Prevent Home Theft: Theft is an ever present threat to you and your family, no matter where you live.
Thieves and opportunists are always looking for easy targets to exploit and steal from.
Fortunately, with a few basic precautions, you can avoid becoming a victim of theft.
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Prevent Home Theft
1. Change your home’s exterior door locks if you’ve recently moved in.
For the optimum security, your home needs to be outfitted with strong deadbolts and door locks to keep your stuff and your family safe.
You can do this yourself, as door locks are easy and inexpensive to replace.
Once you do, always lock them and instruct anybody else you live with to always lock them.
- It’s possible that previous residents likely have kept a spare key, so it’s a good idea to change the locks if you’ve just moved in, to help prevent theft.
2. Consider getting an alarm system installed.
Having an alarm reduces the likelihood of a break-in, and makes the effects of a break-in much more minor.
You can engage the alarm when you’re away, as well as setting it to night or stay mode, for your own safety while you’re in for the night.
Invest in a system that will alert the police (or fire station) immediately and your home phone should receive a call from them asking if everything is all right.
- Shop around for the best monthly monitoring prices. The brands you probably recognise from television cost four times per month more than other companies that are probably local to you. Knowing the pricing of other companies will help you negotiate a lower rate.
- Be sure to set the alarm each time you go out, and change the code every year or two, using something hard to guess, but easy to remember.
- If the alarm company offers signs for windows or your lawn, use them. The whole idea is to make your home less attractive for potential burglars.
Prevent Home Theft
3. Have anti-shatter plastic installed on your windows.
You can help prevent theft at your home by putting a clear thick window film on your ground floor and basement windows to keep them from being broken.
There are clear, frosted and reflective (mirrored) films, depending on your privacy needs.
This is commonly used in countries with a high number of earthquakes to prevent shattering.
And is also useful to resist a break-and-enter type of theft.
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4. Keep an eye out for your neighbors.
Help your neighborhood by getting to know the cars and habits of your neighbors.
This may seem like a little thing, but thieves really do target places where they think they are blending in or not noticed.
Once they know someone is very aware of them, they will feel uncomfortable and will quickly move on.
As you probably can’t be at home all the time.
This works best if you can encourage your neighbors to do the same.
- If you see someone strange or a strange vehicle near your house, go out and offer to help them with directions (pretend to think that they are lost) or otherwise engage them “how are you, how is your day.” Be polite and never challenge them (“what are you doing here”) as a confrontation could be a risk to safety. A thief will talk as little as possible and then move on to another neighborhood.
Prevent Home Theft
5. Never invite strangers into your home.
If they arrive at your door, go outside to talk with them, locking your door behind.
Many thieves use some excuse to come into the home to get some idea of what to steal.
Going outside will help deter them. If they ask, politely say no.
- If they claim to be from your town government, ask to see ID first and take their picture using your mobile phone. A real government official won’t be upset by this and may even praise you on being safe.
- Always document strangers who come around or seem suspicious in some way. Take a quick picture just to have it in case something happens in the future.
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6. Get a dog.
Dogs, even small dogs and docile animals, can help to deter theft.
Thieves don’t want to mess with potential dog-alarms and bites.
If you’re concerned about security at your home.
Consider investing in a family pet who will have the added benefit of barking its head off any time someone comes around with ill intent.
This can help you feel safe and provide you with an added layer of security.
Prevent Home Theft
7. Keep things inside.
Be sure to put away bicycles, radios or anything of value away when you’re not using them or done for the day to reduce their visibility to the passer-by.
Expensive power tools, shoes and other things should never be left outdoors where they could be easily taken, or used to make breaking into your house easier.
8. Take things out of your car.
Never leave coins, banknotes, wallets, tablets, mobile phones or laptops visible through the windows of your car.
Take them indoors and store them properly. This can encourage vehicle theft, and possibly more.
Prevent Home Theft
9. Keep your blinds closed.
There’s no need to broadcast that you’ve got a big plasma screen television inside and a new Macbook sitting on your desk.
Thieves will be much less interested in gambling with what you’ve got inside if they can’t see it.
There’s no sense in drawing attention to what you’ve got.
10. Keep your garage door shut.
If you are one of the lucky ones with a garage and you keep anything like tools.
A bicycle or expensive vehicles in it, keep it closed most of the time to prevent anyone passing by taking note of what you have as an incentive to possibly break in later.
11. Keep your home well-lit.
Increase night visibility around your home by employing outdoor lighting.
Modern LEDs are waterproof and use much less wattage than conventional outdoor lighting.
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12. Eliminate hiding spots around your home.
Consider removing any bushes that are growing against the home providing hiding spots.
If you have a fence, keep the gates closed and put up no trespassing signs.
Which gives the message to thieves that you’re taking security seriously.
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13. Be careful on the Internet.
Don’t publish personal information such as your telephone number.
Address, and detailed lists of things you own and your daily activity.
If you let everyone know you’re out of the town for three days.
Your new stereo could become an attractive target for thieves.
- If you post a picture on social media at your house, be careful not to keep the GPS switched on, so everybody will find out where you live.
Prevent Home Theft
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