Top 5 Goat Farming Business

Goat Farming Business

Goat Farming Business : In the global Livestock sector of the agricultural industry, one of the must lucrative business you can ever venture into is the Goat farming business. Much economic value is attached to the meat derived from Goats given the fact that they are widely consumed and accepted as a n edible meat by people all over the world irrespective of tribal and religious differences. Goats (especially the Boer breeds) are also kept for milk production just like cows and the milk gotten from goats is highly nutritious and healthy. In many supermarkets in the United States of America, UK, Asia and Europe today, consumers are fast shifting from the consumption of other diary products to the consumption of goat milk which mainly comes in liquid form.

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Goat Farming Business

Coming down here to Nigeria, goats are mainly reared for meat production and not yet massively for milk production. Thus, the consumption of goat milk in Nigeria is not yet as high as the case seen in some other countries. Many indigenous farmers are yet to exploit the goat diary business and you can go into the production of goat milk which is still a less competitive business and make a lot of money for yourself. Anywhere you travel to in the world today, goat meat remains one of the bests you ever find in the markets. It is a very tasty meat which contains low fats than the poultry chickens and more protein concentrates than the levels found in cow meat (beef). This is the reason why it is regarded as a special and unique meat.

Goat Farming Business

The appealing taste of Goat meat is really a sensation and delicacy which I do not know how to comprehensively describe to you here. However, may other livestock products apart from the milk can be derived from different species of goats and they include yogurt, butter, ice cream, cheese, skin, manure, fibre, skin and many other things. Notably, the goat milk can offer much more than the cow milk. These and even more are the obvious reasons why many prudent and enterprising young farmers choose to raise goats so as to make more profits and maximize the returns from their investments in the business.

Many and endless opportunities are offered to livestock farmers operating in any location of the world by the goat business. When you go to places like Nepal and India, you will discover that goat farming is one of the most popular professions engaged in by the inhabitants there. It provides massive income for the citizens and families. Their larger scale goat farmers are also into the export of their goats as well as the derivatives. Presently, the countries with the largest population of goat farmers all over the world are Pakistan, India and China.

Goat Farming Business

New farmers join the business in these locations day by day and still have a great deal of profit potentials to explore because of the ready international markets. From reliable records, live young goats numbering around 1.3 million being imported per annum into Nepal from their neighbouring locations like India because even in their large capacity to produce goats, it is not yet sufficient to meet up with the domestic demands of both the product consumers as well as the new farmers who are trying to enlarge their businesses. This thus underlines the viability of the goat farming business in such areas.

However, the largest and independent exporter of goats as well as goat derivatives in the whole world is none but Australia. And even at that, they have not been able to meet up with the demand of the commodities within the countries that they make their livestock exports to. Thus, new goat farmers in Australia still have massive prospects of making a lot of money from the goat farming business.

Goat Farming Business

The United Kingdom (UK) is also not left out because countless and innumerable supermarkets and retail outlets operating in the location package and sell the meat of goats alongside other products derived from goats including cheese, yogurt, milk and butter. To crown it all, the UK goat farmers cannot even meet up with the extremely high local demands by the citizens and this still indicates the need for more livestock farmers to diversify their business into goat farming and make a lot of money serving the ever growing demands of the many consumers of goats and its derivatives in the location.

In the Nigerian scenario, the goat meat is a popular meat which is widely consumed locally. In fact, it is a well-known delicacy in the country. In the Igbo land, goats are called ‘Ewu’ and the Igbo man hardly jokes with the ‘Isi Ewu’ local dish. Also, many other tribes make their pepper soups and sauces using the goat meat and it is always a very delicious meal to eat. Honestly speaking, there are relatively few goat farmers in Nigeria.Related imageRelated image

Goat Farming Business

But many of them can be found in the northern regions. However, the country also imports goats from other neighboring countries like the Niger Republic. When you go to the Easter and Southern parts of Nigeria, they farmers there are popular for raising the Nigerian dwarf goat breeds. Mainly, they keep them on a subsistence basis (i.e basically for personal consumption sake) and even of they raise them on a commercial basis, they do so in relatively small quantities and sell them in their local markets rather than distribute them to other locations within the country or export them to the international markets. Still, the demand for goats and goat products keeps on rising within the country as the days pass by. Any livestock farmers in Nigeria who takes this goat farming business very serious is sure to make a lot of money from the business.

