How to Start Airtime Printing Business

How-to-start-airtime-printing-business-in-Nigeria :Recharge card printing business in Nigeria has been the in-thing since the advent of cell phone; many Nigerian youths have made fortunes out of recharge card printing business.

You too, can avail yourself of this opportunity, and start printing your recharge card, and as well, sell them to recharge card vendors within your neigbourhood.

Starting recharge card printing business is not hard, what you need do is to ensure that you follow the laid down procedure that I am going to explain in this article.

One thing is very important; you need to have someone in Nigeria who is a recharge card dealer.

He is the person that will be supplying you with ePins. Besides, there are other things you need before you can start printing your recharge card, and these things are:

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Things that is needful before venturing into start recharge card printing:


Your either secure yourself desktop computer or you buy yourself a laptop computer.


Printer is another machine you need for your recharge card printing business.

A4 papers:

You need A4 papers for your recharge card printing business.


You need ePins for your recharge card printing business, and this ePins can be ePins of any particular network you want to print.


You also need recharge card software to print your recharge cards, and example of this recharge card printing software is NetDivo ePin Manager.

Please note that access to internet in printing recharge card is optional, sometimes recharge card printing software does not required internet during recharge card printing, and your recharge card dealer may not stay far away from you, so if that is the case, you can always walk up to him and get your ePins.

But in case your recharge card dealer stays far away from you, then internet will be required to download ePins that will come to you via email. Let me strongly warn you here.


Never should you use cyber café to receive your ePins, else someone may gain access to your email, always do it on your personal computer.

Having put all the necessary things mentioned above in place, your desktop computer or your laptop computer, A4 papers, printer among other printing equipment, you can then move on to download the software, I mean the recharge card printing software, and then install the recharge card printing software in your computer.

Be sure that you take your time to learn effectively how to use this apparatus.


Learn how to use NetDivo ePins manager software:

Like I have said earlier, you have to learn how to use NetDivo ePins manager software in printing recharge card for your business.

To effectively study this apparatus, there is provision made for you.

Simply do this, ‘download recharge card printing pdf’ by NetDivo.

Here, you can learn the way NetDivo ePins manager software is working, and this is what will help you in your recharge card printing business.


Another option is that it is possible for you to ‘download NetDivo recharge card printing software, having download it, install it free on your either desktop computer or your laptop computer, and make sure you activate it otherwise, you will not be able to access it, lest alone to use it. Activating the NetDivo software is not cost, with about ten thousand naira, you can activate the NetDivo software.


Once you have paid the ten thousand naira in order to activate the NetDivo software, this activated copy of NetDivo becomes your own, and sample of ePin file will be forwarded to you, and you can then print it out to be used only for training purposes. Also, details of places you can purchase your ePin, contact address will also be forwarded to you, and where you can purchase every ePin network in Nigeria.


Commitment and dedication toward understanding this apparatus will give you the effrontery to learn the software effectively to gain mastery over the software for the commencement of your recharge card printing business. Once you might have mastered the soft ware and understand how to use it, then you are on your way to engage in money spinning recharge card business.


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However, having mastered the job, and get all the contact addresses, where you can afford your ePins, you can then move on, and order for your ePins. The ePin will be forwarded to you, once received, you can then upload it, and that will go directly to your recharge card printing software, that is when you have began your airtime printing business, you can then begin to print them out accordingly.


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Having printed out carefully the recharge cards, you should not hesitate to sell your recharge cards and make your own money. Do not forget, I have said that, recharge card printing business in Nigeria is a money spinning adventure, and you should also note that the degree at which you sell your recharge cards will be determined to a large extent the volume of money will make in your recharge card printing business in Nigeria. As I am about to sign out, I wish to inspire you by remembering you that recharge card printing business in Nigeria is the hottest, and I have said it a good number of time that Nigerians have made fortunes out of recharge card printing business in Nigeria. Last thing;

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Registration for recharge card printing business in Nigeria is not actually cost, you do not need to pay any money, all that you need to do is that, you will have to provide an authentic means of identification to prove that you are the real owner, or that you owned a recharge card printing business in Nigeria. Moreso, I did not tell you this, but I think it is proper to tell you that, if you really interested in starting and owning recharge card printing business, you have to be prepare, because as a starter, you are expected to at least buy a minimum of one hundred pins for a start. And again, when looking for a recharge card dealer to be buying your pin from, make sure that the person you are meeting is the real and authorized recharge card dealer so that you do not fall into the hands of fraudsters.

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