40 Best Family safety During COVID-19 Outbreak

Family safety During COVID-19 Outbreak Bad things can and do happen and the world can sometimes seem like a very scary and dangerous place.

Fortunately, there are some precautions you can take to reduce your risks.

While nothing can completely protect you from every danger.

There are some simple steps that you can take to avoid potential dangers or to deal with them when they happen.

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Family safety During COVID-19 Outbreak

Family safety During COVID-19 Outbreak: https://www.who.int

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Family safety During COVID-19 Outbreak

You can reduce your chances of being infected or spreading COVID-19 by taking some simple precautions:

1. Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water. Why? Washing your hands with soap and water or using alcohol-based hand rub kills viruses that may be on your hands.

2. Maintain at least 1 metre (3 feet) distance between yourself and others. Why? When someone coughs, sneezes, or speaks they spray small liquid droplets from their nose or mouth which may contain virus. If you are too close, you can breathe in the droplets, including the COVID-19 virus if the person has the disease.

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Family safety During COVID-19 Outbreak

3. Avoid going to crowded places. Why? Where people come together in crowds, you are more likely to come into close contact with someone that has COIVD-19 and it is more difficult to maintain physical distance of 1 metre (3 feet).

4. Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth. Why? Hands touch many surfaces and can pick up viruses. Once contaminated, hands can transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth. From there, the virus can enter your body and infect you.

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Family safety During COVID-19 Outbreak

5. Make sure you, and the people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene. This means covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately and wash your hands. Why? Droplets spread virus. By following good respiratory hygiene, you protect the people around you from viruses such as cold, flu and COVID-19.

6. Stay home and self-isolate even with minor symptoms such as cough, headache, mild fever, until you recover. Have someone bring you supplies. If you need to leave your house, wear a mask to avoid infecting others. Why? Avoiding contact with others will protect them from possible COVID-19 and other viruses.

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Family safety During COVID-19 Outbreak

7. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention, but call by telephone in advance if possible and follow the directions of your local health authority. Why? National and local authorities will have the most up to date information on the situation in your area. Calling in advance will allow your health care provider to quickly direct you to the right health facility. This will also protect you and help prevent spread of viruses and other infections.

Family safety During COVID-19 Outbreak

8. Keep up to date on the latest information from trusted sources, such as WHO or your local and national health authorities. Why? Local and national authorities are best placed to advise on what people in your area should be doing to protect themselves.

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9. Do not act like a victim.

The perfect victim for predatory people is timid, weak, unobservant, willing to compromise him or herself to “do the right thing”. It is even easier to take advantage of such a person if they are alone, in an isolated place, or intoxicated.

10. Act confident.

Make appropriate eye contact with people in your surroundings. Walk with purpose.

Be polite and helpful, but do not compromise yourself. Sometimes predators will try to lure people by appealing to them for help. For instance, if someone in a car asks for directions, by all means help them – from a safe distance. Do not come to the car window.

Family safety During COVID-19 Outbreak

11. Be with friends or a crowd.

It is harder to commit a crime if people have someone with them. Victims are easier to victimize if they are alone. Even having other people nearby make it less likely a crime will occur.

Partake responsibly. If you do drink, or use other drugs, do not do so to excess. Having one’s mind impaired makes it more difficult to sense danger, make safe choices, or react appropriately to a situation.

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12. Family safety During COVID-19 Outbreak

If possible, do not drink at bars alone. Always have a safe way to get home if you are too buzzed to drive, whether friend, Uber, bus or cab.

Pay attention to your drinks at bars, parties, even with a date. “Date rape drugs” slipped into unwatched drinks can lead to assault, rape, or the like.

13. Be aware of your surroundings.

You do not need to be obsessively vigilant on every little detail or go into paranoid fantasies. However, being aware will keep you from accidents and show potential criminals that you are paying attention.

  • Avoid constantly texting, talking on your phone, or otherwise allow devices to make you oblivious to your surrounding.
  • Do not have your earbuds on blasting music.
  • Pay attention to the people who are around you. If a drunk person is yelling obscenities down the street, you can notice him or her and avoid trouble.

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14. Wear brightly colored or reflective clothing.

While this may seem counterproductive — after all aren’t you supposed to not draw attention to yourself? — it actually helps you out in a couple different ways.