Goat Farming Business

When you start rearing goats in any part of the world, it will surely turn out to be a very profitable business venture for you. I will go on in this article to teach you how you can easily start this business even if you have a little capital and grow your goat farm into a very big size in a few years time irrespective of where you live in this world. That is why I am trying the much I can to make this article complete and all-embracing in ideas and knowledge abut the goat farming business so that people can read it and easily set up their own goat farms with great ease and start making money and giving testimonies about the business.

Let me throw light on the profitability of the Goat Farming Business. The profit potential associated with the marketing of goats and goat products is extremely high and inexhaustible. Using a dollar currency model for the sake of promoting the export of goats by small scale, medium scale and large scale goat farmers to many other countries, I will analyze the profitability of goat farming with special reference to Nigeria.

Goat Farming Business

If you measure the weight of a typical goat which has attained full maturity, you will arrive at a round estimate of 100 pounds. In many markets, goat meats are sold in pound measurements for an average rate of $1.5 for each pound. The implication of the business therefore is that a goats weighing 100 pounds will generate a minimum sales figure of $150 for the goat farmers and if a farmer raises around 500 goats to maturity in a year and sell each of them for at least $150, he will be making a total sales revenue of $75,000 for tat very year. The average cost of production for 500 goats is around $25,000 and when you subtract it from the sales revenue (i.e $75,000 – $25,000), you will have a remainder of$50,000 (approximately ₦8,000,000) as your net profit from the sales of just 500 goats. Is that not amazing and great ? Now, you are free to imagine what the case will be when you raise and sell 1,000 or 5,000 goats in a year. My friend, you will become a billionaire within the twinkle of an eye.

Goat Farming Business

However, take a very good note of the fact that it will definitely take fro two to three years before your goats can attain maturity and ideal market sizes. So in the analysis I gave above, I did it on the assumption that the farmer must have raised the goats to maturity. Yes, 500 goats is a very big quantity to manage but you can do it if only you can take your goat farming venture seriously. One or two staffs or even your children and family members can help you out at very little or no additional costs. But in the real business sense, a small scale goat farmer who produces up to 500 goats in 3 years must beat his chest because it is a very impressive achievement. Depending on the level of resources you have at hand, you can start this business on a small-scale basis too and expand it later as you grow.

As soon as you make up your mind to start raising goats, you need to figure out how to easily and simply establish your business in such a way that you will make profits from it and sustain it into the long-term future. Thus, you need to employ cost-effective and efficient measures in order to ensure that you remain in the business. Anyway, below are some of the vital steps and factors that you should consider and take full cognizance of before you can be able to set up and manage your lucrative goat farm successfully:

(1). Provide Pasture:
Find a good natural pasture with different types of grasses where your goats can graze and feed by themselves. Generally, goats are meat livestock animals and they feed on a wide variety of grasses, forage crops, silage, hay, grains, weeds, food item chaffs and left-overs and nutritious plant leaves including palm fronds, yam peels, breadfruit crumbs and leaves, among so many others. At different days and seasons, do not be surprised to see your goats eating different kinds of plants and rejecting some that they used to eat. Just acquire a cheap land (depending on the size of your goat farm) from a remote area or a village and covert it to your pasture field where your goats can wander freely and feed. Also make your grazing pasture near to fresh and sufficient drinking water for your goats at all times. Goats drink a lot of water as they feed.

Goat Farming Business

It is obvious that Goat enjoy roaming all over the fields and moving up and down whenever they are feeding. So, you need to get a sizable expanse of land that can comfortably accommodate them. They like walking separately from each other and hate being over-stocked in one area so as to get proper ventilation and reduce the spread of diseases among them as well. That is why goats hardly fall sick.

For each acre of land meant for pastures, you can keep 10 goats at most there. This expressly implies that you will need to have an average of 50 acres of grassy land to accommodate and sufficiently feed your 500 goats all year round. Goats are ruminant animals and feed mainly on leaves, plants, crops, weed, crumbs from food items and other formulated feeds. As you make the grazing land available for your goats available, always consider the fact that they reproduce from time to time. A female goat can give birth to either one, two or three (extremely rare) kids at the same time. However, you can control their reproduction by separating the he-goats and the she-goats in different sections of your farm and bring them together when you want them to beget kids. This will indeed help you to effectively manage your farming space.

Goat Farming Business

(2). Proper Fencing is necessary for your goat farm:
As soon as you get a grazing field for your goats, it is advisable to fence it all round. You can use barbwire or sticks to make your fence. However, the Barbwire is a more durable and protective material for the fencing goat farms. It will safeguard your goats from wandering away as well as wild animals. Also, I have come across goat farmers who use fierce dog species to protect their goats against harmful bush animals. Your fence can be around 1.2m long and that is a very ideal measurement. If you can afford to install the electric fences, it is much more secured and safe for goat farms.

