How to Break in a New Composite toe safety shoes

Composite toe safety shoes

Composite toe safety shoes: Have you ever bought a new pair of shoes only to find that they kill your feet? Well, don’t take them back. They can be fixed simply by breaking them in.

You’re not really breaking them, but you’re getting them used to your |feet.

Here are some tips that should help you mold the new shoe to fit your feet.

Wear your new shoes around the house.

Before you go out in them, try walking upstairs, standing around (cooking dinner, playing with kids, etc.), sitting down, and even running.

  • This is the most-trusted method for easily and lightly breaking in your new shoes.
  • If you have nice leather or dress shoes — shoes that you would be frustrated to see scuffed, altered, or even discolored — this method is the safest to try.

    Composite toe safety shoes

Wear your shoes little and often at first.

When you try out new shoes before you’ve bought them, you rarely walk away with sore feet, right? That’s because you haven’t donned your shoes for long enough to cause any pain (or alter the frame of the shoe to fit your foot). So, when breaking shoes in at home, wear them early, wear them often, and don’t feel like you need to put your shoes on for hours at a time to notice a difference.

  • In fact, start with wearing your shoes 10 minutes at a time in the beginning. Try this for a couple of days. Gradually, wear your shoes for 10 minutes more, every couple of days, until you’re wearing the shoes for an hour at a time.
  • By this time, the shoes should be tamed!

Bring your shoes to work.

 Wear some old shoes to work, but when you’re sitting at your desk, bust out your new ones and simply get in the habit of having them on your feet.

This is a simple way to break in your new shoes while saving time.

Wear them with socks.

This way, you can tell if you need socks when you wear them.

This can also prevent blistering when getting used to new shoes.

  • Wear your shoes with socks that are a little bigger than you normally would use.
  • Try thick cotton socks, and squeeze them into the shoes.
  • Don’t do any heavy walking, or you’ll give yourself blisters. Just keep your feet in the shoe. The size of the sock will help stretch out the frame.

Composite toe safety shoes Freezing

Fill up two sandwich bags halfway full of water.

Make sure the bags are big enough so that they’ll put pressure on the shoe when they expand in the freezer.

  • When you seal the plastic bag up, remove any air from the inside of the bag.
  • This will make it easier to mold the water inside the bag to the contour of your shoe.
  • This method will involve placing your shoes in the freezer for an extended period of time, during which time they may get wet. Be sure that the shoes you are using with this method aren’t irreplaceable or susceptible to water damage.

    Composite toe safety shoes

Place one of the baggies in each shoe.

Make sure that the seal is tightly locked.
You don’t want your shoes covered in ice when you remove them from the freezer.

Put the shoes in a bigger, sealed plastic bag and place them into the freezer.

Your shoes should contain a smaller plastic bag inside the cavity and a larger one protecting it from outside moisture.

Wait for 3 to 4 hours.

 When the water inside the shoe freezes, it expands, putting pressure on the cavity in the shoe and breaking them in.
The advantage of using water as opposed to a shoe stretcher is that the water will adjust to the contours of the inside of your shoe perfectly.

Take the shoes out of the freezer.

The water-filled baggies should now be solid ice.

Take the baggies out of your shoe.

You may have to wait a few minutes in order to slide them out easier.

Try on your shoes.

Once the shoes have warmed up a bit, try walking in them and even running and jogging in them if they are athletic shoes.

Heating Shoes Up

Wear the shoes for 10 minutes.

Get the shoes on your feet, preferably with socks, and walk around for no more than 10 minutes. This is just to get them prepped.

Take the shoes off and stretch manually.

If the shoe permits, bend it upwards and downwards a few times.

Blast the shoe with heat.

Heating the shoe will expand the material, especially if it’s leather, making it more supple.

  • Use a hair drier, turned to a hot (but maybe not hottest) setting, and heat the shoe up for 2 to 3 minutes.
  • If you don’t have a hair drier, try placing your shoes next to an indoor heater, or even directly out in the sun. Some heat is better than no heat.

    Composite toe safety shoes

Immediately after heating, wear the shoes.

Wear them around for another 10 minutes, walking, sitting, or even running.

Repeat at least one more time.

Your shoes will be tangibly more comfortable after a couple of heat treatments.

If possible, buy a shoe stretcher.

These can help your shoes get a little less tight.

If you don’t want to buy a stretcher (though they can be cheap online), taking the shoe by the heel and the tip and flexing it back and forth works just fine.

  • Make sure you wear your shoes after using the flex method or your shoes will lose their shape!

Use a potato.

Peel a large potato and leech some of the moisture off with a paper towel.

Place the potato inside the cavity of the shoe and leave overnight.

Remove in the morning.

  • Make sure the potato is slightly bigger than the opening of the shoe, but not so big that it warps the toe box out of shape. You may need to carefully remove a portion of the potato so that it follows the shape of the shoe while still giving the material a little stretch.

    Composite toe safety shoes

Purchase some stretching spray.

Spray the shoes with some stretching solution, following instructions on the packaging.
Most of the time, instructions will recommend that you manually stretch the shoe back and forth in between sprays.

Get a cobbler to machine-stretch shoes for you.

 Americans spend nearly $2 million on shoe stretching per year.
A cobbler will spray the shoe with a stretching solution and then stretch the shoe over a machine for a couple of hours while it dries. This shouldn’t cost more than $20.

Avoid these gimmicks.

Some shoe-stretching techniques plain don’t work or are bad for your shoes.

Especially nice leather ones. Avoid the following breaking-in techniques:

  • Applying rubbing alcohol on your shoes. Alcohol can leave unsightly marks on nice leather shoes, as well as rob the leather of its natural oils.
  • Hitting the shoes with a hammer or another hard object. Hammering the backs of shoes could work, but at what cost? Is it worth it to have broken-in shoes that are actually broken?
  • Having someone with bigger feet break your shoes in. Having someone with bigger feet break your shoes in is immoral and ineffective. Not only are you placing the burden of pain on another person (poor, poor person!), you’re also letting the shoes conform to his or her feet, not your own! Avoid.

Composite toe safety shoes

More tips

  • If you’re intending on wearing your new shoes out, have a spare old pair in case your feet start blistering.

  • Do your best to buy the right size in the first place.

  • Don’t wear your new shoes out of your house! They could get dirty and then you can’t wear them around your house.

Composite toe safety shoes


  • These methods may prevent you from being able to return your shoes if needed.

  • Water can damage some shoes. Read the label first

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