  • Be visible. Brightly colored, reflective clothing and lights (such as a headlamp or bicycle lights) helps lessen the danger from car accidents. Wearing dark clothes at night can make you practically invisible. And traffic accidents are far more likely to happen than any crime.
  • It also can make you less of a target. Bright colors have a correlation with confidence and it can make someone who was going to mess with you, less likely to do so, because you’re so visible.

15. Avoid walking in unlit areas with little foot traffic, such as alleys or parks.

While unfortunate things can happen even in well-lit areas.

Someone can attack you much more easily in a darkened area.

And it will be much harder to get help should you need it.

  • Stick to well-lit, public thoroughfares, roads, and paths for walking.
  • The more people around, the better.

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Family safety During COVID-19 Outbreak

16. Make sure someone knows where you are and what you are doing.

If something happens to you, you definitely want to have at least one person.

Who knows what you were doing and where you were going.

  • If you have to walk somewhere at night, make sure that a friend or trusted person knows the route that you took. This way if something does happen to you they know where to start looking.

Family safety During COVID-19 Outbreak

17. Have emergency phone numbers memorized.

In this day and age your phone contains so much information that it’s tempting not to memorize any of those numbers.

You need to make a contingency plan in case you lose your cell phone, it gets stolen, or it runs out of batteries.

  • Along with the obvious emergency numbers (like the police or fire department) you should have a friend or two that you can call if you run into difficulty.
  • If you can, try to have these numbers be people who live in your area. While it can be tempting to call mom, she might live thousands of miles away and not be able to help you out at all.

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Family safety During COVID-19 Outbreak

18. Follow the buddy system.

If you’re going out at night, especially if you’re going out clubbing or drinking, try to go with your friends.

Make a plan before going out at night designating who is buddied up with whom.

This way you’ll only have to keep track of one other person and you’ll know that someone is looking out for you, too.

  • If there is a designated driver, have them be in charge of making sure that all the friends are okay. You should also make sure that they get everyone’s keys, so no one else tries to leave without them.

19. Keep track of your how much you drink.

If you have to go to the bathroom, go outside for a smoke, or something.

And you haven’t finished your drink, leave it with a trusted friend.

You can’t tell if someone has tampered with your drink (like if it has been roofied).

  • Just remember that even if someone does tamper your drink, it isn’t your fault. It’s the fault of the person who tampered the drink.

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Family safety During COVID-19 Outbreak

20. Try to always have money for transportation.

Whether it’s cab fare to get you back home, or it’s money for the bus or subway, make sure that you always have the right amount to get you back from wherever you are.

  • Keep your backup money separate from the money you’re spending at night. This way you won’t decide to spend your money on the night out, rather than on getting home.
  • This is important even if you’re just coming back from work at night. If something makes you uncomfortable or nervous you want to have enough money to get yourself out of the situation by taking a cab or bus, if you need to.

21. Know when the last bus leaves.

If you’re out late and you need to catch a bus, or subway make sure that you know when the last one leaves.

This way if you do miss it you don’t have to wait around at the bus stop or tube station.

  • Make sure to have a contingency plan for if you do get stranded.
  • Keep the number of a local cab company with you, or have a friend that you can call if you need to.
  • If you do take a bus late at night, sit near the driver. It’s much more likely that you’ll be robbed or harassed if you sit in the back of the bus than if you sit near the driver.

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22. Have emergency numbers easily accessible.

If you’re at home, especially if you’re by yourself, you need to make sure that you have any emergency phone numbers as accessible as possible, that way if something happens you don’t have to go on the hunt for them.

  • Have the numbers of emergency responders like the police, the fire department, or an ambulance.
  • You might also have poison control centers, or a local consulting nurse number in case of an accident or illness that you’re not sure constitutes an emergency.
  • Have the number of a trusted neighbor or local friend that you can contact if something happens.

Family safety During COVID-19 Outbreak

23. Place emergency devices in an easily accessible place.

If there’s been a fire or an accident, or so on you don’t want to have to dig through a bunch of stuff to find your emergency devices. Make sure everyone in the house knows where they’re located.

