114 Fiverr Editing Terms for Money Making Business

Fiverr editing: When creating new pieces of writing, film or photography, the editing process helps ensure the piece is ready for public consumption. Editing removes mistakes and flaws and sometimes adds content or details to help the piece achieve its best form. Whether you’re a creator or an editor, knowing editing terms and their meanings can help you work more effectively within the creative process.

In this article, we review editing terms for the categories of copy editing, video editing, sound editing and photo editing.

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About This Gig

*Please message before ordering – Most clients have custom needs and need a custom package tailored to those needs.*

Do you want to compete as a professional actor?

I have clients who are series regulars, clients from Oscar-nominated films, guest-star actors looking to separate themselves from their competition, and beginner professionals looking to start building their resume.

Working alongside some of the top casting directors and talent agencies in Los Angeles, I have an in depth knowledge of Film/TV casting and actor marketing.

Demo reels are a marketing tool that can open doors, and also shut doors if not approached correctly.

I will make you the most marketable as an actor.

For longer, extended reels: I only recommend them for name talent, and those with many guest star or serious film credits looking to have a longer reel for new agent marketing, pitch packages, etc.

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Fiverr editing

Let’s get to work 🙂

*Please message before ordering – Most clients have custom needs and need a custom package tailored to those needs.*

Please Note: I edit actor demo reels, and do not edit hosting/promo/or any other reels. I have professional hosting and promo clientsbut only do these on a case-by-

I’m a Los Angeles professional with an in-depth knowledge of the business of casting and actor marketing. I have clients from Oscar-nominated films, TV series regulars, and also clients with only short/student films under their belt. Let’s get to work.

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Fiverr editing

  1. Annotation: This refers to an editor adding notes or comments about portions of text beside the text in a document.

  2. Mark up: An editor creates a markup by annotating a document with suggested changes or corrections.

  3. Line editing: This refers to editing the style or phrasing in a document.

  4. Copy editing: This refers to removing inconsistencies and errors, like spelling errors, in a document.

  5. Hard-copy editing: An editor makes edits on a paper copy of the document.

  6. Mechanical editing: This refers to correcting various issues in the text of a document without changing the content.

  7. Proofreading: This refers to editing a document one final time to catch errors missed in previous steps.

  8. Proofs: These are the versions of a document printed before publishing, used during editing.

  9. Page proof: This is the printed initial draft of a document.

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  10. Revised proofs: These are the series of proofs of a document that include changes made during editing.

  11. Final proof: This is the final version of a document that’s ready for publishing.

  12. Substantiative editing: This process focuses on fixing the content and structure of a document.

  13. Developmental editing: This happens when an editor gives an author guidance on the content, structure or concept of a document during the initial creation stage.

  14. Style guide: This is the published set of standards for a style of writing.

  15. Style sheet: This is an author’s or institution’s set of stylistic preferences.

  16. Typesetting: This is the process of preparing images and text from a document for printing.

  17. Bibliography: This is a collection of cited sources in a document, often placed in alphabetical order at the end of the document.

  18. Cross-reference: This is a mention of another part of the same document.

  19. Dead copy: This refers to a typeset and proofread document.

  20. Kerning: This refers to the space between characters.

Fiverr editing

  1. Angle brackets: This is the name for the “<” and “>” characters.

  2. Apos: This is the shorthand name for “apostrophe.”

  3. Back matter: This refers to the material at the end of a document, like an appendix or bibliography.

  4. Callout: This refers to a note that designates placement of art or cross-reference on a hard copy.

  5. Lead: This is a journalism term for the first few sentences or first paragraph of a story, also spelled lede.

  6. Orphan: This happens when the first line of a paragraph appears by itself at the bottom of a page.

  7. Widow: This occurs when the last line of a paragraph sits by itself at the top of a page.

  8. Serial comma: Also called the Oxford comma, this comma precedes “and” or “or” in a list of items.

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  9. Sink: This refers to the distance from the top of a printed page to an element on the page.

  10. T of C: This term is shorthand for “Table of Contents,” also spelled “TOC.”

  11. Trim: This refers to shortening a document’s length.

  12. Trade books: These are books, often small paperbacks, meant for general readers instead of scholars or professionals.

  13. Typo: This refers to a misprint in a document, short for “typographical error.”

  14. Redline: This is a version of a document that shows edited, added or deleted text from a previous version.

  15. Justify: This term refers to setting text to align with a margin, usually left or right.

  16. Ragged right: This occurs when text in a document aligns with the left margin only, leaving the right edge uneven.

  17. Graf: This is a shorthand word for “paragraph” often used by journalists.

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  1. Aspect ratio: This refers to the dimensions of a video’s width and height, expressed as a simplified ratio.

  2. B-roll: This is supplemental footage that supports a scene, usually filmed between staged shots.

  3. Shot: This refers to a moment composed for the camera, with both an in and out point.

  4. Actuality: This is an unscripted and candid moment in a documentary.

  5. Assembly: This refers to the rough draft that lays clips in narrative order without using other editing techniques.

  6. Clip: This is a piece of footage in the timeline of a film.

  7. Bumper: This refers to a short audio and visual chapter break, usually lasting approximately six seconds.

  8. Call and respond: This happens when dialogue or action in a scene sets up and answers a question.

  9. Clean plate: This is a shot that captures the same environment of a previous shot without characters or props.

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  10. Codec: This refers to the video file’s compression type.

