9 Tips to Starting Layer Poultry Business

Starting Layer Poultry Business: Do you have some amount of vacant place and thinking of using it for livestock farming? Give a try at layer poultry farming. India is among the top egg producing countries and is the 3rd largest egg producing country in the world. Thus layer farming is a great option to utilize your space for spinning some money.

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How to Start Lucrative Poultry Farming … https://constative.com/news/how-to-start-poultry-farming-in-nigeria/

In my earlier content you can find out how duck farming and chicken hatchery business is a successful business idea, likewise, farming of egg laying poultry birds is also a highly profitable business as the demand of chicken eggs are much higher in the market.


India has a population of over 1 billion and out of this over 80 % of people consumes egg, so by this, you can easily estimate the available market volume of layer farming. The complete market in India grows at an average of 7 % annually and the demand for eggs is much higher than the available supply at the current market position.



These two are the most important aspect of running any kind of business successfully. So you need to have a thorough knowledge about the layer farming and skills to run it successfully as you need to handle livestock and that is also in a quite a huge number.

There are many private and government institutions which offer courses regarding farming and livestock maintenance and different techniques to run the business in a successful way.

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To start your layer poultry farming business you need to have a sufficient space to breed the egg laying poultry birds as the growing chicks will need special care units and sufficient space to stay and grow to a healthy one.

You also need to seek permission from the legal authorities to start the business in the particular location as there may be restrictions in the law regarding to that.


The required capital will depend on the size of the business and banks can provide loans with refinance facility from NABARD for starting layer poultry farming.


Prepare a well-crafted business plan for the business as it is very necessary to get financial assistance from banks. A business plan is also helpful in running the farm properly and overcome the difficult situations.


As you will be dealing with livestock, the legal guidelines are quite strict about the same. So get the information of the different rules and regulation in prior to commencing the business to avoid issues in the coming future.


As you will be keeping the hen particularly for laying eggs, so you need to choose them very skillfully as there are hundreds of types of hen available in the market with different usage. Some are good for meat and some are good for laying eggs and you need to choose the perfect one for laying eggs. Below is the few checkpoints that you need to follow for buying the chicks: –

  • The chicks need to be of higher quality.
  • The chosen breed of chicks needs to have a high egg laying capability.
  • Check the details of the chicks from the catalogue before buying as they need to be healthy.

You skill and knowledge will play a vital role in the selection of the egg laying poultry birds.


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The first few weeks of the chicks are very critical and they need special attention and care to survive. They will need special medication and training to adjust to the new place and as they will be transported from a distant place they might stop drinking water and having food. So you need to take necessary steps for that.

Even after the chick grows up, you need to pay continuous attention to them and take necessary steps like lip cutting and vaccination along with proper medication and feeding.


Few diseased chicks can spread their germ to the complete livestock and within no time it can kill all of them. So, timely vaccination is a must in layer poultry farming to avoid mass loss of the livestock. There are many other benefits of vaccinations too like: –

  • Vaccination increases the resistance power.
  • Keeps them safe from infective and communicable diseases.
  • It will reduce the mortality rate thus will bring more profit to the business

Starting Layer Poultry Business


Mechanical egg collection process is commonly used in modern layer farming, but it can also be done manually but needs to be done on regular basis. Manual egg collection can be a difficult process if the count of egg laying birds is high. The collected eggs need to be transferred from the hen house to the egg room and then they are packed after checking. Egg grader machine can be used to separate eggs on the basis of size and weight.

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Maintaining the rate of laying eggs and keeping the mortality rate to the least are the main challenges of layer poultry farming business. Selling the eggs to the market or wholesalers directly is a good option to earn a high margin of profit and roll the stock of the eggs.

So if you have enough space and required skills begin your own layer poultry farming business and enter the world of farming.

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