  • Keep the first aid kit in the bathroom in the same place so that you don’t have to hunt for it if it’s needed.
  • Make sure that you have one or more fire extinguishers in the right places around the house: in the kitchen and by a fireplace are two good places. Also, you want to ensure that you and the people in your household know how to use the fire extinguisher in case there’s an emergency.
  • Place a flashlight in an obvious place. If the lights go out or there’s a problem, you’ll know exactly where the flashlight is.

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24. Make emergency plans.

While you can’t plan for everything, it’s a good idea to have an emergency plan for the major problems that could happen while you’re at home, especially if you’re at home alone.

  • Have multiple escape routes for if there is a fire. Make sure that everyone in your household knows what to do and where to go.
  • Depending on where you live you might have an emergency plan for a tornado, a hurricane, an earthquake, and so on.
  • You might also try to make an emergency plan for if you ever had a home invasion: you might also figure out escape routes out of the house, where you might hide in the house, where you would go for help, and so on.

Family safety During COVID-19 Outbreak

25. Install an alarm system.

It’s really important that you have an early alert system for any problems that might happen while you’re in the house. This could be anything from a fire, a carbon monoxide leak, or a home intruder.

  • There are a variety of different alarm systems. Figure out which one works for you, or what your needs are. If carbon monoxide isn’t a problem in your home, for example, then you won’t need an early alert system for it.
  • Always make sure that your alarm system is set and that it has all the appropriate batteries and wiring. There’s not much point in having an alarm system that’s never functional.

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26. Keep doors and windows locked.

Unless you live in a place where no one locks their doors (many small towns) then you should keep these locked, especially if you’re home alone.

This is particularly important on the ground floor which can create easy access for any burglars or intruders.

  • Depending on the area you live in, you may need to install bars on your windows, especially at the ground floor.

Family safety During COVID-19 Outbreak

27. Never tell someone that you’re home alone.

If someone comes to the door and asks to speak with you about something, avoid telling them that you’re the only one there. If you live in an apartment building and someone you don’t know wants to buzz you in, avoid doing so unless you’re absolutely sure of them.

  • You also don’t want to post on Facebook or other social media how you’re home alone.
  • This is especially important if you’re a kid and you’re at home alone. While things rarely happen the way they do in movies (like Home Alone, for example) you don’t want to risk anyone deciding your house is vulnerable because you’re the only one there.

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28. Make sure the spare key is difficult for a potential intruder to find.

The best thing to do with a spare key is give it to a trusted neighbor and get it from them if you lock yourself out. Otherwise you should make certain to hide the key really well.

  • This means, don’t hide it under the front mat, or a nearby flowerpot.
  • That’s the first place a potential intruder will look.
  • An example might be hiding a key to the shed on a hook beneath the back porch and having to use the key to the shed to get the house key from a hiding place in the locked shed.

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Family safety During COVID-19 Outbreak

29. Don’t go into the house if it looks like it’s been broken into.

If you get home and see a broken window or the door open when it shouldn’t be, then you should not go and investigate. Instead go to a neighbor’s house and call the cops.

  • If a light is on that shouldn’t be on, call the home phone and check that it isn’t a family member back when you didn’t expect them.
  • Checking to see if the intruder is still in your home can lead to bad consequences for you, so it’s best to call the cops and let them handle it.

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30. Make duplicates of important documents.

If something happens to your passport, or any important travel documents (like an identification card, any visa information, etc.) you want to have duplicates of those to show to police or to a consulate.

  • Keep your duplicates in a different place than your actual documents. For example, if you have a purse you’re keeping all the important documents like passport and so on, keep your duplicates in a different bag.
  • You should also leave duplicates of everything with a trusted friend or family member. That way if everything gets lost or stolen you can contact them and get the copies of the documents from them.

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Family safety During COVID-19 Outbreak

31. Do research before you go.

Know as much about the area you’re traveling to as possible.

Find out what places are safe and what places aren’t safe, so that you know what areas to avoid.

  • Make sure you’re aware of local customs so you don’t offend people. There are certain gestures in the U.S., for example, that are extremely rude in other parts of the world.
  • Ask locals where is safe to go. The locals are the ones who are the most likely to recommend good places to go, as well as where to stay away from. There are lots of websites (like the one for Couchsurfing) where you can connect up with people from the area over the internet and they should be able to give you information.