  11. Copy: This refers to any text seen on screen.

  12. Cut to clock: This is the term for specifically placing ad breaks in an edit for television broadcast.

  13. Footage: This refers to unedited, original video files, shot using a camera.

  14. Jar: This effect happens when something looks out of place in a shot.

  15. Keying: This refers to removing a specific color from footage.

  16. Ken Burns effect: This effect, named for filmmaker Ken Burns, involves panning and zooming into an image.

  17. Picture lock: This is a step in the film editing process that prevents any further visual edits to a film.

  18. Plate: This is the term for a “layer” in a video file that can stack to create an image or effect.

  19. VFX: This is the shorthand term for “visual effects.”

  20. Roll: This refers to footage storage, previously using a roll of film, but currently a camera’s memory card.

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  1. Cut: This is an instantaneous transition from one shot to another.

  2. Close up: This is a shot that tightly frames a subject, like a person’s face.

  3. Pan: This is a fixed, horizontal camera movement.

  4. Tilt: This is a fixed, vertical camera movement.

  5. Resolution: This refers to the clarity of a video, determined by the number of vertical and horizontal pixels it contains.

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  1. Levels: These are the effects of factors like exposure, saturation and contrast on an image.

  2. Exposure: This refers to the brightness level of the entire image.

  3. Contrast: This refers to the number of white and black pixels in an image.

  4. Highlight: This refers to the brightness level of the brighter parts of an image.

  5. Shadows: These affect the level of visible detail in darker parts of an image.

  6. Saturation: This is the level of intensity of colors in an image.

  7. Pixels: These are the small squares that comprise an image, visibly made of color but stored as individual data points.

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  8. Resolution: This term refers to the number of pixels in an image, with higher resolution meaning clearer images.

  9. Output resolution: This factor determines the size of an image when displayed through different devices.

  10. Compression: This process reduces a file’s size by eliminating duplicated or low-value data for storage.

  11. Optical zoom: This type of zoom achieves magnification by moving parts of a lens forward or backward.

  12. Digital zoom: This type of zoom achieves magnification by electronically spacing out pixels.

  13. Macro: This describes how well the camera can focus on objects closer than approximately 12 inches from the lens.

  14. Crop: This process reduces the size of an image by cutting pixels from the sides.

  15. Modes: These are different ways to display an image using specific color themes, like greyscale.

  16. Greyscale: This is the term for displaying an image solely with shades of black, grey and white.

  17. Vignette: This filter reduces the brightness or saturation of the edges of an image.

  18. Aliasing: This is the effect produced by square pixels trying to represent rounded or diagonal shapes.

  19. Jaggies: These are the jagged or stair-step effects on an image from aliasing.

  20. Bokeh: This term refers to the sparkling effect in an image caused by out-of-focus elements blurring together.

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  1. Overexposure: This happens when taking a photo in too-bright conditions, causing the image to lose detail.

  2. Underexposure: This happens when taking a photo without enough light, leaving the image dark and lacking detail.

  3. Black point: This level is an effect that further darkens the dark parts of an image .

  4. Brightness: This level is the effect that further brightens the bright parts of an image.

  5. Diffusion: This level adds an effect of soft, ambient light to an image.

  6. Focus: This describes the regions of an image that appear sharp and clear.

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    Fiverr editing

  1. Foley: This is the reproduction or creation of sound for film.

  2. Channel: This is the method used when capturing recorded sound.

  3. Mono: This refers to recording sound on a single channel, playing the same thing for both ears.

  4. Stereo: This refers to recording sound on two channels, left and right, and playing a distinct thing in each ear.

  5. Equalization: This happens by adjusting certain frequencies in an audio file to improve the sound, shortened to “EQ.”

  6. Track: This is audio recorded from a single microphone, and multiple mics generate multiple tracks.

  7. Gain: This is the term for the sensitivity level of a microphone.

  8. Clipping: This happens when a microphone receives too much sound input and interrupts, or clips, recorded audio.

  9. Noise: This refers to a sound that interferes with the main audio element in a track, like a speaking voice.

  10. Ambience: This refers to the environmental sounds of a location, like traffic or birdsong.

  11. Actualities: These are voices other than the narrator in a recorded audio file.

  12. Bed: This is a sound that runs beneath a track or other type of audio.

  13. Button: This term refers to a piece of music used to tradition between audio clips.

  14. Fade: This method refers to a gradual adjustment of sound volume from low to high or high to low.

  15. Dip: This is the method of fading a sound under a higher-volume track or audio, also called “duck.”

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  16. Mask: This occurs when a producer uses existing ambient sound to help transition or cover unwanted audio.

  17. Montage: This method combines several pieces of audio sequentially to form a single sound element.

  18. Split-track: This is an audio product, like a song or a recorded interview, with different audio in the right and left channels.

  19. Synch up: This process combines two or more pieces of audio to line up exactly.

  20. Dub: This refers to making a recording from a recording, like recording audio from video.

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  1. Hit hot: This occurs when an editor starts playing audio at full volume.

  2. Hit warm: This occurs when a sound editor starts playing audio at a medium volume.

  3. Cross-fade: This is the term for fading one sound out while fading in another sound.

  4. Fade to black: This refers to the process of fading sound’s volume down to inaudible levels, also called “fade away.”

  5. Room tone: This refers to the ambient sound level of an indoor space.

  6. Amplitude: This is the loudness of a sound at a moment in time, referring to the height of sound waves.

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There are a few effective strategies you can use while proofreading. Your first step should be to read your resume slowly from the beginning to check for spelling and grammatical errors. Then, run spell check on your computer and repeat this step (note that spell check is not always 100% accurate and won’t identify words like homonyms which are spelled correctly but misused in your text (such as “there”— there”—“they’re”).

Finally, read the resume backward, sentence by sentence. This is a very useful proofreading technique since it forces you to slow down and pay close attention to each phrase and sentence.

Updated: March 25, 2024 — 10:33 am

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