Top 3 Media/Entertainment Business Tips

Media/Entertainment Business Tips: The media and entertainment industry is a broad umbrella term for any business or company involved in fields such as live .

The media and entertainment industry is a broad umbrella term for any business.

Or company involved in fields such as live entertainment, broadcasting, filmed entertainment, journalism.

Although most of us associate this industry with pure relaxation.

Seeing a movie after work, for example, or relaxing in front of the television on a weekend.

Businesses rely heavily on the media and entertainment industry for their marketing and branding efforts.

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Media/Entertainment Business

If you own your own business, there are many ways the media and entertainment industry can help you with promotion and advertising.

If you provide a service or product useful to the media and entertainment industry, you may opt for direct sales.

To find PR opportunities that can expand your business and to learn more about media and entertainment basics, consider:

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Media/Entertainment Business Tips

1. Forming advertising trade-out agreements that position your product in movies and television at little cost.

2. Developing media and entertainment contacts to promote your business.

3. Hiring celebrities to testify that your product is great–in front of the press.

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Media/Entertainment Business:

1. Create trade-out deals with the entertainment business to have your products showcased

Trade-outs are a way for businesses to provide producers with the items– books.

Furniture and other accessories–they need on the set.

Producers often get props and needed furnishings for their sets while companies get a great branding and promotion opportunity.

Trade-outs are often less expensive than product placement deals.

But require signing a contract and providing customized products free of charge.

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Media/Entertainment Business

2. Develop contacts in the entertainment and the media field to promote your business

The media entertainment industry works largely on contacts, so developing contacts in the field is essential.

If you want your business to be mentioned in a local newspaper or news show.

For example, it will be much easier to accomplish this if you know people in the local media.

An entertainment industry directory or media directory can also help you develop a mailing list if you have products or services you can offer the media and entertainment industry.

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Media/Entertainment Business

3. Find celebrities willing to testify about your product or business

Celebrities are always in the public eye, so when they endorse your company, many fans will listen.

Celebrity endorsement deals also mean that the entertainment companies celebrities work with will hear about your product.

You dont have to contact public figures directly–a number of services will find celebrities willing to ink an endorsement deal with you.

  • When contacting entertainment or media companies for marketing opportunities or to offer a service or product, realize that professionals in these fields are busy.
  • Practice your pitch until you can explain yourself in a sentence or two.

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