Goat Farming Business

(3). Adequate Housing structures:
Houses are required in goat farms so as to provide shelter for your goats. When they get tired of eating or when the rain, sun or cold is too much, they can enter into their houses and find shelter and rest. So do well to construct suitable houses for your goats to always keep them comfortable because bad and harsh conditions always have negative effects on the health of goats. When the weather is cool, goats like to stay together in their houses and share their bodily warmth and when the cold goes away, the move outside to play, feed and enjoy the perfect weather conditions.

On an important note too, Goats are animals that likes having their privacy to an extent whenever they are kept indoors. As a result of this fact, make sure you subdivide their houses into smaller pens each of which will house a relatively few goats and give each of them maximum privacy and space to lie down and quietly chew their cords.

(4). Consider suitable Goat Species:
For different purposes, there are different species and breeds of goats. While some of the goat species are very suitable for the production of milk, others are raised for their meats and fiber derivatives. Also, some other species of goats can be suitable for all these purposes. While some goats grow well in certain conditions and areas, others may not survive in given conditions. These are reasons why you must start your goat farm with goat breeds that are popularly raised and consumed in your area of operation.

Goat Farming Business

Some species of goats that produces milk massively includes the Saanen, Toggenburg, Jamunapari, Alpine, Anglo Nubian breeds and many more. As for the meat-producing goats, you can start your farm with the Boer, Matou, Beetal, Black Bengal breeds among others.
Consider the availability of their specific feeds, vaccines and medicines, life span of the goats, the maturity size of the goats, the demand for each derivatives from goats in the consumer markets as well as the suitability of the environment for goat farming. You cannot raise goats for milk production in areas where the orientation to consume goat milk and goat diary products is very low otherwise, you will make losses and incur massive costs transporting your products to the location of your target consumers. Get a comprehensive list of the different breeds of goats available in your country and make a choice from the species according to what you want to produce and sell from your goat farm.

Once you make a choice and a decision on this, proceed to source your health goats from notable farms. Make sure that they have a good worming treatment and vaccination history so as to ensure that they are in good health conditions because most goats are susceptible to attacks by endo-parasites and stomach worm.

Goat Farming Business

(5). Ensure adequate Veterinary care:
On due periodic basis and at regular intervals, engage the services of veterinary doctors in your goat farm to check and monitor the health of your goats. Vaccinate your livestock as at when due, treat the sick ones as soon as possible and call for medical check-ups whenever you notice any signs of unusual weakness or sickness among your goats. This will ensure that the mortality rate in your goat farm will be minimized to a great extent and totally curbed if possible. The government agricultural agencies and institutions in many countries offer free or subsidized veterinary services to livestock farmers and this can save you a lot of running costs when you take a advantage of the opportunity. You can as well engage the services of a private veterinary doctor to take charge of the general health and hygiene of your goat farm.

Goat Farming Business

If you put all these aforementioned aspects of goat farming and even more of them in order, you will successfully set up your goat farm and manage it profitably to make a lot of money for yourself and your family. Draw up your budget before you start and consider funding your business through your personal savings or Agricultural loans provided by many government-established agricultural loan banks and institutions operating in your area.

Many goat farms do not feed their goats with formulated (hybrid) livestock feeds so as to save their farming costs. But if you have them available on a free or at much subsidized rates from the government, philanthropists and other donors, they are a very nice option of nourishing and fattening your goats. However, goats get more nutritional values from the consumption of plants, grasses and natural feeds.

Goat Farming Business

Expand your goat farm with time and employ some staffs to work with you depending on the size of your farm and the scope of operations so as to run your farm smoothly and efficiently. You can get even more expert tips on goat from an experienced goat farmer so as to equip yourself with a first-hand information and knowledge on how to successfully establish your goat farm, manage it profitably and expand it massively to ensure its long-term future sustainability and survival.

I am very sure you have comments to make about this post. Do not reserve them to yourself rather, feel free to express them in the comment section using the comment box below so that I and many other readers here will give your expert answers and necessary attention, assistance and support where relevant.

Goat Farming Business

For more lucrative business ideas, check out this blog every blessed day and read many of them as I publish them here. Also, browse my archive and read hundreds of business guides and articles which will teach you how to start different forms of businesses and start making money online and offline.

I see massive income prospects in agriculture especially in the goat farming business. So what about you?

Have a great day ahead!

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