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Family safety During COVID-19 Outbreak

32. Learn something of the local language.

While you’re probably not going to be able to become fluent, you should at least make sure you can access enough of the language to communicate if you get into trouble.

  • Have a sheet of important phrases (not just “Where’s the bathroom?”) with things like: how to get to the train/bus station, where is the nearest police station/home country consulate, internet cafe, and so on.
  • Knowing enough to make basic communication with local people will make locals more likely to help you, because you have made an effort to be more than just a tourist.

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33. Inform a trusted person about your itinerary.

This is especially important if you’re traveling alone. Somebody who is responsible should know where you are supposed to be and what you’re supposed to be doing. This way, if you don’t show up at the place you’re supposed to be, someone will be able to start making inquiries.

  • If your itinerary changes make sure that you connect with your trusted person and let them know that it has changed.

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34. Have a decoy wallet and phone.

A decoy wallet is basically a wallet that has an expired credit card, maybe an old i.d. card, and a few smaller denominations of whatever country’s currency you’re using. If you have a decoy wallet and someone robs you, they’ll only get the decoy wallet.

  • Do not bring your fancy phone or wallet packed with money with you traveling. You’ll be far more likely to be robbed.

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35. Do not flaunt valuables while travelling.

While you can be robbed just as easily at home, it’s more likely to happen when you’re an obvious tourist in a place that you don’t know well. Local ne’er do wells know to target tourists, because they are often well off, distracted by the fun of vacation, and possibly a little naive. Local police may be badly equipped to help you out, too.

  • Valuables can mean jewelry, phone, laptop or wallet…but it may be less obvious things like a denim jacket or designer purse.
  • You also want to not stand out too strongly as a tourist by wearing T-shirts from your hometown, keeping your camera out constantly for photos, or dressed like a stereotypical tourist.
  • If possible, don’t bring your expensive jewelry, watch, cell phone, laptop, and so on with you at all when you go traveling.

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Family safety During COVID-19 Outbreak

36. Keep an eye on your important items.

Always stay alert when you’re traveling. It can be easy to drop your vigilance for a moment, but that’s the moment when someone can snag your camera, or your purse.

  • Make a mental checklist of your most important items (like your wallet, your phone, your passport, etc.) and pause every now and then to make sure they’re still there. It’s easy to get flustered or in a rush while traveling and that’s when you tend to lose things.
  • Check around your area if you’ve been sitting somewhere for awhile or before you get off something like a bus.

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37. Separate your cash.

Never, ever, keep all your cash in one place. Spread it out through your things. Keep some in your decoy wallet, some in your actual wallet, some in your bag, in your sock, in your other bag.

  • This way, if one thing gets stolen or you get robbed, you won’t be completely without money.

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38. Stay aware.

When you’re traveling it’s easy to get into a different headspace, one that isn’t very aware. You’re stressed, you’re hurrying, you’re wanting too look at lots of things, it’s totally understandable.

  • The reason people tend to be robbed while they’re traveling isn’t because other countries are more crime-ridden than your country. It’s because you’re more likely to be paying attention when you’re home and you’re more likely to notice when something is out-of-place.
  • Thieves can orchestrate or take advantage of a chaotic situation to rob you. If a bunch of people are swarming around you, pay attention for any little hands in your pockets.
  • The more alert you look, the less likely you are to be pinpointed as an easy target.

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Family safety During COVID-19 Outbreak

39.Be skeptical of anyone who is being overly nice.

Thieves can orchestrate situations where they distract you by “helping” you while a confederate robs you. Be wary of anyone who is too nice.

  • Unless everyone in the area is super nice, then you should be skeptical of anyone who is going above and beyond, or is incredibly insistent about offering you some assistance that is very distracting.

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Family safety During COVID-19 Outbreak

40. Trust your gut.

If a situation or person feels unsafe they probably are. You might be picking up on subconscious signals. Even if they are perfectly fine, it’s better to be safe then to get into a bad situation because you didn’t trust your instincts.

  • Always bring a can of pepper spray. This is a defense tool that can help you stay safe.

  • Stay away from strangers.


Keep your valuables out of sight of any windows, especially on the ground floor, most especially if they’re open. People can easily climb through the windows and grab the valuable item and run.

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