.

  • This is for your business’ professional online face, so you may consider spending a little money here to purchase a domain name that references your company, and that people will remember.

35. Start a blog.

Unlike your website, this is not for advertising products, but advertising yourself.

Try to generate content for a market that goes beyond your brand.

Or that addresses issues of interest to your audience that don’t directly involve your company.

It can also be a platform for your employees to contribute as well.

36. Write for other blogs.

Offer to write guest posts for other companies’ or individual’s blogs.

If their readership overlaps with yours in any way.

This is a good method for raising awareness of your brand.

It shouldn’t be an advertisement or sales pitch.

But make sure to link back to your blog and website so people can learn more about you.

37. Send out press releases about your business.

Every time your company does something noteworthy, send out a notice.

If you are just starting out, your local paper may have a section where you can announce your opening.

  • Your release should be short, with a headline that states clearly what you are doing, and a first sentence that repeats and expands on that idea. Since many people will not read beyond the first paragraph, put any important information there. Everything after that is additional information for the truly interested. Close with a standardized bit of “boilerplate,” basic information about your company. Find and read other press releases for good examples.
  • Send your release to local media outlets, such as newspapers (daily and weekly), magazines, radio, and television stations. Contact their editor in advance to warn them about the incoming release, and make sure they have some interest. Otherwise, it could be easy for your release to get lost in a flood of other stories they are working on.
  • Not all of your notices will get picked up and printed, so don’t be discouraged if it does not appear to be going anywhere. They require little effort on your part, and every printing is advertising you didn’t pay for.

38. Ask for referrals.

Sometimes, the best way to advertise is through simple word-of-mouth.

If your customers liked your products or service, ask them to refer others.

Depending on the business, you may even want to offer additional deals for customers who give referrals.

Such as discounts or free giveaways when they refer a certain number of new customers.

Best Successful Gym Business Tools:

39. Communicate with similar businesses.

You will compete for customers, but that does not mean that you cannot help one another as well.

Learn what kinds of things they do well, and try to understand how your business is different.

Even without revealing all their secrets, other businesses can teach you good practices and avoiding common mistakes.

  • If you offer some expertise that they don’t, or can’t, offer.
  • They may be willing to recommend you to their customers, especially if you are willing to reciprocate.

40. Join local business and social organizations.

Groups like the Chamber of Commerce and the Rotary Club provide opportunities to meet other business leaders, and many of them work to promote the interests of all members.

In any organization, you get out what you put in, so be involved in meetings and decisions to maximize the advantages available.

41. Find local events and shows.

The Chamber of Commerce and other organizations may help put on multi-business events that will attract potential customers.

Look for events where your business would be helpful for someone.

For example, if you are a make-up artist, you can offer to participate in a local fashion show or bridal event.

42. Offer your services to local charities.

Use your expertise to help local not-for-profits and other volunteering organizations.

Free service to charitable organizations is a good way to build goodwill.

It demonstrates your commitment to the local community.

And can make your customers feel good about doing business with you.

  • Donating prizes to fundraisers is another way to build goodwill.
  • If you make or sell goods, donate one of your products.
  • If you have a service business donate a gift certificate for your services.

43. Find ways to speak to local interest groups.

Certain groups may not even realize what your business has to offer them.

If you have a photography business.

For example, you could speak to a local travel club.

And give them tips on how to take great photos on their trips.

44. Submit articles in your area of expertise to local newspapers and magazines.

Work in some info about your business, but try not to be too explicit.

You may suggest that your business is one good way to solve a problem or issue you are highlighting in the article, rather than saying you are the best or only way to do so.

45. Teach classes in your area of expertise.

If your business lends itself to a lot of special knowledge, offer to teach some free classes at local venues.

You can also sign up to be a teacher for Community Education classes through a local college.

This can be a great venue for finding future customers.

Others with similar interests, and maybe even future employees.

  • Good local venues for this kind of thing include public libraries with conference rooms, or community centers.

46. Be educated.

Education gives you the knowledge, skills, and credibility to achieve your maximum potential.

In terms of financial success, statistics have shown that the more education you have (i.e. the higher degree you achieve), the more money you are likely to make.

  • In 2011, the median weekly earnings for high school graduates was $638 while those with bachelor’s degrees made $1053. That same year, those with masters or doctoral degrees made $1263 and $1551 respectively.
  • Not all education has to be formal. Apprenticeships and long-term training programs are also positively correlated with higher incomes. Obtaining a Certificate in your field can help to increase your salary.
  • Educate yourself for pleasure as well. The more you know about the world you live in, the more questions you will have and the more interested you will be.

Best Successful Gym Business Tools:

47. Manage your time.

Putting off important tasks until the last minute can cause you unnecessary stress, and increase the likelihood of errors and negligence. Manage your time so that you have enough time to complete tasks effectively.

  • Use a planner to help keep you organized throughout the day, week, and month.
  • Set reminders on your smart phone and make use of its electronic timer for better time management.
  • Make a list of all the things you need to do in a given day, and check off each task as you complete it. This will help you stay organized and motivated.


  • Don’t be afraid to sell yourself as an expert on what you do to the community.
  • As someone who works in the field daily, you know far more than many others.
  • And you should be confident in saying so.
Updated: April 14, 2024 — 5:53 am

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